I jolt up in bed gasping for breath as the overwhelming stench of fresh blood assaults me. The room is only barely lit from the fire behind the screen and it cast long clawing shadows up the ceiling.
My heart is hammering away and after a few seconds I feel Shiva's energy push through my body to cool me down. “Better?” She murmurs as I get myself back under control.
“Better,” I repeat as my heart rate slows down and I start being able to take full breaths again.
The bed shifts and I tense up for a moment while I have to stop my reflex to dive for my dagger. Maya drags herself up with a yawn and she gazes around before settling on me.
“What is it?” she leans in and rests her head on my shoulder.
“I don't know,” I sigh after a moment, I can't remember anything other than the scent of blood.
“Bad dream,” she hums and drapes an arm around me, “It's okay.”
She slowly rubs my shoulder, gives me a squeeze, and her other hand snakes its way down into mine where she twines our fingers together. Another hand comes to a rest on my hip and Iris sits up and presses herself onto my back.
We just sit in the near dark accompanied by the crackle of burning logs for several minutes. “You two should go back to sleep,” I finally murmur and try to gently push them back into bed. They both resist me and instead position themselves even tighter next to me.
“What about you then?” Iris yawns and presses her lips against my free shoulder.
“I need a drink, or five” I refrain from saying it out loud but I doubt I'll be able to sleep anymore tonight.
“You are on patrol tomorrow anyway,” Shiva lightly laughs, “And hungover you is a nightmare.”
“You are bleeding,” Maya sits back up and interrupts my thought.
“What?” Iris pulls away and twist around me.
“I'm bleeding?” I frown and shake my head, “I feel fine.”
“I smell fresh blood,” Maya insists and Iris slides out of bed and starts to drag me along as well. I don't put up a fight and just let her drag me over towards the light as Maya follows along.
Iris pulls me fully into the light and examines me fore a second before gasping slightly, “Ah it's your horns.” Her hand floats up slightly before she stops herself, “I'll go grab your medicine and some bandages.”
She hurriedly slithers out of the room and Maya move around in front of me and peers at my forehead. “How do they look?” I ask as she leans in and I can feel her breath brush against my cheek.
“They've just started to break through,” she explains and takes my hand in hers, “So like little black points, “Does it hurt?”
“No more than before,” I shrug, to me it is just a dull throb at this point, “Is the bleeding bad?” I can't feel any blood running down my face so it shouldn't be, and she shakes her head.
“It's already started to scab.” I nod my head to her and she yawns deeply again before glaring at me, “Don't even say it.”
Her glare is about as threatening as a rabbit chewing on a piece of fruit but I don't tell her to go back to bed again. Instead I pull her out into the hall and towards the kitchen. “What are we doing?” she continues to whisper even as we walk away from the bedrooms.
Iris spots us and quickly falls in line next to me with her bundle of things. “I can't promise I wont make noise when Iris treats me,” I shrug, “And I want to grab a drink.”
“I'll make tea then,” Maya nods and heads into the kitchen while Iris pulls me over to the table.
She puts the things she is carrying onto the table before quickly pulling a chair out for me to sit in. I do as she wants and she picks up the jar of medicine, “A bit of pressure.” I nod and she stretches her fingers out and gently rubs around my horns bring a hissing gasp to my lips.
It stings as well as aches now and after a moment of agony Iris pulls her hand away before quickly treating the other side. She doesn't say anything else and just gently places a strip of gauze on my forehead before wrapping it with a bandage.
“Too tight?” She runs her finger under the edge of the bandage and I shake my head as the aching pain starts to subside leaving the burning behind. Maya returns after a few minutes with a tray that she sets down on the table before taking a seat on my left.
She quietly picks up the kettle and pours three cups of tea and we all silently drink our tea. It tastes good but it doesn't really soothe my nerves and once the kettle is empty I sigh and shake my head at the two of them clearly fighting to stay awake.
“Lets go back to bed,” I stand up and it is my turn to drag them around.
“But the dis-,” Iris yawns deeply and shakes her head.
“I'll take care of them in the morning,” I continue to lead them back to bed before they have have a chance to argue with me. I gently shove them back into bed and crawl back between them and cover us back up.
Even if I can't get any sleep they should both get plenty of rest. It takes them a while but they do eventually succumb and drift off to sleep and I sigh at them as they grip me from either side.
“There's a letter for you,” Melodiana points at the table as I walk into the room and I nod before taking a seat. “What happened?” she points at the bandage on my head after a second and she looks concerned.
“Horns,” I grunt and after a second she nods and I yawn, “Did they say who it was from? Did Mama finally send a reply?”
“No they didn't mention it,” she shakes her head, “Are you going to be alright today?”
“I should be,” I nod and pick up the folded paper and flip it over to examine the seal. It isn't Mama's and it isn't one I recognize either so I draw my dagger and slip it under the wax. I open it and freeze at the ancient Elfish before clucking my tongue at it.
How has my sleeping flesh eater been?
My Family and I have been doing well and my little Kaede has been wanting to see you again. So I told her that I would write you and invite you over to our flower shop so she could show you the flowers she has grown.
If you would be so kind to humor her I would appreciate it. It would also give a chance to chat and catch up.
I scowl at the letter and consider tossing it into the fire but after a moment restrain myself and fold it back up.
“When are we going?” Shiva sighs distastefully. She knows as well as I do that we can't avoid it now.
“The sooner the better,” I shake my head, “It's better for us to go instead of her coming.”
“Is there a problem?” Melodiana asks and I shake my head.
“An acquaintance invited me over to visit,” I sigh, “I'll head over once we are finished with our patrol.”
“Do you want me to come along?” she offers after a moment of deliberation.
“You don't have to,” I stand up and stretch before going towards the dining table. Iris and Maya are both sitting at the table looking around a bit dazedly and my irritation dissipates as they yawn in sync with one another.
“Alright,” Melodiana follows me into the room, “Let me know if you change your mind between now and then.”
I hum my response to her and take a seat between the two while Leyla and Fiona work away in the kitchen.
Thanks for the chapter!
she stops her self
It taste good but it doesn't reall
Thanks for reading
Will there be two uploaded this week, since you missed last week?
I am going to attempt to get a second chapter out, hopefully in a couple of days at the latest.