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The woman stared him for a while , took the silver coin and headed back into the kitchen.


This left Jason speechless as he didn't know what just happened, but just as he was about to go chase her a voice called him from the back.

"Hey, you!"


Jason turned back and saw a man not far from him. He was short, about Jason height and slim, with a hooded robe which covered most of his face. 

"How about we have a talk over there? We wouldn't want to disturb the other customers with business talk....if you know what I mean." said the man as he signed with his head towards a secluded corner of the tavern.  Jason immediately understood what was happening and nodded before following the man.

The two of them sat down at the table and immediately the hooded man put a orb on the table. It was familiar to Jason as it looked the same as the orb that knight had made him hold.

"It's just a precaution , you don't have to worry about it. Just grab the orb....

"I know!" Jason answered , not letting the man finish his words.  He then grabbed the orb and held it in his hands . Slowly  the figure of a sickle and some leaves appeared in the globe making the hooded man smile.

"Great , now we can continue with the business. What are you looking to sell." said the man as he took the globe out if Jason's hand and put it into his robe. 


I'm looking to sell some monster parts, but I already told that woman. Didn't she tell you?"

The man shook his head.

"That's just the owners widowed sister, she is not a part of this. She doesn't handle any of the transactions here."

"Then what about the silver coin I just gave her?"

The man shook his head once again.

"It's better you forget about it. Now , can you show me the goods? I don't have time to talk."

' Shit! ' Jason cursed inside, but didn't say anything. He just opened his backpack and saw the contents, six bloody gnome ears and two hobgoblin ones next to the blue truffle. He stopped for a moment as a sweat smell hit him, washing away all his frustration , before he took the ears and put them on the table.

"I want to exchange these ears. What will you give me for them?"

The man looked at the ears for a second and Jason though he was thinking about what to give him, but that was far from the truth.


The man shoot his hand quickly and stabbed a short dagger on the middle of the table , before looking Jason in the eyes. Jason was caught unprepared by this , but he didn't even flinch as he stared back at the man.

"You're not here to make trouble are you?! Because if that's the case...

" What do you mean trouble? I'm just trying to sell some monster parts for coin. Isn't that what you do here?"

"Hmph, don't insult my intelligence! Six gnome ears and two hobgoblin ears in total, and all of them are fresh.  You  expect me to believe you killed them all by yourself?"

"Yes, yes I do." said Jason who was staring to think that he had made a mistake, but he couldn't just go back now. He had come here at this tavern to try to sell these ears and not to the guild because the guild didn't do business with non combat classes like a Farmer. So, he did the next best thing and decided to sell them underhand to a broker like the man before him.

"Hah hahaha..... that's a good one. Now, tell me the truth: where did you get these ears?"

Jason was beginning to loose his temper, but he quickly calmed down. He knew the man wouldn't believe him so he decided to give up on convincing him that he killed those monsters.

" It seems that you don't want the ears then." said Jason as he took back the ears.

"Who said I didn't want them? I was just curious of their origin. I'll give you three silver coins for the gnomes and five for the hobgoblin, eight silver for them all."


Jason though about the price for a while and found it reasonable for what he was doing.

' Normally a pair of gnome ears cost 2 silver and about the hobgoblin I don't know the price, but I guess it should be around 10 silver. So this mean that I just get half of what a Warrior usually would....

"Fine, I'll take 8 silver coins for all of them. "

"Great! I'll get you your money right away, just wait here."

The man stood up, went to the back where the kitchen was and one minute later come back with a sack of coins which he handed to Jason.  Jason not wanting to be swindled again, opened the sack and was surprised when he counted nine silver coins in total.

" Is everything alright?" said the man as he looked at Jason who was counting the coins. 

"Yeah, everything is fine! I'll be back soon enough with more goods." answered Jason as he put the sack on his backpack and let the tavern with saying anything more. This made the man stare at Jason until he finally went out of the tavern.

"Should we put a tail on him?" 

A woman's voice came from the back of the hooded man , but he didn't seem to be surprised at all as he immediately answered.

"'s better that we don't. I'm not sure, but he may be using ' Silent Steps."


But isn't he a Farmer? How can a Farmer use 'Silent Steps'?"

The man didn't answer and turned around to see the woman who served Jason his food. He playfully grabbed her chin and whispered something on her ear.

"You may not want to know the answer of the dear wife!"