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AN: It occurs to me that those one Scribble, probably don't follow me everywhere so I'll let you know this way. I cycle between updates of my main three stories. Right now, its Naive master, alpha and omega, and then Ice prince. That's why there is so much time between updates.

PS: I've just come to accept that I can't write short chapters. I plan on making things brief yet I end up writing at least 3k words before I'm halfway done.


The air was cool, the season getting close to winter. The forest was quiet save for the haggard breaths of those within the trees. Liang Fei was one of them

He ran as he was chased through the trees, his body slowly failing him despite all his efforts. The people chasing him were merciless, jeering as they noticed how the poison flowing through him was draining him of his strength.

Yet still, he ran forward, ignoring the blood pouring from his wounds and the numbness taking hold of him. He had to get somewhere safe, or else they would never stop. He cleared the brush of trees only to stop.

There was only a cliff.

"Where's the-" Before he could finish, he felt the dull pressure of several arrows as it pierced his flesh. Even as he lost feeling in his body, he still tried to survive, his lungs filling with blood as he coughed.

He couldn't die here.


No, it was too soon.


Xieren was still waiting for-



Liang Fei's eyes snapped open, his breathing mildly panicked as he awoke from his nightmare. Unconsciously, he reached to clutch his chest, feeling around to see if there were any arrowheads there.

With a shaky breath, he sighed in relief when he only felt his flat chest.

Sitting beside him, Suyan stared down at the man, concern evident on his small face. The man had been making a lot of noise before, gasping as if he were drowning.

Who wouldn't be scared after witnessing such a thing?

"Uncle?" He called out, relieved when he saw his companion's eyes open.

Liang Fei frowned, having not noticed Suyan beside him. "Xiao Yan?"

"Uncle, are you alright? You looked troubled and..." Troubled was an understatement. It was like he was watching a man die in his sleep. It was terrifying!

Seeing the child's worried expression, Liang Fei felt a brief rush of joy at having someone care about him.

This child was too sweet~

"I'm fine." He assured him, petting him softly. "Just... a bad dream."

Was it a dream though? That definitely was from the night he died but...

There wasn't supposed to be a cliff there.

Upon reflection, he realized there was something off about his death. He couldn't recall some details and hadn't bothered to think much of it but...

Lady Leilian had told him to go in that direction, yet there was a cliff instead.

Liang Fei said nothing, his eyes dimming as his mind drifted. Suyan, who had noticed this, could only sigh.

This uncle was too strange.

The three of them (he, uncle, and Fluffy) had been traveling together for a few days now and Suyan felt he'd come to understand this strange uncle somewhat.

For one thing, he was a ditz. If he wasn't talking, he was daydreaming. Often, Suyan would find the man staring into space, his mind far from the present. The only hint he gave to still having a soul was his habit of humming to himself. Suyan had no issue with this, as he liked the unique tempo of his melody's but it also worried him.

How had this uncle survived this long alone if he drifted off this often?

It was then that Suyan decided to stick with this strange uncle. If left alone, he was sure this man would walk off a cliff or something.

Thus what started as a duo, became a trio.

Liang Fei had no problem with this, enjoying the company. The child, who had introduced himself as a 'super-strong demon feared by many', was an amusing addition to the group. He had 'allowed' Liang Fei to call him by name, as if it were a privilege few earned in their lifetime.

The elder found the child adorable and nodded indulgently.

It had been quite some time since he was around a child and found the experience as enjoyable as before. Suyan was like most boys his age. Adventurous, impulsive, and loud. Still, he was very obedient, following Liang Fei's words with only a mild fuss.

He had even agreed to assist Liang Fei on his mission. No, not the one about the coup, though he did agree to show him the way to the border.

His mission to regain his lost strength.

After traveling about the forest with Fluffy, Liang Fei came to realize how weak he was at the moment. While his sword could fend off regular animals, the darklands and the area around it had many divine beasts that would not fear his meager spiritual energy.

If not for Fluffy, Liang Fei would have been killed in his sleep long ago.

As such, he took the matter of regaining his strength very seriously and put it as his priority. What he needed now was some kind of moss and water from a certain spring. While simple in principle, acquiring these items were an issue.

According to Suyan, who seemed to know a lot about the spring for some reason, water from there could be obtained anywhere but there was no location he could give.

When pressed on the details, the boy said nothing. There were a lot of things Liang Fei didn't know about the child. Despite how much time they had spent together, there were still many things he refused to speak about.

Like why he was alone in the forest, to begin with.

Whenever the subject was brought up, he would tense, as if his mind was in a bad place. Worse was when Liang Fei had inquired about his family.

"Gone." was all the child had muttered, before burying his body against Fluffy.

The beast coo/growled in what might have been a comforting gesture. After that, Liang Fei learned not to ask any more questions. It would seem that Xieren wasn't the only one suffering in this world.

Thinking of him, Liang Fei felt his heart clench.


He'd been trying not to think about him all this time yet it always slipped into his thoughts.

He missed Xieren.

