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Defying all Heavenly Laws, a lonely island floated in the Void. In the place where nothing should exist, this spot of land caught the attention of those strong enough to travel between Realms.

The Void Island, as Gods and Immortals decided to call it, was less in size than the territory of an ordinary mortal town. Barely one hundred li in radius, and half of that in height, it was nothing but a tiny speck in the boundless white nothingness. And, at one point, it had also become the sole respite for tired interdimensional travelers.

At one of the borders of the island, two figures sat on the ground in a lotus pose while watching the neverending whiteness before them. Why the pleasant light illuminated everything in the Void was a mystery no one had cracked yet. By all logic, the absolute darkness should have been dominating the place.

"So, have you really fell for this aloof girl?" The one asking the question with a playful smile was a devilishly handsome man who seemed to be in his late twenties. Of course, his real age was long since past the four digits. His bright pink-colored eyes and hair alongside multicolored tunic made of Heavenly Peacock feathers made his appearance more than otherworldly.

"Li Jie Senior, you are wrong!" the boy who seemed to be in his mid-teens disagreed. His looks reflected his actual age and his honest character. He wore a simple blue t-shirt with "I Love NY!" printed on it in English, stylish blue jeans, and Nike sneakers completed his image of a modern person from Earth. Except, he was anything but - his clothes being gifts from his crush.

"Hmm?" Li Jie Fang, also known as Pleasure Emperor, smiled. "I'm wrong? So you aren't interested in her, brother Lei?"

In their society, it was common to call others brother, sister, uncle, or aunt even if they weren't related in any way. Some people raised in different cultures could be confused when called "uncle" by a literal stranger.

"Of course I like sister Jessica!" the boy denied the absurd accusation. "You are wrong in calling her aloof. She is the most charming and friendly person I ever met!"

"Jessica?" Li Jie frowned at the unfamiliar name.

Realizing his slip of the tongue, the boy named Lei Yuan blushed in embarrassment.

"I-I mean Senior Sister Yun Yue!" he called her the name that the girl took after being reincarnated in this world. Of course, Lei didn't plan to tell anyone the truth about her origin.

"So," Pleasure Emperor said, ignoring the strange behavior of the boy, "did you call me here to ask for love advice?"

The boy nodded in confirmation. "Fairy Xia Xuanyin said that no one in the Divine Realm knows more about romance than you."

"Haha, being recommended by Harmony Goddess herself makes me proud!" Of course, Li Jie didn't doubt for a moment that she actually never praised him at all. In fact, young Lei misunderstood the words she said to keep him away from this womanizing scoundrel...

"Okay, let me teach you the Dao of Love from the basics, little Lei!" With a look of a wise mentor, Pleasure Emperor started to corrupt the innocent boy with his shameless ideas. "Let's say you want to hunt a Trueflame Phoenix. What would be the first step?"

Lei replied after contemplating for a few seconds, "Finding it?"

In his mind, the hardest part would be to locate Jessica and caught up on her travels.

With exaggerated gestures, Li Jie shook his head in denial.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong!" Pleasure Emperor shouted, the surrounding land slightly shaking from the release of his Divine Qi. "You have so much to learn, little friend! The obvious first step would be to learn how to hunt! What's the point of finding the prey of your dreams if you aren't ready yet to catch it yet? It'll lead to nothing but disappointment or even death! To hunt a big game, you need to first learn how to hunt a small one. To seduce a Goddess, you first need to learn how to seduce a mortal girl! Only after countless victories and defeats can you earn the chance to become a true master! Only then can you hope to achieve your dreams!"

As if being enlightened by hearing the supreme truth of the universe, the innocent teenager watched his new teacher with glittering eyes.

"Senior is so wise!" Lei exclaimed sincerely. "I want to learn more!"

Watching Lei affectionately, the sly God placed his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Let me tell you everything I know about love, little friend. With my help, you'll become a ladykiller second only to my esteemed self!"

Hearing those words, Lei Yuan jumped away from Li Jie, looking at the older man with fright.

"I-I don't want to kill any ladies, Senior!"

Pleasure Emperor deeply sighed before starting to explain himself to the boy. At this moment the God realized that he took a really problematic disciple, indeed. But he was yet to actually understand the true extent of the troubles that the decision to teach the naive boy all the wrong things would bring to him... He didn't know yet how scary System Goddess Yun Yue could be when pissed off.