Chapter 1: Reincarnation
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Chapter 1: Reincarnation


The rain fell heavily upon the silent street, leaving only the sounds of water splashing against the floor in the middle of the night.

A woman ran swiftly through the streets while holding a big basket covered in many cloths to protect whatever was inside it from the rain.




The cries of a baby could be heard from inside the basket, that after being accidentally shaken constantly by the running woman, woke up and started crying due to the sudden movement of the basket.

Soon, the woman stopped her running and stood in front of an average looking house. Not too big nor too small. If you compared it to the other houses in the area, then you could say "average" for sure.

"I'm sorry Sid, but I can't bring myself to bring you with us to our journey through the seas. If something happened to you while we travel across the seas then I don't know what I could do. At least with this family, you will be able to live a normal life and be secure. Who knows... maybe in the future you will become a renowned marine and will capture me and your father, hehehe...." The woman chuckled softly while little tears left her eyes.

Soon, the woman gently kissed the forehead of the baby before knocking the door and preparing to leave.

"Live free Sid..."

After saying those words, the woman ran swiftly through the streets once again and left the place before someone could open the door.

Now alone in the middle of the rain, the baby continued crying while feeling the disappearance of his mother.


"What is- Hmm?! What is a baby doing here?!" A woman with long dark auburn hair and a black pajama said while opening the door and noticing the crying baby in front of it.

"What is it honey?" A bald man came from inside the house and called the woman after seeing her exclaim in surprise

"There's a baby here Harold! Someone put him in front of our door right before leaving"

"Let me see..."

The man hurriedly approached the basket and threw away the clothes that covered the baby.



"You're right... but... what should we do with this fella...?"

"Maybe we should call the marines, so that they take him to the orphanage..."

However, before they could even consider what to do anymore, a sudden childish voice came from inside the house.

"Mom? Dad?... what is happening?"

"Ryan we-"

"Uwaaaaa~! Is that a baby?! Could he be the little brother that you promised me a long time ago?!"

"No, he is-"

"Waaaah! He is so cute. Thanks mom!"

The parents looked at each other, and then ended up shrugging.

The family was already planing to have another child a long time ago, since their son kept pestering them day and night with that he wanted a little brother. However, it seemed that the baby had actually appeared on his own.

"At least I won't have to give birth again..." The mother muttered softly while standing next to her husband with a relieved expression on her face.

"Hmm? There's something else inside the basket..." The father soon noticed a small paper inside the basket that trembled sightly against the wind of the street. After approaching it and taking the paper, he read the contents aloud.

"Sid... So that's his name..."

"Sid? It's so cool!" The little kid said while chuckling at the name of his new brother.

"Oh look, it's opening his eyes!" The mother exclaimed after seeing the baby opening his eyes slowly.

"Woah! He has red eyes mom, That's so cool!"

"Yeah honey, it's cool, however, I'm pretty sure they are reddish brown" The mother said while sighing at his child overreaction.

"Why does it look like he is angry?" The father approached the group and frowned while looking at the face of the baby.

"Now that you mention it... he certainly looks a bit grumpy..."

"Hehehe, but it's funny anyways"






-Sid POV


What do they mean with 'Grumpy'?! Does that mean my grumpy expression actually followed me to this world?


Well, I can change that with my ability later anyways.

That aside, it seemed that I had become a bastard right after arriving at this world. Abandoned three seconds after reincarnating, that's pretty sad. Fortunately, this family seemed to have adopted me instantly after seeing their son so excited about me.

Good grief~ Don't worry big bro, I'll become the best mob little brother you can wish for!

Now, about my abilities, I can feel indeed that my mind is a lot better than in my past life. It's like my own mind is craving for knowledge to absorb! Completely opposite to my past life where I didn't even want to look at the books that my school gave me to study!

"Alright Ryan, time for bed. You can play with your new little brother tomorrow morning"

"Mouuu~ Alright, see you later Sid!" Ryan pouted before going back into what seemed to be his room.

"Awawah" (See you later big bro)

"Hmm... let's just hope this kid actually doesn't cause too much trouble on his first night here, I was finally having a good night of sleep" My new father sighed sightly after seeing me staring blankly at him.

He is probably a bit traumatized after seeing the hell that is to raise a child.

But don't worry father, I will only cry when I need food or I need to do my deeds. The rest of the time I will be training my own mind and preparing to become the strongest existence in this world. So you are free to rest without problem.

"Let's go little Sid, we need to go back to sleep" My new mother said while playing with her finger on my belly.

I let out a Mob baby like laugh at her, and then continued to observe my surroundings.


Hmm... strange... why do I feel so sleepy?

Good grief, It seems that even the great power in the shadows is not safe from tiredness.

Whatever, let's just replenish my energy for now. That way I can train later without falling asleep.

Now, I have to begin practicing the legendary techniques of the sacred art of Mob-Fu.

[Mob-Fu] First Series: Mob baby falling asle-





"Ah! Sid, what are you doing with the Navigation book from your father?!"

Shit! I was discovered. 

Abort mission, abort mission!

[Mob-fu] First series: Dumb mob baby act


"Ah, don't give me that, and watch out, you're drooling all over the place!" She said before taking the book far from my hands "Fuh~ At least the book wasn't damaged, now about you, you shouldn't be here little one! The next time the one angry might be Papa Harold!"

"Whaw" I feigned ignorance with a dumb face.

"Ah forget it, let's go. Your brother will play with you for now" My mother Julia said before picking me up and taking me out of the library of my father.


It won't take me much time to learn everything I need to know about navigating. What should I read after that?

Maybe I should read about medicine... I don't want to lose one of my limited amount of revivals just because I don't know how to treat a wound after all...

"Sid! What do you wanna do today? Maybe we can play with my toys for a bit!" Ryan asked me excitedly after mother left me here.

Hmm... maybe I could practice a bit my own accuracy when launching objects. That way I'll also be able to use guns in the future. As a power in the shadows I need to be versatile in every way of combat.

You don't know when guns are gonna be a huge advantage against an enemy.

"Let's go, yesterday father Harold bought me a new toy!"


"Hahahaha! Your grumpy face is so funny!"

But this is my normal face...

Sigh... whatever... When I grow up in the future I'll make your face to have a frown at every moment, so you know what it feels to have a grumpy face.

Good grief.

It seems I still have a long road ahead of me until I become the strongest.


Here's another chapter for today, as I feel inspired thanks to the music I listened to.

I hope you liked it!

Bye bye