He shouldn't. They weren't a real couple. At most, they were sex friends. Or perhaps they were still student and teacher?

No matter how he thought about it, it didn't seem right.

What were they?

What did he think about Xieren?

Better question, what did Xieren think about him?

Despite his curiosity, he didn't want to think about the answers. Somehow, he felt scared of what conclusion he'd reach.

Because he knew deep down, that regardless of the answer reached, the best thing he could do for Xieren was to leave.

For Xieren, his partner for life couldn't be a man.

Despite Xieren's power, Liang Fei knew there were those who looked down on their relationship. Worse, as he was now, he was only a liability. He wasn't strong like Xuejie, knowledgeable like Xinyi, or even influential like Leilian.

He was just an old companion.

The best he could give Xieren was a good foundation and the space he needed to find someone else to love.

He chose to ignore the pang of hurt that thought brought forth.


Elsewhere, far from the trio, the demon king's castle shook. Those in the surrounding area could only tremble as they feared what had angered their king so much that the earth shook beneath them.

Upon discovery of his master's disappearance, Xieren had rushed through the halls, gathering his steed and travel wear. It was clear what his intentions were. Most were wise enough to keep out of his way.

Most were.

Bravely, Leilian blocked him. It was only due to his promise to take care of her that prevented him from shoving her aside or slitting her throat right then.

"What?!" He snapped, glaring down at her as she flinched.

"S-sire, where are you going?"

"To retrieve Lord Fei." He answered simply, moving past her. "He can't handle that all alone."

"Lord Fei volunteered for this mission, Your Majesty." She called out, running to keep up with his long strides. "Going after him like this would just prove you don't trust him and-"

Xieren stopped, glaring down at her. "Did you know about this?"

In his hand, the note his beloved had left him was crushed between his fingers. A note he had only read more than a day after it was written.

All because of the woman in front of him now keeping him busy with work.

Leilian said nothing. There was nothing to be said when the truth was obvious.

Seeing this, Xieren bared his fangs, wanting to tear this woman's throat out. She had been distracting him, allowing Shizun to slip away from him and put himself in danger. Black flames danced around his fingers, turning the note to ash as his rage erupted.


Leilian quickly prostrated herself, not daring to look up as she spoke. "Your majesty, please understand Lord Fei's intentions. He only wished to help you."

She trembled as she felt the heat of her king's flames, sweat forming under her clothes. Even her fine robes, made from the most durable silks started to curl and singe at the edges and temperature rose. This was all seen by Xieren but he cared nothing for her, wanting to burn her alive right then.

"He can help by staying where I can see him!" He roared, the hall shaking as he stepped forward.

Yet, like a cool rain, a calm voice drifted into the humid corridor.

"Lord Han isn't some bird you can cage, A-Ren."


The flames that had been singeing the floor and boiling Leilian receded slowly. Xinyi stepped forward fearlessly, knowing her brother would never burn her, even in anger.

Xieren wouldn't hurt her.

Xinyi peeked down at Leilian, dismissing her with a look. While she didn't like this devious woman, having her die would be just as bad. Let this just be a favor to be repaid at a later date.

Leilian was smart and saw the woman's intentions. Despite feeling gratitude, she couldn't help but bite back the surge of resentment she felt. This woman who had only been with the king a few weeks after over a decade of separation could ease his rage with only a few words while she, someone who had shown her loyalty a hundred times over, was left cowering.

How could she not feel wronged?

Despite the bitter taste in her mouth, Leilian left, leaving Xieren and Xinyi alone to stare each other down. Xieren didn't want to waste time arguing with her and moved to go around her. Yet Xinyi, fearless as she was, dared to block his path.

Xieren opened his mouth to snap at her; his sister was just a step faster, speaking first.

"You've had the man holed up in the castle like a prisoner for all this time while you work yourself ragged." she argued, trying to reason with the king. "How do you think he must feel seeing all that?"

Xieren snapped back. "I don't want him to endanger himself."

"And he wishes to help relieve some of your burdens. One of you is going to have to give in at some point."

"A-Yi, you don't understand." He growled, his anger deflating as he thought about what could happen if Shizun wasn't within his sight. He still had nightmares about that night in the cave, with him helplessly waiting for his return only to be told his beloved master was...

"I lost Shizun once already. I can't..."

Xinyi took his hand, her eyes softening as she saw the heavy sorrow in Xieren's eyes.

"I know." She breathed, recalling when she had been left behind by her sworn brothers. The hollow feeling of seeing them so easily leave without a word. Most people would be angry but she knew that the news of Elder Shao's death had hit them hard.

Despite how she too mourned, she knew there was nothing she could offer at the time. Today, however, she could be there for her wounded brother.

"I know it must have been horrible." She continued, her tone soft as she stared up at Xieren's sullen expression. "But you can't force him to be someone he isn't. Elder Shao isn't the kind of man to sit around and let himself be taken care of."

Hearing those words, Xieren felt a sour taste spread through his mouth. He didn't want to concede on this but...

Xinyi was right.

