Chapter 3
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“Dahlia did this to you?” 

“Oh shit, who’s there?” 

I turned and saw Alessa. Narses was not far behind. 

“How the fuck did you two get here so quickly?” 

“We rushed over when we heard the explosion!” 

“Yeah, but how!” 

“Alex! Did you do all of this?” Narses yelled as he caught up. “This is incredible! Do that tree over there next!” 

“Narses, shut up about the trees. Dahlia tried to kill Alex!” 

“What? That complicates things, somewhat. Doesn’t it?” 


“Okay, but how did you two get here so quickly?” 

“Hello?” Narses waved at me. “Mage over here.” 

“Magic, of course. I almost forgot that you're not just a drunk haha!” 

“Oi, girly! I’ve had just about enough! Just because you can make a little noise, doesn’t mean that you can disregard me as a drunk! I am first and foremost, a powerful mage! Then, a healer!” Narses threw a few balls of light past me and exploded when they hit the ground. They were similar to the one I made, but none were nearly as impressive. 20 points. It was clearly very taxing on him as well, because he began panting and heaving. 

“Hey, you’re sounding a little out of breath, Grandpa.” 

“I am out of breath.” He shook his head as he brought out his crystal flash. “I need a drink, but know there’s more where that came from!” 

It’s rather interesting that this so-called powerful mage is out of breath like that. Maybe magic is reliant on some sort of hidden reserve of mana. Maybe that’s what I was tapping into earlier. I should practice with magic later. Unless... 

I pointed my finger at the bridge and let loose a volley of my own magic. I didn’t feel as tired as I expected. I didn't feel tired at all. The size and power of each shot didn’t dissipate either. Not even after a dozen separate volleys. They remained uniform and powerful all throughout. 

“That’s pretty fucking overpowered.” I couldn’t help but mutter to myself, but is a self-proclaimed ‘powerful mage’ like Narses the best person to compare myself too? 

“That’s beyond overpowered!” Narses yelled, wide eyed and drooling a little. It was weird by itself, but then he ran over, grabbed me by the shoulders, and started shaking me. “If you were this strong, how did Dahlia even kill you!” 

I could feel how cold he was, despite it being warm out. Almost sent chills down my spine. 

“Stop shaking her!” Alessa ran over to my aid and pulled Narses away. “We can talk about all this back home. For now, we need to leave. Who knows what sort of attention that noise attracted? I’d rather deal with you two on my own first. Let’s go!” 

“Alright, but maybe Narses can show me what magic he used to get you two here so quickly.” 

“I’ve got no magic left in me.” 

“That’s why I said to show me how to do it.” 

“Oh, fine. Just make sure to watch closely, so you don’t mess up.” 

“No! It’s too dangerous!” Alessa scolded as she grabbed the two of us by the arm and dragged us back to her home. Technically, our home. 

When we returned, I saw an approaching crowd in the distance. Where did they come from? There were no other buildings in sight. 

Thinking on it, Alessa and Alex lived rather far from the nearby town, Luca. We were far enough that, if not for the dense forest, we might have seen only the outskirts of town. But why were we out here? 

There was a reason why Alex’s home is where it currently is, but I could no longer remember. Her memories used to be fresh in my mind, but so much had begun to fade. It was comparable to my own memory as Yuliya, which was never so clear even when I was still that person. What I still retained most vividly were from her most recent memories. Everything beyond them was getting increasingly difficult to focus on. Especially during her time with Dahlia. 

"Who are they?” I asked Alessa as she pushed me and Narses through the front door.  

“A nosy bunch of assholes.” Well, shit. Wasn’t expecting that from Alessa. “Wait, I mean-” 

“I know exactly what you mean.” I smiled and gave her a thumbs up. “Nosy bunch of assholes. Right, Narses?” 

“Huh? Oh, absolutely.” 

Alessa looked at the crowd, then at me and Narses, then back to the crowd, then shook her head and sighed. 

“I don't know how we’re going to explain all that noise.” 

“I know exactly what to say.” Narses said. Leave it to me. 

“Perhaps you should sober up.” Alessa said. 

“I need my wine.” Narses brought out his crystal flask and took a few gulps from its seemingly limitless supply. “For courage, of course.” 

“Maybe the constable won’t arrest us since Alex is awake. It would be a shame to ruin such good news.” 

“Hopefully, the constable only arrests Narses.” 

“Yeah, I can just break out anyway.” 

Alessa shook her head, again. Really. What did we say that would warrant such a head shake? 

The constable, though. Who was he? In my memories, his figure was hazy. I could only see a blob with no discernible features. Alex had barely any interactions with the man and those memories were even hazier. 

Perhaps Alex had simply forgotten those memories as time passed and, while they had been fresh to me in the beginning, I was forgetting them as well. If that’s true, then I might be a little screwed, because it would mean that I really am becoming Alex. I hope her personality doesn’t affect my own. 

Before long, the crowd of ‘nosy bunch of assholes’ had a had arrived at our home. 


“It’s me, constable Moore. I’m here with a few townspeople concerning those loud explosions earlier.” 

