Vol.1 Chap. 3 – Just A Nightmare
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In Quebec, the same boy in his teens is now riding his bike on the streets at night. Suddenly, bright lights are being flashed at him from behind much to his surprise. Sensing danger, he immediately paddles his bike harder to gain some extra speed to escape the danger.

The effort was rewarded as he soon starting to gain more distance from that dangerous vehicle. Seeing a narrow alley in front of him, he wastes no time to take the opportunity to lose his pursuer. That choice paid off, as the truck is no longer able to chase him.

This victory is short lived as lights flash the boy again, indicating he is being pursued again by the same vehicle earlier. It happens right away when he got out of the alley way. The boy waste no time, by paddling harder, he increases his speed in his attempt to get into a safe place, which the truck will not be able to harm him.

However, to his horror, he realised that it might not be one truck that is chasing after him. With that speed of the pursuit on him resumed, it could be two or more, making him to be more wary of others that could be lurking around, waiting for the right moment to pounce on him for the kill.

Whatever motivations that these people behind that wheel, it is definitely not a good one. That is the only thought that he has in his mind, peddling his bicycle harder to increase its speed. Reaching a junction, he was greeted by lights from another truck. This is bad news for him as he knows that he is now cornered with nowhere to run.

In a very short time gap with several microseconds to spare, the boy knew he must act immediately in order to save himself. Turning right, which has no road, which is the only decision the boy knows he could take. Approaching the barrier in front of him at high speed, he can only brace as he was flung airborne upon collision. After that, everything went all black to him.

The teenage boy man woke up to an unfamiliar bed, he is conscious but in a daze. It took him a while to gain awareness of his surroundings, but when he does, he noticed that the objects around him had suggested to him that he is not at home at the moment. Any attempt to remember what has transpired being ending up in the hospital ward that he is in is replied with headaches, causing him to groan in agony.

Alerted by the sound of his groans, the nurse on duty that time noticed that he has gained his consciousness while checking the patients who are warded there that time.

“Hello there, young man.”


“How are you Mr. Swansong?”

“Fine, I guess, my head hurts.”

“Maybe you have a concussion. After all you did fall badly this morning. Hang on a minute, I will go & get the doctor.”


After making her patient comfortable, the nurse left to call the doctor on duty to check up on his current condition. Meanwhile, the boy looked outside of the window in his room. It is already night he realised, making him to wonder how long had he been unconscious before waking up from that nightmare he had just now.

Soon the nurse arrived with the doctor on duty. The doctor proceeds to examine his patient body conditions to see if there are any abnormalities. Satisfied with what is seen. He notes his findings on the patient track sheet that he brought along with him on his conditions.

“How do you feel now Mr. Swansong?”

“Like getting hit by a truck doctor.”

“You are sure lucky, from what I hear from the police it nearly become true today.”

Hearing those words, some flashbacks on the incident this morning came to the boy, causing him to groan again in pain. Sensing his choice of words may have stimulated some response on his patient memory recall the doctor stopped.

“Sorry Mr. Swansong, I probably made you remember something unpleasant just now.”

“It’s ok doctor. I’m just trying to recall what happened before I end up here.”

“Relax son, there is no need to rush. Get some rest, you will remember better after that.”

“Yeah doc, I’ll try to catch some sleep.”

“If you still can’t sleep, I’ll prescribe you some meds to help you sleep.”


Satisfied that all is well for the patent, the doctor left him to get the much needed rest that is needed by his patient. The nurse remained there a little longer to tend to his needs.

“Is there anything I can do to make you comfortable?”

“Some water please, my throat is a little dry.”

“Sure, you stay put while I get you some water.”

The nurse left him for a while to return with a small cup of water. Drinking all its contents, the boy shuts his eyes to get the much needed rest. It didn’t take him long to fall asleep again as he is exhausted from the ordeals he had for the day.

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