The Shizun he fell for was a strong and independent man who was kind and caring. Even when there wasn't much to do, the man tried to do something useful. Whether in the past or in the present, his master wasn't the type to wait around for something to happen.

Seeing the border as an issue Xieren couldn't take care of himself, he chose to take matters into his own hands.

Xieren hated it. He wanted to drag the man back, shake some sense into him and lock him away so nothing could take him from the king's sight.

Yet he knew he'd be hated if he did that.

There were a lot of things Xieren could tolerate but if Shizun truly hated him, there would very well be one less demon in this world.

Xieren let out a breath, his mood still sullen but his anger having eased from earth-rending rage to just general anger. He promised himself that he would absolutely give Shizun quite the scolding when he returned home.

Master or not, Liang Fei was his beloved and he'd make it clear to him that he couldn't just leave so abruptly.

Then a thought occurred to him.

Xieren turned to Xinyi in surprise. "Wait, when did you figure out who Shizun was? I never told you."

"A-Ren, aren't you being rude right now?" She pouted, crossing her arms. "Just how much can you dare to insult me? Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Xieren looked away, recalling many moments from their past. "Well..."

"Oi!" She cried, smacking his arm. "Who I am? Am I not your sister? What kind of idiot would I have to be not to notice how you act toward Elder Shao? You've had a crush on him since we were teens so obviously, they had to be the same person. No one else makes you act like an idiot otherwise."

"Is that so?"

He hadn't realized he'd been so obvious about it. Xuejie never noticed, so he thought no one knew. Then again, Xuejie was a dense man, not even noticing all the looks he got from He-Qing so it was no wonder that guy remained oblivious to Xieren's crush.

Xieren felt a mild sense of sympathy for He-Qing.

"En." Xinyi nodded, looking sagely. "That and Elder Shao is a terrible liar. I'm not sure why Elder looks the way he does now nor why he is now a mortal but I'll wait for when he tells me himself."

Xieren thought of the amulet he'd given to Shizun, questions blooming in his mind.

"I'm still waiting too."


Days later, Xieren was still waiting, wanting to show his better side to Shizun when he returned. It was the only reason he wasn't gathering his armies to hunt the wayward human down.

Trust was an important part of a relationship, or so he was told.

That and Xuejie was smart enough to give Shizun a proper mount, one that could travel fast and protect him. If not for that, Xieren may very well have killed the man, friendship or not.

Yet Xieren's 'better side' was no less difficult to deal with.

The last few days had been a terrifying time for those trapped within the walls of the castle. Ever since their king's consort had disappeared, a heavy air had weighed down on them, leaving the servants within terrified to lift their gazes.

Those who did were faced with the demon king in all his malevolence. His eyes as cold as the highest mountains while his rage flared voraciously. Meetings that used to be filled with chatter and arguments were dead silent, no one brave enough to speak any more of less than needed. And only when given permission would they dare speak a word.

This left the king furious, as the silence only reminded him that there was someone missing. To keep from roaring with rage, Xieren did the only thing he could think of aside from rushing out to find Shizun.


He used to do that with Shizun when he was young, having enjoyed the time they spent together. After ascending to the throne and getting rid of his opposition, Xieren hadn't seen a reason to show off.

He became the king because he was the strongest so there was nothing to gain by practicing on others. Yet Xieren needed an outlet for his aggression and there was nothing any of his men could do but take the brunt of his attacks.

It was a day that would be known as the 'day of suffering' among his men. They prayed to Liang Fei, like he was some kind of god, for him to return and rescue them from another day of suffering.

The only one who managed to stay standing after being struck was Xuejie, who wanted nothing more than to lounge about and draw.

"Boss, can you please stop tormenting the men." Xuejie begged, knowing he would be refused once more. He was the only one brave enough to confront their king when he was in such a sour mood but that didn't mean he could do much. Xieren was the king after all. Who was Xuejie but just a somewhat less annoying companion?

"I wouldn't have to do this if you did your job correctly." He snapped, bringing his blade down sharply. His opponent took the hit, blocking it with his own sword. The impact was intense but one wouldn't know that by how casually Xuejie continued to speak.

"How was I going to stop Fei-ge?" He grumbled, jumping back. "You practically made him your consort so who dares refuse anything he asks?"

"He is my consort."

"See? It's stuff like that that makes things hard for us little guys." He haughtily complained, as if the one before wasn't the feared king who ruled over the very land he stood on. "How could we stop him if you told us to give him whatever he wants."

"He wasn't supposed to leave."

"Did you tell anyone that?"

"Do you need me to?" Xieren snapped back, thinking his men were absolutely useless if he needed to tell them something so obvious. Xuejie's silence made it absolutely clear.

His men were absolutely useless.

Xuejie, who had been by Xieren's side for many years, could read his sour expression better than anyone. It was clear what the man was thinking about and he felt he had to defend his honor.

"Oi, I wouldn't need to show my usefulness if you would just confess to him already." He argued, crossing his arms. "It's annoying to see you guys dance around each other like this."

