Part 12: Gauntlet
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The metal globes flew to either side of Viro and tried to smash together with him between. However, a millisecond second before they could make contact they stopped. Abnur, being a typical robot confined by programming, was confused and searched its programs for what failed. The orbs took on a greenish glow and returned with speed toward Abnur and locked back into his shoulders. The robot jerked and convulsed for a few seconds and then stood still. 

            “Now then,” Viro said.

            Up in the air, Halley was running out of ways to dodge and couldn't land a solid hit on his opponent. He tried faking Pyrus out by flying wide of the fiery target and correcting at the last second.  It didn’t work. Pyrus was just too agile a flier. Halley blocked another direct blast with his shield and noticed Viro waving to him from the ground.

            “Okay, come and get me!” Halley yelled and dove for lower airspace.

            Laughing, Pyrus followed. When closer to Viro, Halley changed direction. Pyrus almost followed except a metal cable whipped around his ankle. As he paused, distracted, Halley circled back and slammed directly into his target. Pyrus hit the ground hard, stirring up the gray dirt. Abnur grabbed up the fiery stone man, holding him tight. Pyrus was unconscious, but otherwise unhurt thanks to his hardened body. Halley landed next to his partner.

            “I gave him a virus, but I need to recharge.”

            “Good job. Maybe now we can find out who these guys are. Pyrus claims they aren't pirates.”

            “That inspires confidence.”

            “Wow, he's still burning, but it seems to be a much lower flame.”

            “Appears his robot friend is somewhat fire proof. How handy. Well, maybe we can wake up flame guy here and ask him questions.” Before Viro could figure out how to do that a wave of dizziness overtook them both and they fell senseless.

            Hours later they awoke bound tight with a new man looking over them. The man's blond hair matched his golden uniform and even his eyes carried the same tint. He looked over them grimly and shook his head.

            “I underestimated you,” he admitted. “I thought two of my men could take just two of you. Lesson learned.”

            “I call that 'not thinking' rather than underestimating,” Viro deadpanned.

            “I'm sure you do. I've been told that we shouldn't breach your containment suit. Abnur was going to take care of that, but now we'll have to get creative since he's shut down.”

            “He was too user friendly and breach my suit at your own peril.”

            “Who are you?” Halley demanded as he tried to shake of the sluggish feeling of what ever hit them.

            “We are the Gauntlet, mercenaries for hire.”

            “Assassins,” Viro added.

            “True, we have been sent to kill you. I am Biosurge. Through conduits, such as the ground you stood on, I can disrupt life energies. Normally, my power isn't lethal.”

            A young man in green clothing and boots stepped into view. Even his hair was a grass green color as well as his teeth when he smiled at them.

            “However, my colleague, Exponent is going to change that. He will multiply the effect of my power and make it lethal. I'm sorry, I can't guarantee it to be painless.” He held his hands out toward them and paused, “Oh, but I was told to say something to you.”

            “Like what?” Halley's mind raced for any way to stall, hoping Viro had recharged and could get them loose.

            “You are both sentenced to death for treason.”

They both stared dumbfounded as Biosurge reached for them again. This time he was interrupted by a screeching sound from above and a red streak of light sent Exponent flailing through the air. There was a cracking noise like thunder and he lay still on the ground. Sersi spiraled back up into the sky. Before Biosurge could turn he felt a blast of icy air and saw Pyrus frozen in a mountain of ice.  Falconer hovered over him with a commanding hand outstretched.  A bolt of lightning hit the ground at Biosurge's feet where the ground exploded upwards at the same time throwing him clear over the nearby rooftop.  Viro's bonds dissolved and he reached over to free Halley.

            “We need to move quickly,” Falconer ordered.

            Another of Sersi's shrieks filled the air as she hit Biosurge while he tried to get to his feet. He fell off the other side of the roof. Once free, Halley grabbed up his shield and aligned himself to hit Pyrus in his temporary ice prison.

            “No time for that. He's not going to be held long as it is,” Falconer interrupted. “You will only free him so that we have to fight him.”

            Grumbling, Halley went along and they ran for outside the colony where Reigndale guarded their craft. People peeked out of windows of the town but still no one dared to poke as much as a finger outside. Viro wondered if they were grateful to see him and Halley leaving. Despite the circumstances, they were both happy to go.

            “Well, you wanted action,” Viro said to his partner.

            “I should be careful what I wish for.”

            Reigndale met them near the craft as they ran up. Sersi circled high over them to watch their backs.

            “These people have their own ship and it's coming in close,” Reigndale reported.

            “They were sent to kill us,” Haley said, “They'll probably give chase.”

            “I'll deal with the ship,” Viro offered.

            “Have you recharged enough?”

            “Yes, I believe so.” Viro flew toward space and Halley followed.

            “I'm right with you.” He was always ready to back his sarcastic friend.

            “We'll get on board once we're done,” Viro called back, and Falconer nodded.

            He signaled Sersi to get on board so they could get away. Pyrus was nearly free and seething with rage.

            “Are we going to blow them up?” Halley asked as he was in the perfect mood to destroy something.

            “I don't know if I have quite that much energy, but we can certainly cripple it.”

            “Sounds good to me. I don't know what's going on, but it looks like we were set up as targets. I'm not standing for that.”

            “Nor am I.”

            The ship belonging to the mercenaries was huge, a starliner class easily eight times the size of the ship Reigndale piloted. It carried enough weaponry to take on large squads of fighters without difficulty and with little damage taken. Unfortunately, it had never met the likes of the Royal Guard. Halley and Viro flew underneath it and Viro created a hole in the shields. Halley blasted through like his namesake comet and smashed all the way out the top. Debris spread in all directions and alarms on the ship sounded over the critical breach. Broken circuits and cables snapped and crackled on board and left a perfect opening for Viro's next trick. He created a virus and set it loose through the opened circuitry of the craft. It tore through programming systems all over the ship in seconds, disabling navigation, piloting, power and life support. Lights flashed on and off several times before going completely dark. The ship floated dead in space. The two friends raced over to their escape craft and Viro used an intangibility virus he perfected to put them both on board.  They sped away, wanting to put as much distance as possible between themselves and their new adversaries.