Yuni, the female protagonist.
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It was Sunday afternoon, when her stomach grumbled loudly asking for something to digest.

Hesitantly, our Female Protagonist got out of bed and slowly made her way to he old beat up refrigerator.

Alas, the moment the doors of the fridge have open, the clean white of nothing exposed the secret within. 

But not to worry, it was the year 20xx, modern day technology allows our dear Protagonist to order food to delivered to her location one click away.

She took her phone and started ordering something edible to feast. Then she stops, a hurdle suddenly pops into her memory. She didn't have cash to pay for the food.

Not to worry, as earlier mentioned we have invented modern technology, it means she can pay online. That's right another problem solved!

But the bad situations doesn't seem to end when our MC have remembered that she cancelled her card and will be unable to use it. Oh no! What can she do?

There's no other choice, she have to go out and withdraw some cash from her savings account then go to the nearest McDonald's and feed herself.

And so our female protagonist have prepared herself to the start of her adventure. She wore a simple hoodie, leggings and a pair of sneakers. She was ready to go.

Outside her fortress our protagonist journeyed to the nearest bank to get some cash.

After the transaction, she head downtown where the nearest McDonald's is located.

When our female protagonist neared the store she crossed the street unknowingly the misfortune coming her way.

A large horn blared at her ears making the most deafening sound she ever head. When she looked towards the noise, our female protagonist saw a large truck barrelling towards her so fast she was unable to move away and save herself and THEN . . .

Okay, maybe I should stop narrating my pathetic ending like that. Probably the reason I'm dead.

Anyway, as you can see I'm the Female Protagonist, my name is Yuni and I'm dead.

After that accident the ultimately caused my life ending, I awoke to a great big nothing, like my fridge.

On how I'm able to communicate/think, to myself I don't know either. I would say I'm going crazy but as you can see I'm dead and no one really cares. 

What? You want to know something about me?

Well, since you are so insistent.

I'm Yuni Hiragi, 20 year old hikikomori. I have a short attention span of a ch-- Hey, what's that?

Some white glow is coming towards me. Ohh, so bright.

I wanna touch it.

No, wait! It's sucking me in.


Don't just stand there grab my arm!