These had been the thoughts circling Xuejie's mind since Liang Fei left. After all his years of reading novels and watching shows, he knew how to read a couple's 'will-they-won't-they' aura very well.

From what he could tell, it was clearly going to have to be Xieren to confess first if anything was going to progress. He very much doubted that their master would be the one to do it. His mind was too buried in the past to see Xieren's obvious feelings.

He even dared to say he was scared of Xieren! How ridiculous was that?

That idiot protagonist loves you way too much to ever hurt you. Xuejie thought to himself. He considered saying the words out loud at the time but it wasn't any of his business. He wasn't a marriage counselor and his lack of experience was bound to show.

Besides, knowing Liang Fei, he doubted the man would believe his words anyway.

Xieren felt the same way, wanting to confess but fearing his master's rejection. That man was too cruel in his kindness. He'd use the most gentle and soft words to tear out Xieren's heart.

He both hated and loved that about Shizun.

The two men stared at each other, their thoughts of their elder mirroring each other quite well. Before either could speak another word, a servant rushed over, short of breath.

"Your Majesty!" He called out, bowing low as he spoke. "T-there is news from the border. Something has happened."


Liang Fei sat alone in the dark, wondering how to resolve the issue he'd found himself in. Talking might help but it would be better to stay quiet, lest he make things more complicated. Fighting wasn't even an option, as his body was way too weak.

The elder looked up, taking note of the bars of his prison, illuminated by the moon.

Sigh~ How troublesome.


Hours prior

Liang Fei and his companions had made good time, reaching the town closest to the border much faster than anticipated. Fluffy preened with pride when it was praised for its contribution.

While it suffered, being the only thing standing between his owner and death, it was happy as long as its efforts were acknowledged.

The town was normal, barely anything more than a few houses, and a well in the centermost point. It was only the demon king's emblem emblazoned on a nearby flag that identified it as having been claimed under his rule.

Yet there were no cultivators as far as could be seen.

Had they not arrived yet?

Liang Fei considered entering the village but was stopped by Suyan, who timidly clung to his sleeves. No words were said but there was clear reluctance on the boy's face.

He didn't want to enter.

Liang Fei, having learned not to press the child, conceded, stating that it was way too dark to walk in. Anyone who spotted them would surely assume they had ill intentions. Fluffy, despite its name, was a large beast with a jaw that could easily swallow a man whole. Anyone seeing such a beast in the dead of night would surely attack upon sight.

Fluffy, mildly aware of the stare it got from its owner, could only growl/meow innocently.

That night, like all the nights before, Liang Fei cooked. Suyan had offered but was quickly rebuffed.

"Do I look so feeble that a child needs to care for me?"

At those words, what could Suyan say? Sure, uncle was useless in a fight but he was still the elder. It would just be too insulting for him to press the matter.

Still, just because he was a kid, didn't mean he had to be treated like one!

On this night, Liang Fei was extra gentle, acting more like a mother than just a simple travel companion. Seeing Suyan's sullen mood, the elder wanted to comfort the child and did so in the only way he could think of.

Head pats.

He gathered firewood? Head pat.

Dinner eaten entirely? Head pat.

Didn't fight over going to bed early? Double head pat.

If Xieren knew just how liberal Liang Fei was with giving out head pats, he'd have razed the forest to the ground in his rage.

On this night, alongside the head pats, Liang Fei tried to show affection to the child. It was clear he wasn't treated well. While he'd never asked about it, the boy was covered in bruises and scars.

As such, Liang Fei tried his best to be gentle and caring, though the child himself was just confused. How could he not be? This uncle, with his stone face and intense gaze, had been nothing but nice to him despite being a human.

He'd been sure he'd be found out sooner or later but this uncle never suspected a thing. He didn't ask any questions about Suyan or even his scars.

What kind of guy was this uncle?

Suyan's thoughts had drifted, his meal absently eaten. As he lifted his spoon to his lips, some of the soup slipped out of his mouth. Before he could think to wipe it away, Liang Fei reached over to do it.

"Eat properly." He said, cleaning his face gently. "It's bad if a 'super strong demon' presents himself in such a way, right?"

Suyan wanted to complain but uncle's words stopped him. Whether it was just the human humoring him or not, he felt happy to have someone acknowledge his words and feelings for once. He usually didn't like people touching him, as they always had bad intentions but all the head pats he'd received had worn away at his unease.

He flushed, feeling mildly embarrassed at being treated like someone's child as opposed to something to be tossed aside.

Liang Fei, on the other side, was silent even as his mind was exploding with excitement.

Ah, so cute~

He'd missed this! While he adored his time with Xieren, they weren't nearly as many cute things to admire back home. Xieren was cute but not in the same way a child was. Children were adorable and soft, making one want to spoil them rotten.

Xieren on the other hand, wasn't someone he wanted to spoil in quite the same way. His thoughts on cute children were a hundred times purer than his thoughts about his lover, despite both being cute in his heart.

Both of them stared at one another, their minds lightyears away as the night settled in and they went to bed. For the first time, Suyan allowed Liang Fei to sleep nearby, as opposed to him claiming the warm fur of Fluffy as his exclusive bed.

