Chapter 1 – The Start of a Jumper
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-For Jump-chan’s Eyes Only-

Prolog - Personal Drawbacks (Read as House Rules).

Chain Drawbacks - (+500)

  • Quest Bound (+300) - This Jump Chain shall be written in the form of a Quest! Readers will take on the role of the Discordant Council and be able to Vote decisions and outcomes of most chapters.
  • AraAra-Chan (+200) - During your time between jumps, you will be stuck in the form of a child with a very clingy and affectionate Jump-chan. If you decide to visit previous jumps, she will follow you to act as your chaperone. People you have met will be able to recognize you if given a prompt but will probably find your predicament funny


Quest Results 

  • [x] Gender - Male
    • You appear to be a young boy no older than 13 and are still a bit dazed and confused about the last few months of your travels.
  • [x] Trait - Rhinestone Eyes
    • You have captivating eyes that glimmer like gemstones, capable of picking out the lights of the faraway factories in the distance through the smog clogging the air.
  • [x] Circumstances - The Lost
    • Your first few Jumps were unstable and your landings were rough, the spark that sent you on your journey was unpredictable and the times it took you away was random. It’s a good thing you learned to think on your feet early.
  • [x] Jump - Teen Titans
    • You're a Nerd and have been presented the option to rub elbows with some of the brightest heroes of your childhood.

“Hello my name is Miguel Vega, a curly-haired boy genius and a dashing rogue,” I said with as steady a voice and clear a tone I could manage. “And I’m on an adventure of a lifetime.”


It all began a little over 3 months ago when my Spark lit and I started shifting in and out of Parallel Realities. It marked the day with a lot of confusion and even more dizzy headaches as my nature as a Planeswalker came into focus in unstable glory.


And while the confusion lessened after a few Jumps to weird what-if scenarios of my hometown, what didn’t help was the dizziness that accompanied the shifts. Either way, when you have such a potent habit of getting lost, getting adopted becomes that much harder.


That’s probably why I was sitting in some random coffee shop instead of the orphanage waiting to meet my ‘potential parents’. “Hopefully they find some other kid when they find me missing, Tabby is a good kid.”


It was a nice coffee shop admittedly, if empty. The lighting was cozy and gave the whole place a warm atmosphere; even the chair I was sitting on was comfy. But that didn’t do much to distract me from the sad resentment settling in my guts.


Out of the corner of my eye, I notice someone approaching me. Turning to look at the disturbance I saw a red-haired woman rushing up to me smiling and waving. She did it with such an assurance that she knew who I was that I almost thought she was here for me before I chastised myself.


“There’s no way she’s here for me I’m in some bizarro version of Raleigh where the coffee shops sell blunts!” I thought to myself as I took stalk of the lady who was rapidly approaching me. 


She seemed to be a young lady standing about five foot four that seemed to be halfway through her 20s or her early 30s and wearing a simple blue skirt that came down to her shins and a turtleneck even though it was sweltering out. But what really caught my attention was the wild red hair on her head that seemed to catch the wind as she moved and flicker like a fireplace and her vibrant green eyes that seemed to twinkle with unseen starlight.


“Hello Miguel, it's nice to meet you~!” The energetic woman addressed me and dashing my previous expectations in an instant. “It’s so nice to finally meet you, I have heard so many wonderful things.”


“Excuse me, Miss. I don’t mean to be rude but who are you?” I asked the woman politely. I had no idea where she came from, but manners rarely hurt anyone.


“My name is Marigold Warren, your new Case Manager and Parental Guardian for the foreseeable future.” She said with a kind smile. “We were supposed to meet at the orphanage but it seems like your Spark had different ideas.”


“It’s nice to meet you, Miss Warren. I’m Miguel Vega.” I said meekly as a dozen questions started circulating through my head at once. “Can you tell me what’s going on with my case and how you found me?” 


As an orphan, I’d already been bounced around by a few different case managers and foster families to not question their kind smiles but this was too weird. I’m sitting in a coffee shop in some parallel reality. How would a case manager be able to find me here?


“Honestly it’s kind of an embarrassing story actually. We were alerted by one of our old interdimensional probes that there was a Jumper unaccounted for.” She said as she sheepishly scratched her head and pulled out a manila envelope from her purse and handed it to you. “It’s rare that a Jumper like you is so young when their Spark ignites and you sort of slipped through the cracks until one of our old systems caught you Jumping. When I was called I ended up doing a quick background check on you and made an attempt at adopting. When you didn’t show up to our appointment I put 2 and 2 together and assumed you’d ended up jumping and came looking for you.”


“Wait what’s a Jumper?” I asked, a little frantic. “Are you saying there are other people like me out there?”


“Of course there are sweetie, Jumpers have been around for a long time now. Though most jumpers tend to Awaken a little older than you.” Mary said cordially as she began to explain. “Jumpers are also known as Planeswalkers and they are people who travel to parallel realities and dimensions.”


“Oh. Um ok; I think I’m grasping the situation now…” I said as I started to grasp your situation, it seemed I was some kind of early blooming reality hopper.


“Though that doesn’t explain who she is…” I thought deviously. “Maybe I should lay it on a little thick and see what happens.”


”What’s your job then?” I asked, putting on my best innocent impresion. It was such a shame it was the same smile I used when I got my hand stuck in the cookie jar.


