32 – Fall
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The second day was similar to the day before. There was nearly identical suite one floor below the last one. We had more time since we didn’t go to the top of the donjon. Of course we didn’t manage to get the room clean till lunch. Cleaning part of the room more than once didn’t help and the tickling sessions took their time as well. We had training mixed with material arts training in the evening.

The next day we cleaned the bathrooms and the hallway on the second floor of the donjon, which was a large room where many guards lingered around in their nonworking shift. After that we had to clean the floor below with more guards and three bathrooms. We managed to avoid more and more Miss Iralalith’s tickling sessions. Still the workload was too much for completing it in time.

On the first floor was a door to the library as well. The office tract was cleaned in the evening, but there only selected servants permitted. Just like on the third floor.

The next days we were on the second floor, cleaning all the hallways followed by all but the purple suite. This suite was taken care of by the guests servants. The guest was Lady Aralene, which was an older woman and an aunt of Graf Eckarst, which was our Erlaucht. We cleaned the empty rooms for the servants, too. The rooms here were in a better condition than the rooms up in the donjon.

One evening, it was already late and we missed dinner, we had a small tour of the first floor. There wasn’t much to see, but now we knew where the various offices and the throne room could be found. The offices were for the administration staff of Graf Eckarst. These people had larger apartments in the lower bailey or lived in town.

After about fifteen days we finally started to notice magical things without few effort. I had to concentrate and could see the magic on the marks and our clothes. There were enchantments around the castle at various places, too. Maybe some wards against intruders and divination. We could only see the magic was there and some magics shone brighter than other.

We spent all the time until Winter’s edge, which was a public holiday, cleaning the various parts of castle with a focus on the second floor and eventually we were able to get our work done in time. Miss Iralalith adapted though. Most of the time we managed to get it done just in time. Talking with other maids working here revealed that she had a knack for guessing how long every maid needed to clean a room.

Caroline learned to swim decently after a while. We all got more toned and fit over the time due to relentless training.

It was the 33. day in the late fall.

“Tomorrow is Winter’s edge. Since you’ve cleaning duty we decided to give you a day off, since on that day only important work is done. You did well the last month.” Miss Tessa lingered in the pool after training.

“It’s a bit like Happy Harvest, thus in town there will be party everywhere. Most of the servants will be in town tomorrow. There are reasons for Lilly, Milly and Tilly the stay in the castle.” She looked at us with a solemn face.

“Caroline may do as she pleases. You are allowed to use the pool tomorrow.” She looked at us with a smile.

“There will be meals for the servants which will stay behind.” Miss Tessa yawned and started to leave the pool.

“Since you get manage to clean the rooms an adequate manner now, you will have cleaning duty in the afternoon during winter. The mornings you will be in my care. I will start to train you earnestly.” Miss Tessa dried herself with a towel.

She left the room.

After a few minutes we left the pool as well and got ourselves ready for then night. We went to our room and we lighted the lantern.

“Earnest training? What is what we’ve done all the time?” Milly laid herself on the bed.

“Warm-up. I suppose we will train the complete morning.” I sat down beside her head.

“And after that comes normal work. And when we get complaints, there is training in the evening, too?” Caroline laid down on Milly’s side.

“Until we get used to it.” Tilly sat next to me.

“As Miss Tessa will allow us to get used to her training!” Milly pulled her knees to her chin and put her arms around her legs.

“Miss Tessa and Miss Iralalith do have that in common.” Tilly pouted while clenching her fists.

“She increases the workload gradually as we get faster.” I nodded at Tilly.

“And having no weekend is bad too.” Milly frowned.

“What’s a weekend?” Caroline pats Milly on the head.

“That’s exactly the problem!” Milly fumed.

“Where we come from it was custom to have a free day or two after a few days working.” I missed weekends.

“That’s quite a luxury!” Caroline pointed out.

“It had religious roots.” Tilly tickled Milly under her feet.

“Eekkk! Stop that!” Mill straightened her legs and rolled away from us into Caroline.

“Mine!” Caroline hugged Milly over her arms from behind.

Milly blushed and fidgeted for a few moments.

“Evil!” Milly shot Tilly a furious glare.

Tilly and I giggled.

“Want some more?” I started to move my hands towards her feet.

“Stay away!” Milly gave me a furious glare as well.

“Just kidding. We had enough tickling for a while.” I skidded next to Milly again and started to knead her head.

Milly laid in front of me enjoying herself.

“The feet were just dangling in front of my nose! How could I resist?” Tilly pulled her legs to her chest.

“By simply keeping you hands to yourself?” Milly shot her a miffed glare.

“What will we do tomorrow?” I changed the subject.

“Spending some time at the pool.” Milly put an arm around my waist.

“Without leaving the castle it will be quite boring.” Tilly pointed out.

“Without money the town isn’t really an option as well.” Caroline snuggled against Milly.

“Maybe we can explore the castle outside the main house a bit.” I looked at Tilly.

“That would be nice!” Tilly smiled back.

“I’m in for everything that is a change to a normal day.” Milly lifted her head on my lap, freeing herself from Caroline’s hug.

“We hadn’t any progress with our main plan so far.” Milly sled her hands around my neck.

“We should learn how to read and get access to the library.” Tilly climbed over Milly and inserted herself between Milly and Caroline.

I nodded.

“Asking people for general information like that guard on the donjon was interesting as well. At least for local stuff. Knowledge about far away lands is probably not widespread.” I patted Tilly on the head.

“Commoners usually don’t travel beyond the next village. An exception are artisans who usually travel for a while after their apprenticeship. Some of them return years later and were in far away lands. Some never come back at all.” Caroline shifted herself a bit to lay more comfortable.

Caroline started to caress Tilly and we were silent for a few minutes.

“Can it be that there is some developement here?” Milly started to prod my breasts.

I blushed furiously.

“They grew!” Milly smiled and moved on to examine her own goods for a while.

“We were probably to distracted by the all the work in the last time. And it’s not much.” Tilly took a look under her nightgown.

“Would you please n-n-not simply touch there without warning?” I looked at Milly with deep red cheeks.

“Sorry, but I was too curious.” Milly smiled at me. “And a simple warning is enough?”

I nodded, still being embarrassed.

After a while I sneaked a peek at my chest, and yes I was a noticable change. Small mounds had started to grow on my chest. How big would they get? I decided to stop that train of thought, as my checks started to flush again.

Milly still had her head on my lap and was observing me. She got up and pulled me out of the the bed. She put her mouth next to my ear and whispered:

“It’s okay to check how you change. There are no mirrors around and we don’t have much privacy here either. With a room for yourself it would be easier.” Milly bit herself on her lower lip and she looked a bit tense.

I nodded.

“It’s bit easier for me, since it’s not the first time for me to see that. I remember the time where it happened the first time for me. It is not the same you feel now, but seeing how your body changes step by step is not easy at times. Especially when you don’t know how it ends.” Milly hugged me close.

I could feel her breasts touching mine, which was a kind of strange feeling. As it didn’t feel bad, I tried to keep my breathing calm and finally hugged her back, looking deep into her caring eyes. A few tears ran down my cheeks while I tried understand why my stomach felt so strange.

After I my pulse got down to normal, I gave her a peck on her cheek.

“Thank you!” I whispered in her ear.

“We should stop for the day. Tomorrow there is time enough and we shouldn’t skip breakfast.” Caroline climbed out our bed.

We tucked ourselves in. Caroline turned off the lantern and tucked herself in.

“Good night girls!”

“Good night Caroline!