The elder was relieved that he wouldn't be shivering by himself by the campfire.

The night went by and Liang Fei dreamt of a vast field of grass. The smell of dew and sunshine tickled his nose and a sense of peace overcame him. As he opened his eyes once more, he saw a figure standing with his back to the elder.

But even without turning around, he knew who that person was. He felt his heart throb as he opened his mouth to call out to them, for them to join him.

Yet all that came out was silence.

He tried again but no words would come out. Panicked, he looked up to see that person's back fading as he walked away, never bothering to turn around. Liang Fei tried to call him, to plead for him to stay with him.

The dream was dripping at the edges, everything melting into an abyss of darkness and silence. Even so, Liang Fei tried to call him back, tears threatening to fall as he silently screamed.

"I'm sorry."

A voice, small, and solemn, spoke up, echoing through the darkness. Liang Fei spun around, seeing a small boy standing in the darkness. Despite expectations, the darkness never seemed to touch him. The ground beneath him was soft green grass.


"Uncle, I'm-"

He woke up lying on the hardened floor, stale air rushing through him as he panted. That nightmare was... unfortunately not something he could think about at the moment. He might have liked to but finding oneself indoors when they went to sleep outside had to take precedent.

Later, he promised himself.

In the meantime, he took a look around the room. The bars a distance away and on the windows told him he was in a prison.


If not for the prospect of danger involved, Liang Fei might have felt a sudden desire to complain about how unfair his life was turning out. Seeing no one around, decided to wait, figuring someone would show up and tell him what was going on.

Yet the night went on and no one came.


News of Liang Fei's capture quickly reached the demon king. It was all part of a plan, of course so why wait?

Yet what they assumed would be a simple ransom turned into an all-out assault. If those who made the plan knew just how furious the king was, they may have chosen a different hostage. Those within the king's inner circle who knew of the plan could only cower as they watched their usually calm and collected king roar with rage.

Was this the powderkeg exploding or just the first spark?

They feared what would happen if the hostage was harmed and quickly left to inform their co-conspirators to tread carefully. While they wanted to bring harm to the king, if the man burned everything down before they could take control, what would there be left to rule?

Yet soon after they parted ways, they all mysteriously disappeared.

Xuejie walked into the throne room, casually wiping the blood off his sword as he came in. Peeking up, he saw Xieren with his head hung low. The air was tense and Xuejie bowed appropriately.


"I got them." Xuejie answered, knowing what his king wanted to know. "They weren't being subtle but I couldn't get the ringleader."


"This person isn't an idiot. They won't be dumb enough to be as blatant as the others."

That gained a look of mild interest. "You have a suspect?"

"I have a theory but I need a bit more time."

Xieren jumped from his throne, landing near where Xuejie knelt. It was only years of discipline that allowed the man to remain still despite his fear.

"I gave you time and now Shizun is being held hostage." The heat of the room rose, Xieren's rage near its breaking point. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't just kill you now."

Despite all that, Xuejie was perfectly calm.

"Because we have more important things to be doing, don't we? Fei-ge is waiting for you, so why keep him waiting with all this drama?"

It wasn't that he was unafraid or even foolish enough to think their friendship would save him. His position was tenuous at best and it was only due to his skills that Xieren tolerated him as much as he did.

The reason he was calm was that he knew just how much Liang Fei meant to him. While those who brought harm to the man were taken to be 'interrogated', the fact he wasn't meant that the king still needed him.

As if to prove his thoughts, the heat in the room died down just a bit.

"...Where is he?"

"The westernmost village under your rule."

"My men?"

"Already armed and ready to head out."

"Then get up." He growled, stomping past the human. "We'll burn that fucking anthill to the ground."

How dare some worthless creature touch his precious man?


It was early morning when someone finally arrived at his jail cell. Most people might have been nervous or scared after finding themselves jailed mysteriously.

Liang Fei wasn't most people.

After his initial panic, he began to think, as there was nothing else to do. He considered the past few days and came to a conclusion.

He'd fallen into a trap.

It was embarrassing but seemed the most plausible. He doubted this was a random imprisonment, as the village was painfully ordinary so there was nothing to keep secret. Fluffy had assured them that the place was safe. It couldn't be a robbery since nothing on his person had been stolen. While he traveled light, the few coins he brought with him were still untouched in his pouch.

So the only plausible reason had to be a ransom.

Yet there was no way of knowing that the person they captured was in any way useful unless they had some assured means of drawing an appropriate hostage to this town. Which meant the rumors of the Coup were just that. Rumors.

Whether it was the demon king or just one of his vessels, the instigators would have had a good hostage as there was no way an insignificant person would have been sent to deal with this kind of thing. Better yet, if the king was the one who left, those who spread the rumor in the capital would have their chance to accumulate more power against the king while the man himself cut all the loose ends with his own hands.

If not for the fact that it was him that got caught, Liang Fei might have held some admiration for the plan itself.

The door opened. Before the figure could even open their mouth, Liang Fei spoke.