“Oh, Constable!” Alessa said as she opened the door. “I have some great news! Alex is awake!” 

The Constable was a rotund man who I might have mistaken as a normal townsperson if he wasn’t standing at the very front. That’s because he wasn’t wearing any sort of uniform. He looked like everyone else in the crowd, which makes my earlier theory a little more plausible, but he also looked like the friendliest out of all of them. 

“Really! That’s great!” He said, jubilantly, and seemed to be the only one genuinely pleased to hear that Alex was awake again. This guy isn’t an asshole. He’s actually kind of alright. Alex should have remembered him for his friendliness at the very least. 

“But what about the loud noises! How do you explain that!” Someone in the crowd yelled and everyone nodded their heads and murmured in agreement. Everyone else, however... what a bunch of nosy assholes. 

“Narses, you said you would explain?” 

“Oh, I did, didn’t I?” 

“How are you going to explain it?” I whispered. 

“Just watch and learn.” He responded with a cheeky smile. 

Narses walked out the door and raised his hands, signaling everyone to stop with their murmuring. 

“AHEM! Alex was ASLEEP, so I made some LOUD noises to WAKE her up. That is all.” He said, clapping his hands and speaking loudly to emphasize certain words. 

“Do you really expect us to believe that?” 

“She’s awake, isn’t she? Don’t doubt my skill. I’m a professional.” 

The townsperson was silent as he scratched his head, while the rest of the crowd was murmuring to themselves, seemingly content with his answer. 

Simple, but not too bad. I’d be impressed, but I’m sure I didn’t think of it first because my mind is too bogged down by Alex’s memories and maybe even her personality. What else can I say? She never had any cunning and I think it’s affecting me a little. 

“Alright, everyone, looks like everything is OK over here. Time to go back to your homes.” The constable said as he waved everyone away, before turning to me and patting my head. “Good to see you up and moving again, little lady. All of you take care now.” 

“Thanks!” I said as I waved goodbye. 

“Guess I’m done here. Time to go home.” Narses told us and started floating, as he drank from his crystal flask. 

“Wait! Teach me magic!” I yelled as I grabbed his ankle, careful not to look up into his robe. 

Nooooo! Let go! I want to go home!” 

“But you can drink anywhere!” 

“I’m going to SLEEP! All the magic I’ve used is tiring and I can’t do anymore! I don’t know how you’re still so energetic!” 

“Then you can help me figure it out! Besides, who else uses magic like you? Alessa?” 

“It’s mom. Call me mom.” 


“Yes, mother.” I said, but then she flicked my forehead with enough force that I let go of Narses. “Ow! What the fuck!” I said as I watched him slowly float away. 

“Wait... If he had no magic,” I continued to say, “how is he floating away? The lying bastard!” 

“Come on, young lady, let’s go inside.” Alessa said and I followed behind. 

Before we closed the door behind us, a familiar voice called out to me. 

“Alex?” It said. 


“Alex! You’re alive!” 

The young woman threw her arms around me in an embrace. 

She was a little younger and shorter than I was, than Alex. Much slimmer as well, but not in an unhealthy way. Her short, golden hair was covered by an orange bandana that complimented the blue in her eyes. She was rather adorable, but there were dark circles under her eyes. 

Thinking on it, they’ve always been like that. But why is that again? She was always working, I think. 

“How are you standing already? I heard that you hit your head in a nasty fall!” 

“Oh, I did, but I guess I’m stronger than everyone expected.” 

“Well, I’d love to stay and catch you up on everything that happened while you were asleep, but I’m only stopping by to see if you were okay. I’m sure Dahlia will be glad to hear that you’re still alive.” 

She turned to leave, but Alessa forcefully grabbed her by the shoulder. 

“Hey! What’s that for?” She cried out, trying to pull herself away. 

“Alex, when the Constable was investigating your fall, this one told him she and Dahlia were at the meadow together. She was her alibi.” 

“That’s because we were.” Rose said as her tired eyes dotted between Alessa and I, suspiciously. “Now let go of me!”  

Rose continued struggling to free herself, but Alessa kept her grip firm. 

“Well, then I guess it’s time for an interrogation.” 

“What? I’ll report you for this if you don’t let me go! Right now!” 

“I know Dahlia was the one who tried to kill me.” I said and watched as her eyes widened in fear. 

“No! It- It was just an accident!” 

“You were Dahlia’s alibi, helping clear her of suspicion. You’re as guilty as she is!” Alessa growled at her.  

Huh, I think I know what’s she’s getting at. 

“Either you were truly with Dahlia,” I said, “which would mean you were present when she tried to kill me, or you weren’t, which would mean you helped cover up her involvement. Either way, you are complicit in her crimes." 

“I- I didn’t-” Rose averted her teary eyes. 

“I know you weren’t there when she tried to kill me, so I’m willing to hear you out, but I’m not so sure the Constable will care for anything you say. So, let’s just have a nice chat. Okay?” 

Rose tried to force herself away from us, but with nobody to witness what was about to happen, it was no contest. Alessa dragged her into the house and I quickly closed the door behind us.