Doctor Frankenstein enters a bodybuilding competition
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[WP] Doctor Frankenstein enters a bodybuilding competition, only to find that he has seriously misunderstood the objective.

The venue was large enough to accommodate 400 people. The sponsors have spent months advertising the event. Many were refused entrance as they underestimated the success of the event. The jury was composed of finely selected bourgeois, two judges and 1 physician. The athletes were numbered and each walked forward on the stage, showed their appeals while talking about themselves.



(Shrieks and sounds of broken chairs.)

“Alright, my bad. I honestly didn’t know.” Said an unfazed participant. He was the only immobile existence in this chaos.

“Look. I’m sorry. (Someone’s leg is thrown on stage) I should have read the manual (Cries and people fighting for their life) I was so excited to show my skills (Sounds of broken skulls and gushing blood) I admit I went a bit far (The roof shook at the roar of the 2m tall monster) Okay, I went further than a bit far. Still, you have to admit (plasters of brains matter and viscera painted the walls and stage) I did a pretty good job. Who else could have made a thing this great?


A red hand suddenly gripped Victor Frankenstein ankle. Unfortunately for the hand, the rest of the body was sown a bit everywhere on the venue’s floor and ceiling. Victor took in the scene displayed in front of his eyes. The monster had ravaged the venue and murdered the one he couldn’t chew. The door leading outside was completely destroyed and, at least half of the spectators were either dead, dying or missing limbs.


Victor made a face, “Yeah, I really went too far with this one. The body is not really aesthetically pleasing. On the bright side, I don’t have to rob graves anymore.” He surveyed the scene, trying to guess the number of deads. “I think I can build at least 10 creatures from those. How am I going to transport them without alerting the authorities?”