The child flinched, the tray of food nearly spilling as he tried to regain his composure. He didn't think uncle would be awake yet.

"Y-you knew it was me?"

"I figured as much."

He had woken up alone, so his companions had to be elsewhere. Thinking it over, the person who took him would have to get past Fluffy, which would have awoken him and Suyan. The fact that no such thing happened meant that the person who took him had a means of getting past the beast without raising an alarm or that the person was already in their camp.

The only logical choice was Suyan.

"You shouldn't have trusted me, you know." Suyan sighed, walking over to slide the tray of food to Liang Fei. The meal was simple but clean, clearly not thrown together haphazardly.

Liang Fei felt his heart warm as the child's kindness showed even as he chastised the elder.

"Perhaps but I don't regret it."

"You should!"

"I don't allow myself to regret the choice I made. Thinking such things takes away from the present." He explained. Thinking back to when they met, he absolutely didn't regret his choice. If he could have prevented his capture by allowing a child to die, he would have made the same choice regardless. "Besides..."


"You are cute so I don't mind being tricked by cute things too much." He said shamelessly, his stare intensifying as he recalled how adorable Suyan had been. It was like being scratched by a kitten. Sure, it hurt but when faced with such a precious face, who would regret trying to curry favor?

"Are you crazy!?" Suyan cried, truly not understanding this man. "Shouldn't you be worried about your safety?"

"Will you hurt me?"

"There's not just me to worry about!"

Then it was a group effort. It meant the village was in on this imprisonment. Or maybe some other actor. He figured as much but confirmation is key.

"I haven't been harmed as of yet." Liang Fei replied as he began to eat. Despite his demeanor, he was starving.

"You could be."

"Perhaps but why worry about 'could be's'?"


"How did you know I was connected to the demon king?" He interjected, surprising the child with the sudden change in topic.

"How? It's obvious, isn't it?"

"Is it?"

If this were anyone else, Suyan would have thought that this person was being deliberately stubborn. But after days spent with him, he knew this wasn't fake. This person was human so it was no wonder he hadn't noticed.

This person was completely unaware that he smelled heavily of their king.

Any demon would be able to pick up the scent, a subtle warning to steer clear. Even those who had never seen the king knew when a stronger demon had claimed someone. Suyan was a child, so it didn't bother him too much but even he could tell that the person Uncle belonged to wasn't a simple one.

Truthfully, Liang Fei should have been completely safe from danger from beginning to end. It was just his bad luck in having picked up a nigh irresistible snack in the form of Suyan.

The elder peeked up at Suyan, seeing his difficult expression.

"Do you feel remorse for tricking me?"

"Of course not!" He snapped, looking smug. "If you are dumb enough to just trust some kid, you deserve to be tricked."

If not for the clenched fists and his refusal to look at the elder, Liang Fei might have believed him.

He hummed. "I must say, Xiao Yan is quite the liar."

"I've come to notice this about uncle as well." He grumbled back. How could this nice guy be connected to the demon king? He was sure this person was good but if he was allied with that guy then...

"I assure you, I am nothing but honest."

That's what worries me! Suyan thought, staring up at the hapless man. His uncle, this Liang Fei, was strong and kind but was also way too honest. He trusted people too easily. Even him, a child who came to like him, had fooled him.

What would happen if he left this man alone? Surely he'd be eaten alive!

Yet here he sat, calmly talking through the bars as if he wasn't captured. He spoke softly, like he had before when he should be screaming at him. He should be tearing into him like everyone else. At least he'd have a good reason but he still looked at Suyan with calm if not indifferent eyes.

Truly, this guy was an idiot.

Liang Fei could see the indecision on Suyan's face. While he was sure the child felt remorse, something held him back, making him speak such words. Again, he grew curious about this child.

He couldn't help but ask. "Why did you do this?"

"I..." Small hands clenched harder, showing his reluctance to speak. But after peeking over and seeing the elder's expression was free of accusation, he continued. "I needed a safe place to live. There are too many people around and it's dangerous for me."


"So you gave me up to negotiate?"

"The cultivators want to 'liberate' the villages under the king's rule. I want a place with no one around. It's a win-win."

So there were cultivators involved. Then the rumor wasn't entirely false but used by Suyan for his own ends? His impression of the child elevated, amazed by his cunning. But there were still things he didn't understand.

"But how did you contact them?" He asked, frowning. "I doubt you could have spoken to the cultivators so easily, even with the villagers' help."

Again, Suyan flinched, though this time Liang Fei didn't understand why.

"Its cause he told us himself about his little deal."

Both occupants jumped at the sudden addition to the room. Neither knew when the man had entered or from where. He was just there now, his mask covering up his features.

Yet that voice sounded somewhat familiar.

"Imagine my shock when I saw a dream demon leave a message for me while I saw sleeping." The man continued, staring down at Suyan who had inched over to Liang Fei upon the man's arrival. "I didn't think I'd ever get to see a dream demon in real life though."

