Childlike Wonder pt2
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Jackson entered the waiting room, there were only three people in it.

"Um, hello everyone! My name is Jackson, and I'll be your supporter during the test."

After a few seconds of awkwardness a tall, blonde haired, blue eyed lady responded.

"Hello, my name is Sarah, and I'll take the role of Caster."

After a few more seconds of awkward silence the two others responded.

First was a muscular man with black hair and brown eyes.

"Hello, name's Marshall. Vanguard."

Then came a tall, lean, guy with brown eyes and brown hair.

"Hi, my name is Tunner, and I'm a swordsman, so vanguard as well."

After a bit more awkward silence Jackson broke it, again.

"Well, it's nice to meet you all, um, where is the moderator?"

Sarah responded first.

"He went to the bathroom before you came."

"Ah, ok."

He sat down on a bench in corner.

Awkward. Really REALLY awkward.

After a short time the moderator came into the room.

"Ah, a new face! What's your role in the team?"

"Ah, I'm a supporter sir!"

"A supporter eh? Many teams end up lacking one. They're not first pick. Not the ones people typically sing about. This team needs one though, we're waiting on another Swordsman."

Then the door opened.

"And here he is! What's your name son?"

"Um, Barry? Is everyone else here?

"Yes, now without further ado, we are off!"

Sarah interjected

"Just like that sir? With all due respect, shouldn't we have a debrief on where we are going?"

"Nope! Adventures tend to be random anyway!"

"May I at least ask how long this test will take?"

"Eh, really that depends on you, but probably a day or two. Hey that rhymed!"

Now they were walking out the adventurers guild and were on the way to the dungeon.

"Now the trip to the dungeon will take a day at least, so we best get moving."


Jackson heard the sound of a train in the distance, he always wanted to go on one.

"Ugh, it's so hot, hey moderator, how far would you judge we are from the dungeon?"

"Hmm, we've only been walking about an hour or two Barry, so about 7-8 hours more? Wait you guys are new, hmm, maybe 10 to 12? We'll still only get there by tomorrow though."

"Hey, What's your name, how are you not sweating like crazy?"

"Ah, my name's Jackson, and it's a spell I use."

The other group members besides the moderator turned to look at him.

"Uh, would you like to use it?"

He was sweating without the heat now.

Sarah responded first.

"Yes, please, I HATE the heat."

With a nod, Jackson expanded the spell to encompass the group.

Everyone, took in a nice deep breath. Then Barry spoke up.

"I may not be much a magic user, but now, i'm considering switching." 

"Agreed." Marshall and Tunner said in unison.

After a bit of time Sarah started some small talk.

"So Jackson, how did you learn this spell?"

"Hmm, even Sarah, the spellcaster, wants to know, so yeah how did you learn this one?"

"Oh, it uh, it took a bit, um, first I kind of borrowed some aspects of mana shield and made this kind of... Mana membrane thingy and infused it with two other spells. Convection Cooling and Convection Heating. Then I gave a few commands to the spell, like uh, around an area of x, set the temperature to y, or someting like that."

"That sounds expensive, how much does it cost?"

"I'd say, about three mana a minute. I only really use it in bursts to not run out."

"That sounds strangely cheap for a an aura spell."

"Well, Convection Cooling and Convection Heating aren't that expensive. They don't really lower the temperature directly, the just, move it. If you were to step outside the spell, it'd be slightly hotter than usual."

"Hmm, how long can you keep it up with all of us in here?"

"Huh? Let me check."

Mp: 55/100

"We were talking for about 9 minutes or so... About 19 minutes from full mana, and... I've gotta stop using it."

There were groans all around.


"All right guys, time to stop for the night. Jackson and Barry are on hunting duty and everyone else makes camp."

"Why do I have to hunt? I don't even have a bow."

"Yes, and Jackson, does, your going to be like his bodyguard, he is a supporter after all."

Before they went hunting, Sarah stopped them.

"Ah, before you go, do you know fire magic Jackson? I don't have anything to start a fire with."

Then came Tunner.

"Me neither"

Then came Marshall.

"Me neither."

Then, after silence, Barry.

"Really? I mean I don't either, but really?"

"I have a lighter with me, and no, not yet."

The moderator just shook his head and muttered silently. "of course the kid is the most prepared."


"So, do you have much experience with hunting Jackson?"

"Yeah, not too much, but I do."

"So how do you usually do it?"

"Typically stay really quiet and follow whatever prey tracks I find, along with a lot of luck. Don't have camo or a high place to sit so I had to walk. Also, always leave a trail back."


After a good time walking, swatting bugs, and trying not trip over rocks. They came across tracks, deer tracks.

"Finally, we've been out here for hours!"

"Mmm, we best be quiet from now on, don't want to startle our prey."

"Oh look at you sounding like some action hero!"

Jackson let out an embarrassed chuckle.


He signalled for Barry to get down and drew his bow.


He closed his mouth, probably about to say "what?". He saw what now, at least he was quiet about it.

A big deer, enough for everybody.

Jackson slowly knocked an arrow, corrected his aim and let it loose.

The deer let out a squeal and ran. Deer are big, and made of sturdier stuff, and he hit it's side. He started running after it, yelling for Barry to follow.

He'd have to wait for the deer to bleed out. Shouldn't take too long with it agitating the wound.

He followed after the trail of blood, Barry close behind.

As usual, Humans had a lot of stamina, while not being too fast, while deer could run fast, it'd be impeded by the arrow and need rest. Already doomed to die.

After a bit of running he saw the deer laying on its side breathing heavily.

Barry caught up.

"Damn you're quick for you size, not faster than me though."

"Poor thing, can you kill it quick?"

"Huh? Yeah, what would be the best way?"

"Slitting it's thoat, we're gonna bleed it anyway, might as well let it go quick as well."

"Alright then"

Barry knelt down to the deer's neck.

"Sorry about this."

Then it was done, and bloody.

"This part is my least favourite, but necessary."


"Also... What's your strength?"

"Huh? 40, why?"

"My strength is to low to bring it back."

"F**k me, ok, fine."


After a lot of stuggle, they finally got to camp. Jackson had to help, they both pulled an antler each.

Sarah saw them first

"Huh, guys they're back!"

It was pretty late now, they took a good time hunting, four tents were up, a fire was started and a pile of twigs on the side.

"You guys took a while."

"Yeah, carrying this guy back was a hassle and a half."

"Mmm, we were lucky to find anything at all."

Marshall spoke up next.

"Good job, I'll get to the dissecting as long as someone else cooks."

"Ah, I have cooking at 10, so i'm not the best."

"Ah, I'm an okay cook!" 

"Hmm, you do look like you can cook, Tunner."

"What's that supposed to mean?"


Sitting down by the fire Jackson had a smile on his face. This was what he wanted. Friends next to him under the beautiful stars. They had just met but already had taken to playful banter. It was... Wonderful, all he could hope for. He hoped this could be his life.

Staring at the stars in childlike wonder, he made a wish, for the first time in years.

Please, let me live like this

It was true, how he wants to survive, surrounded by friends, seeing new things, each new day full of wonder.

He only hoped his wish would come true.

I wonder if they saw this sky tonight...


The hero woke up under a starry night sky, full of unkown constellations, full of children's wishes. All the more for him to enjoy.

Hello again! Short chapter I guess, but enjoy!

Fun fact: 

The world wastes about one metric ton of food  year

Also, too lazy to add in the status today, there was no change since last time anyways :P

Also also, I don't now how to properly write characters besides main characters, did I do okay? Conversations are hard.