chapter 3 “magic duel”
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i was shown my room and told to unpack my things and that after dinner that we will go buy me some more cloths and some books and some other stuff to add to my room and belongings and stuff that i needed for school. after i finished packing i sat down on my new bed and looked at my room the room walls were a background of a foggy forest with werewolves stalking a moon elk a large elk covered with glowing moon runes and it's entire body glows with the moon which was full on the backdrop. in the room already had been the bed, a dresser, a desk, a few empty book cases and a wardrobe for weapons and armor. 

i pulled out my knife and inspected its runes and sharpness. ouch! i cut myself a little. i suddenly had a thought why haven't looked up the runes before? i hurried to clean the small cut on my thumb and as i did that i looked up into the clean bathroom mirror. i hadn't ever seen my reflection so clear before the mirrors at the orphanage had always been dirty and smudged. i looked at my self and saw that i had short unkept messy brown hair and steel grey eyes i was wearing my brown leather coat a, black t-shirt and some worn out jeans and a black  hunting belt with a holster for my knife and black boots. i bandaged my cut and began to head to do some research on my knife runes but then kai came over. "hey want to have a magic duel?" he asked. "sure!" i said.

we went out to the backyard and saw that there was a magic dueling court! "wait you have a magic duel court!!" i exclaimed. " yep." he replied calmly. "we even have our own healing valkyrie!" he added as he activated a stone valkyrie statue that turned into a real healing valkyrie. healing valkyries were an important part of magic dueling without one you could't play a full duel because they can heal any wound from a magic duel and even bring you back from the dead but they only can do either of those things if the death or injury was from a duel.

we both put on dueling armor and grabbed a sword. on the count of 3 we began our duel as kai sett on fire and my summoning particles came from my body. kai started by throwing some fire balls at me i dodged them and summoned a cyborg dragon. i had the cyborg dragon distract and attack kai while i went and snuck up behind kia while he was fighting the cybernetic dragon. kai had gained some plasma burns from the dragon when i went up behind him and impaled him with my sword as he went limp i won the duel as the healing valkyrie came and brought him back to the land of the living. "guess you won then." he groaned as i nodded.

**this might be my last chapter of the day but again feel free to leave suggestions i might get some inspiration from your suggestions**