"A dream demon?" Liang Fei echoed, staring at the child as he looked away. He'd read about dream demons but he honestly couldn't tell if they were real or not. The books said that dream demons had no physical form, residing only in the recesses of an unconscious mind. As such, they were thought to be merely a myth.

Yet before his eyes, there was a dream demon?

His mind flashed to the nightmare he'd had before and his eyes narrowed.

"Was the dream I had before..." No more words had to be said. Suyan wilted, looking guilty.

"I... I was just trying to make sure you weren't dangerous. I didn't mean to-"

"You looked inside my mind without permission." He interjected, his tone sharp with reprimand.

"I-I know but-" The man stepped between the two, his tone light as he spoke.

"Now now, there's no need to tear into the child like that." He assured, waving a hand like it was nothing. "I'm the one who asked him to make sure cause I was curious. If what he showed me is right, then there's no need to be mad."

"I respected his privacy and he violated mine." Liang Fei snapped back, now glaring at the man. While he understood the child was asked to do this, he disliked having others pry into his private matters. "How should I react to such a thing?"

In spite of the glare, the man laughed, his eyes narrowing with glee.

"Ah, you really are just as strict as before."

Liang Fei frowned. "Before?"

Then, like some kind of supervillain, the mysterious man tore off his mask and revealed himself. That alone should have clued him in but the face was what did it for Liang Fei. That sly smile and lazy eyes.

Fang Zhihao.


That happened next could only be looked upon with pure confusion as Suyan watched the two men talk as if nothing had occurred. Despite the bars separating them, the talk couldn't be more cordial.

If not a bit confusing

"I'm serious!" Zhihao pressed, holding up a cup of liquor to emphasize his point. He'd offered some to Liang Fei but was pointedly refused. "It's been nothing but trouble since you died. You need to start thinking of others for once, Shidi."

Liang Fei cocked a brow. "Did you not complain that such a thing was a vice of mine?"

"That was before the person being considered was me." He whined, thinking of all his troubles. "It's no fun teasing Zi Shuren without you. He's a grump in general but now he's like an impenetrable wall."

"How would I help with that?"

"If you came back, I'd have so much more fun messing with him now than before!"

This was what they'd been going on for over an hour.

The reason this illustrious cultivator had bothered to get involved was because of rumors that the demon king had shown an interest in a certain human. A human male named Liang Fei.

Suyan personally thought the name couldn't be that rare but Zhihao felt differently, wanting to confirm this with his own eyes. It just ended up being a coincidence that his partner in crime happened to find the man he was looking for as well as secure a hostage.

Zhihao saw this as the heavens lending him a helping hand.

While he was still curious about the circumstances of his friend's revival, the elder was absolutely overjoyed to see his friend and Shidi once again. While the body might be different, he could recognize those dead fish eyes and monotone anywhere.

All he wanted now was to convince this guy to return to the sect with him yet he was refused.

"I have to return home." Liang Fei had replied, apparently seeing the darklands as his home now. Zhihao couldn't understand why. Sure, he'd never heard of any mistreatment from the human settlements he'd come across but surely that couldn't be true.

Demons were demons. Their reputation wasn't based on just mere hearsay. Yet aside from the demons complaining, most humans seemed content where they were. The only reason this village came to side with the cultivators was because of some personal issues with a noble from the capital.

Zhihao assumed his Shidi would prefer to be among humans yet he still declined his invitation.

"Aren't you worried the king will grow bored of you?" He tried once more yet leave it to his Shidi to meet his expectations by crushing his hopes.

"Oh, I'm sure he will eventually but until then, I wish to stay." The thought of leaving Xieren made his heat clench but he still said those words. While it might hurt, Liang Fei only wanted his lover to be happy.

If that happiness was found with someone else, he would move aside.

Hearing the subtle change in tone, Zhihao began to realize what was going on. He'd heard that tone of voice before and couldn't help but get a bit excited.

"So you like this guy, then?" He asked, his tone light and jovial.

After many years of dealing with his sworn brother's one-sided crush, Zhihao had come to accept that there are just people with different tastes in the world. There were those who appreciated the contrast between the two sexes and those who didn't.

It had taken some time and a lot of teasing on his side but he came to realize that men could truly love other men in ways he'd always thought exclusive to the opposite sex. It was admirable in a way, as it clearly wasn't the easy path.

As such, how could he, as a good brother, not be supportive of his Shidi finding love?

To his surprise, Liang Fei flushed, looking like he was about to explode. While his feelings for Xieren might be muddled in his own head, for someone to say it out loud like this was just...

He had to make things clear!

"N-no, it's not like that." He tried, waving his hands in denial. "My feelings for Xieren are purely... Well, they aren't pure anymore but I... I mean..."

Seeing this usually calm and collected guy stammer about like a lovestruck teen was both amazing and a bit concerning. Was he unaware of his feelings? Or worse, was he holding back?

When pressed, Liang Fei was quick to deny it, saying he definitely understood his place in Xieren's life. He even chose to explain their relationship in detail (after sending Suyan away, of course.). By the end, the man had calmed himself down, convincing himself that the affair between him and the king was a mere fling.

