Volume 1 Chapter 2 | finally, a person!
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When I noticed the pier in the distance I started running even though it is still a bit far away. I then made a sudden realisation, is my stamina better then before? I still am not tired even though I have been walking and running for a while now. This whole thing can’t be just an extremely long dream, can it?

I finally arrived at the pier, now that I was a bit closer it looked more like a dock. Unfortunately it looks rundown and it isn’t in use anymore. I look around a bit more and notice a path that runs into the forest. ‘There is no way that I am going inside that forest, but it’s the only thing I have found thats humanlike and I don’t wanna get stuck on the beach with nothing to eat.’ Hesitantly I am walking in circles till I eventually make my decision to go into the forest following the path.

The forest is kinda creepy, there are all kinds of sounds I have never heard. Some are similar to some animals I know but not quite the same. The leaves of the plants are also pretty large, it seems as though there is a lot of rainfall seeing how green it is here. After walking for about 5 minutes the path comes out into a road of some sorts. Apparently the path that I took came out onto a more traversed one, no plants in the way and it almost looks rideable for a bike.

‘Where should I go now, left or right? It feels like I was in this situation before, I’ll go left again since going right would be going back the way I came from ?’ I turn to my left and keep walking forward. Maybe I’ll come across someone?

“Yes!!” I see someone in the distance. ‘Finally, a person!’ I can finally know what is going on and where I am. I started shouting since the man is quite far away. “Hey, sir! Wait for me I wanna ask you something.” The man stopped and looked back with a confused face. After a few second I was standing next to him. The man was around 30-40 years old, wearing shorts with a tanktop t-shirt and had what looked a blue cap on his head. He had a little tan and was about 2 meters tall.

‘Jesus this guy is tall.’ “Hey can I ask you something? I wanna know where we are and where I can find the nearest city.” The man looked at me tilting his head like a dog that doesn’t understand and speaking back to me in a language I couldn’t understand. ‘No way, I am in a different country overall?!’ I started to panic again. ‘I finally meet someone after so long and I can’t even ask something.’

The man looked at me with a confused face and said something to me while waving his hands to follow me. Since I have no other option then to turn back the other way. I didn’t have any food or water so I decided to follow him. I gave up on the idea that I was close to home since I am in a country I don’t even recognise the language from let alone the weird landscape and animal noises. 

’I hope he isn’t a bad guy, maybe he can provide me with a place to stay and some food and water.’ After walking for a while I found out 2 things while trying to communicate with the guy. Apparently his name is Francis and I think the town that we are waking towards to is called Oykot. ‘What a weird name for a place. Somehow that reminded me of something but I couldn’t really put my finger on it.


Hey guys, author here. I choose Oykot since it was basically an abandoned island in the One Piece lore. It is the place where Nami originally came from and was destroyed by pirates. I'll explain later what happened and you can get a grasp on what time the story is in correlation with the main plot (the One Piece story).