Vol.1 Chap. 2 – Secret Base (2)
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“Null Island, Null Island, this is the Astral Sage, requesting permission to dock.”

A request was made to the port control of a base under the depths of the sea. Upon receiving the hail from the ship which is making its way to their location, an operator who is a Korean decent in her 30’s, noted their request relays it to her superior, which is a man of Indonesian decent, overseeing her team of port control operators who are on duty for their shift.

“Sir, Astral Sage is on approach & they are requesting permission to dock.”

“Understood, send them to dock in at Dock A-1.”

“Yes sir.”

Upon receiving her orders, she immediately relayed it to the ship approaching their base, which is approximately 16000 feet below the surface of the sea.

“Astral Sage, this is Null Island. We read you loud & clear, prepare to receive guidance beacon to dock at Dock A-1.”

“Null Island, solid copy, we are now ready for docking beacon.”

“Astral Sage, confirming your beacon link, you are free to initiate docking procedures.”

“Roger that Null Island, engaging all docking systems protocols now.”

“Acknowledge Astral Sage, welcome back to Zero Cross, Null Island out.”

“Thanks Null Island, it’s good to be home, Astral Sage out.”

Moments later, lights from a ship which is approximately 2000 feet long begin to appear in front of the observation deck of the base control tower. The Astral Sage is one of the ships operating on Earth & it is the lead ship of its class, serving as a mobile base of operation for the organization which commissioned it. With the height of approximately 100 feet while its width around 120ft. This ship alone by impression is able to wage a small war by itself.

In bridge of the Astral Sage, her captain is overseeing the docking sequence of his ship. Things have been proceeding well & he smiles, indicating his satisfaction with the performance of his crew. They are again contacted by port control of Zero Cross Base, indicating they will be docking any moment.

His communications officer, who is an African man in his 20’s attends to it while the captain continues to oversee their work. Their display screen shows that the lights, which will guide them to the location that will be docking has been lit by the base port control.

“Astral Sage, this is Null Island, we have visual of your approach, maintain speed & direction for docking.”

“Copy that Null Island, confirming visual of the guiding light for Dock A-1.”

As they are on final approach for docking, the helmsman of Astral Sage begins to steer towards their assigned dock with a reduced speed. The man, who is a Caucasian in his 30’s, paid every detail when maneuvering the ship. At that depth under the sea with a ship that size, the smallest mistake will lead to the biggest disaster. Soon the ship came to a halt, parked perfectly at her assigned dock.

“Null Island, this is Astral Sage, we have successfully docked, all set & ready for mooring.”

“Roger that Astral Sage, initiating mooring sequence now.”

At the tower of the port control, the operator which is dealing with the crew of the Astral Sage activated the machines at Dock A-1, which are several mooring clamps to hold the ship to the dock & service bridges to connect the ship to the base port.

These infrastructures are important to prevent the ship from being swept away by the underwater currents & to provide safe passage to the crew & passengers to embark & disembark the ship. Within a few minutes, the mooring sequence is done with all safety features locked in place & movement channels properly sealed & pressurized.

“Astral Sage, mooring is complete, we hope you will enjoy your stay here over & out.”

“Roger that Null Island, all set & secure, we will take our time to enjoy your hospitality, over & out.”

At the Embarking & Disembarking Deck, The Grandmaster who is waiting for the air locks to open begins his journey to the base. As their commanding officer, there will be many things to attend to once he is back in office.

Leaving the walkway connecting the ship & the base, he was met by a two men wearing similar uniform like him with markings to indicate that they are his subordinate. Both gave him their salute & after replying their salute, they proceed to escort their superior to his destination in the base.

Walking a distance, they reached a room which is similar like the one that the captain uses when he was heading to the bridge. It is another magrail transport, which is installed in the Astral Sage.

Just like any others, it is an internal transportation unit. All three of them took their seats & the machine begins to move at a rapid pace to their destination. The duration of the ride was a short one & they soon arrived in mere minutes.

Leaving the vehicle, these men headed to the offices of the base. The staff working there stood up & saluted their commander as he walked through the office with his escorts.

They reached a door, which when opened revealed to be a meeting room of the base. In there, there are already some people waiting for their arrival. The room is dimly lit, with the map of Earth is being shown on the display. They stood up & saluted The Grandmaster as he entered the meeting room, he replied back & all of them took their respective seats to start their meeting.

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