Zhihao, on the other hand, had his doubts.

Even he knew how promiscuous the demon king was so there was no way the story he'd told Liang Fei was true. But the man believed it because the one who told him was one of his students.

Which meant that he'd been lied to, probably because of how dense this man could be. If his guess was right, the king was Xieren, that kid that seemed overly attached to his Shidi before.

Ah, so he was a love rival to Shuren after all. He thought with a chuckle.

Considering how much effort that man had made to trick this naive guy, it was clear what his intentions were. He had spent years hearing his sworn brother talk about his ill-fated love so he knew the signs.

He briefly considered whether to let Liang Fei know this. Surely, he deserved to know what kind of a man he'd gotten in bed with.

Yet after thinking it over, he chose not to tell him. Not because he felt vindictive or anything. No, it was for a simpler reason.

Liang Fei was a stubborn idiot. Even if he laid out all the obvious clues, he was sure this man would come up with some kind of excuse as to why Zhihao was wrong.

He was just that kind of guy.

Yet never let it be said that Fang Zhihao was a bad friend. While he wished not to get involved, he was also a nosy man. How could he not say something?

"So you chose to be his lover then?" He concluded, having listened to his story. "Despite how others might look at you?"

"I've only really told you about our relationship."

At this, Zhihao cocked a brow.

Should he tell him that rumors of their affair had already reached the far edges of the continent, prickling the ears of any willing to listen?

He thought about it for a second and decided not to. It was funnier this way.

"Why hide it though?"

"When we part, I don't want to cause any trouble for him down the line." He explained, thinking that Xieren would surely get married after they parted. If rumors of their affair came out, he was sure it would be troublesome for Xieren.

Zhihao frowned. "Did he say you were causing trouble?"

He shook his head. "Xieren is kind. He wouldn't even if I was being a bother."

Only you would call the demon king kind.

"You might be the only one who thinks this way." He muttered, facepalming as his sympathy for Xieren increased. 

Liang Fei paid this no mind, enjoying his meal.

"Either way, it would be best for us to part ways eventually." This had always been Liang Fei's plan. While time might have made him a bit more reluctant, he wasn't so childish as to be stubborn.

This was for Xieren.

While Zhihao might have been on board with this minutes prior, he couldn't help but argue for Xieren. Not for any great love or even passing interest in the king. He had his own problem with the demon. No, his defense was for his Shidi, who was clearly hurting at the thought of leaving the man.

"Just stay with him, will you?" He urged. "You don't have to leave yet, right? What's the rush?"

Hearing those words that contradicted his previous ones, Liang Fei was confused but thought about it. There was a very good reason he felt they had to part. As he thought about it more, he felt it was best if it was sooner rather than later.

He mumbled. "His eyes..."

Zhihao frowned.

Eyes? Had Liang Fei seen the king's eyes? From what he recalled, no one had ever seen both his eyes before. It was said that they were cursed and looking into both would stop a person's heart. No one knew if it was true but the person himself never denied it so...

Liang Fei continued.

"I feel... somewhat scared sometimes so it would be best if we part ways and-"

"Scared?" Zhihao sat up, his gaze intensifying at the thought that his Shidi might be in danger. "Didn't you say you wanted to go back? Why go back if you're scared?"

Liang Fei said nothing, only shaking his head. He could understand the man's confusion. He didn't doubt for a second that Xieren cared for him too much to hurt him but...

The look his student gave him sometimes, like he was something precious and valued, had his heart racing and his mind muddled. He starts feeling a strange fluffiness in his chest and mind, like he's drowning in foam.

He shouldn't be looking at this old man with such a gaze. He would think, trying to calm himself. That was such a heavy look, one might mistake it for something else. Something more...

But it couldn't be that! He'd reason. He was only his temporary lover. Someone to teach him how to act around his future wife. Whatever feelings he might cultivate was purely due to their history. Liang Fei was his first lover. Of course, he was attached.

But I don't dislike that look either. His mind would follow that line of thought, spiraling back and forth.

So he couldn't let himself become swayed by those longing looks or his frequent touches. He should be readying himself for the day Xieren's true love arrives. He knew that it was coming. No matter how much Xieren insisted that them being together wouldn't be an issue, Liang Fei knew better.

For one thing, he was selfish.

He returned for Xieren but also for himself, who had lost his reason to return to his original world. Even this trip to help settle things at the border was partially to retrieve the ingredients to regain his strength.

The border crisis was just a front.

Xieren deserved better.

Liang Fei knew he'd have to be the adult and end things if it got too hard to manage. Xieren, grown as he was, was still a child at heart. He clung and grasped at things that should have to be tossed aside.

That thing would have to be their relationship. Like so many times before, he would be left alone. The elder felt cold, as if he was sinking into an ice bath.

His only wish was that Xieren would be happy. He would find something else to struggle for afterward.

"His eyes..." He mumbled, repeating the words he'd told Xuejie days prior. "I don't like it when he looks at me..."


AN: I'll be honest, this chapter didn't go the way I thought it would. I hope you liked it though.