Story 2 Extra-Skits
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I forgot to upload this tiny little something haha

*Xu Anru Vs. Jang Biqing Vs. Ming Yu*

Xu Anru: Slut! you dare show up here!?

Jang Biqing: Mmn~ Im after that testosterone six-packed rich man so you can f*ck off. He doesn't want you.

Ming Yu: . . . two-faced golddigger, You're too shameless.

Xu Anru: You useless man! Give me back Tingxiao!!!

Ming Yu: He was mine before you came.

Xu Anru: He was mine before you came to this timeline!

Ming Yu: It was you who dumped him.

Xu Anru: That-

Ming Yu: Did he ever touched you? Did he take you to bed?

Xu Anru: No but that's-

Ming Yu: You don't even know what he likes to do when we f*ck. He likes ramming his **** and sucking my **** and when he **** -

Feng Tingxiao: My wife is fierce. I fell in love all over again. -thumbs up

Feng Zhenhao: COULD YOU PLEASE STOP!? (*/u\*)

[Admin: (*/u\*)]

Xu Anru: . . . p-positions? which are those?

Jang Biqing: "..."

Ming Yu: really now. . .ヽ(ー_ー )ノ

-*-*-*-*-*-*-* lol

*Admin's special chatroom*

[Admin: Author's author, can you give me more screen time in the third book?]

Me: Mmn. . . I'll let you fill in most of the first two or so chapters.

[Admin: Uhh. . . this makes happy but, what's the catch?]

Me: Look forward to it. Im sorry. 


Me: "..." (´・ᴗ・ ' )

Me: "Im sorry." (´・ᴗ・ ' )

----------------Me is offline.

[Admin: "..."]

[Admin: Can I fire myself out of the casting list? (¯∇¯٥)]

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* lol

*Meeting Feng Mother*

Feng Mother: Im glad that there's finally a new addition to the family.

Jang Xin: I never knew Ting had such a pretty mother.

Actually I thought that you were long dead. R.I.P (゜-゜)

[Admin: Author. . . don't get used to the past plotline. *sweats*]

Feng Mother: You really ruined my plans though~♡

Jang Xin: Plans?

Did he do something wrong?

Feng Mother: Mmn. I was about to drug him and throw him into some random woman's arms to make sure his **** was healthy and working.

Jang Xin: "..."

[Admin: "..."]

Feng Mother: I thought he was impotent and it was the reason why he never had a relationship. When I married my husband, it was me who took the initiative and force- *cough dragged him into marriage with me hoho~♡

Feng Father: *cold sweat

Feng Zhenhao: *cold sweat

Feng Tingxiao: *used to it.

Feng Mother: Tingxiao took after from me.

Jang Xin: I can see that now. Despite resembling Feng Father a lot.

[Admin: So it was Feng Mother's decisive genes. (*/u\*)]

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* lol

*Meeting Feng Father*

Feng Father: Xiaoxin, can you please hand me my keys.

Jang Xin: here.

Jang Xin: Would you like some coffee?

Feng Father: No. Thank you, how kind of you.

Jang Xin: You don't need to be so formal.

Feng Father: It's because you are Tingxiao's wife. . . *sweat* *sweat*

Jang Xin: ?

Feng Mother: Guo Li!!! Come help me out in the kitchen!

Feng Father: Yes! Yes! im coming!!! *panic*

Jang Xin: "..."

Feng Tingxiao: My father is what you call a wife slave.

Feng Tingxiao: I resemble mom a lot in character so he also acts the same to me.

Feng Tingxiao: Of course, im a slave to you.

Jang Xin: Ting. . . disneySea. . .

Feng Tingxiao: On it.

They spent a week there burying Zhenhao under piles of work.

Of course Feng Father acts differently outside the family resembling Tingxiao's taciturn facade.

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* lol

*Since that day*

Ming Yu: Admin. . . why are you ignoring me?

[Admin: I'm not.]

Ming Yu: Ever since the day Zhenhao came by. . . you barely talked to me.

[Admin: You're imagining it.]

[Admin: Author, talk to you later.]

---------------Admin is offline.

Ming Yu: "..."

Ming Yu: Come back soon. . .

>The Admin who hid behind the scenes.


Cause that day. . .

The innocence of it's eyes? had been taken away.

He never saw something that challenging before.

Well before the after. ╮(︶▽︶)╭

-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* lol

*Zhenhao's stalking incident*

-In the Club.

Bartender: Zhenhao, there's a girl waiting for you.

Zhenhao:Ignore her. (ㆆᴗㆆ)

I'm sure that i never introduced her to this club before though.

-In a restaurant.

Waitress: Sir, the meal has been paid and the lady wishes to see you.

Zhenhao: Ignore her. (ㆆᴗㆆ)

How did she even know I was here?

-In a Hotel

Cleaning lady: Sir, a woman paid with extra service wanting to see you.

Zhenhao: Ignore her.

WTF Is she stalking me!? (⊙_⊙)

-At the Park.

Child: Mister!

Zhenhao: F*ck off!!! Did a woman ask you to come to me?

Child: . . . my cat. . .

-After saving the cat

Child: Mister thank you! here!

Zhenhao: "..." (゜д゜)

Zhenhao I miss you, J.B

Since then, Zhenhao became a bit paranoid around girls giving Feng mother a headache.

If he doesn't find a wife soon then Feng Mother will really end up drugging her son desperate for a grandchild.


*Invisibility Powers*

The Admin was doing his proper job watching over the Author's daily life.

Jang Xin: Mmn~ Ah!

The Admin stumbled on the two's intimate kisses.

[Admin: "..."] - He went offline. (ㆆᴗㆆ)

He diligently waited for an entire day knowing full well of the Male Lead's sex drive.

Jang Xin: Mmah!!! s-stop touchi- Ahng!

[Admin: "..."] - Went offline not wanting to watch. He got it wrong.

Jang Xin: . . .stop kissing. . . there. . .

[Admin: "..."] - Stayed for a bit before disappearing as the room increased in heat. ( ̄▽ ̄)

[Admin: "..."] - Author was currently in a challenging position in bed so he left before he could even blink. (ㆆᴗㆆ)

This job. . . don't you people think it ain't easy?

When can he do it properly?

The higher ups kept scolding him for a report of the situation.

What was he supposed to say?

What from all these was he suppose to show?

It was only when Tingxiao left for business trips that the Admin found peace and observed Ming Yu like he saw nothing.

Nothing at all.

Admin: (*/^\*) Im sorry. I really tried not to peep.

Do systems have the risk of turning gay? (-ω- ?)


*When the husband is home*

Jang Xin: I want more meat.

Tingxiao: I'll cook more for you

Jang Xin: I can't open this jar.

Tingxiao: Give it to me.

Jang Xin: I feel sluggish . .

Tingxiao: I bought a massage chair.

Jang Xin: Too lazy to work, but I need to finish Company L's blueprint by tomorrow

Tingxiao: *Ringing. President Lu, you're wife is having an affair. You might want to abandon work for a while and see through it.

Jang Xin: I never went to an aquarium or an amusement park.

Tingxiao: I reserved them both for a day. Should I extend it?

[Admin:. . . I have a bad. bad. baaaaaaad feeling about this. . .(¯∇¯٥)]

Ming Yu abandoned working at the early age of 38.

He was spoiled rotten by his doting husband for the rest of his life.

[Admin: Male lead. . .]

[Admin: (~-_____-)~ kudos to you. ]

a/n: Thought of too many skits and couldn't fit them on each chapter so I wrote a compilation. (*>ω<)