“Oh, aren't you just the cutest little thing?” She exclaimed as she scooped me into her lap and smothered me with a hug. It was an experience I found as embarrassing as it was familiar, considering my diminutive stature and experience with excitable adults. Not that it wasn’t embarrassing enough on its own. “I’m so glad you asked!”


But even then settling into the energetic woman's lap was an inviting prospect, and with the way she was cuddling was holding me like a teddy bear I knew my opinion was moot.


“You see when Jumper’s shift between realities the places you travel to have a habit of rubbing off on you. When undetected the results can be unpredictable and usually cosmetic. Like your silver curls and the way your eyes shift color with your mood.” She continued on like she didn’t just make me want to run to the bathroom to check my reflection. “That’s where I come in.”


“As your case manager, I’m in charge of managing your Jumps to make sure they pass a bit smoother.” Flipping through the folder she handed me a document. “But mainly I manage the remnants of dimensional energy that gets deposited on you every jump and convert them into perks.” 


Taking the pamphlet from her I looked over it. I was surprised when it outright stated some things I’d been fishing for. Apparently, Jump-chan’s were some kind of interdimensional mitochondria when it came to Jumpers. Keeping us from effectively no-clipping through dimensional bearers and splinting ourselves by teleporting into walls.


What really caught my attention was the description of Perks and Supplements being described as Shards of Reality and Essence of Creation respectively.


“Wait, are you saying I get Super Powers? Like, honest to Jones superpowers?” I asked, going a bit bug-eyed at the amount of power being put behind what was essentially a novelty gimmick. Apparently, when Mary had described realities Rubbing off on me she wasn’t kidding as the pamphlet described Perks as Shards of Reality being distilled. There were also some mentions on Supplements that I could use that came into play after the first Jump we’d conducted. Apparently once I started getting perks my Spark started generating some kind of essence they could use for a variety of things.


“It’s what a Jump-chan does!” She said proudly as she started to show her hand. “This stuff used to be handled by whatever R.O.B.’s attention a Jumper caught before we standardized the process!”


The doc had mentioned them to… Random Omnipotent Beings had been nasty pieces of work at the best of times according to this Pamphlet, now this sort of thing was being handled by something called the… Discordant Council… whatever the hell that was.


“You really helped standardize the process?” I asked while I took a look at her. Something that was really awkward when I was sitting in her lap with her holding the pamphlet open for me like a picture book.


“Well not me specifically, my department is actually relatively new. There has been a sudden influx of second-generation Jumper’s.” She sounded a little exasperated at the mention of her workload coming through but you couldn’t help but notice the clear affection in her voice. “Dealing with other people's kids can get tiring at times, but it’s still rewarding work. But that’s enough about me. Let's get this paperwork filled out!”


“Suddenly I have the distinct impression I’m forgetting something incredibly important…” I thought to myself as Mary pulled out an adoption form, a long-forgotten dread stirring inside of me.


It’s not exactly something I’m proud of but even as I’m about to be adopted I can’t help but remember being burned by previous foster families. I’d been through the system enough times that the feeling of being sent back to the pound was ground deep into me. It was almost a reflex now that I was bracing for disappointment.


“This time will be different.” I swore to myself as I swallowed my apprehension and signed the papers. After all… I didn’t have any excuses to give up at this point And the ability to finally get my Jumps under control was too tempting to ignore.


“Hey Miss Warren, can I leave the folks back home a letter?” I asked my new mom reluctantly.


“Of course you can sweetie.” she said quietly as her voice broke a bit.


It didn’t take long to figure out what I wanted to write, and as soon as I was done I braced myself as I felt the nagging sensation of a Jump building before everything faded.

When we faded back into reality we were in a grey featureless room, the kind you’d find in a generic warehouse office if you removed most of the furniture except for the tablet in front of us and the couch we were sitting on.


“Let's start the tutorial shall we?” Marry said with artificial enthusiasm, the tablet turning itself on and played an oddly familiar theme song. “You’re going to be heading into the World of teen Titans, it's a world full of fantastic heroes and wacky hijinks!”


Staring at the screen I think back on the vague memories of when the Caretaker back at the orphanage started playing old cartoons in the common room in a bid to “Watch something we could all enjoy for a change”. In fact, DC comics had been a recurring topic in art class as well so I had a relatively passable familiarity with the property.


“You have 1500cp to spend on this doc before drawbacks to spend on a Race, Background, Perks, and Items.” Mary said, swiping her hand across the screen bringing us to what looked like a Character Selection screen. “Just keep in mind that when you Jump you get the memories and experiences of your background.”


“Thanks for the heads up on that.” I said as I immediately took the Human race option. It might seem bland but the other two options were way too expensive. “So I just have to fill this out like it’s a video game?”


“Yeah, in the future things like gender and age will be a bit more random, but that’s the idea.” Mary said, smoothly swiping her hand across the screen again. This time it brought us to a screen with the words Drawbacks written on it in bold letters. “Here’s where you take Drawbacks, they are complications you can take during your Jumps that can give you more points to work with.”

Banes and Complications Plage will plague the boy during his journey but what will his plight be?

Cast a D4 or Chose accordingly.


Jump - Teen Titans 

Budget - (+1,500)

Drawbacks - (+600)


  • [] Power Overwhelming! 
    • The abilities you’ve claimed as your own are too powerful for your feeble flesh and overflow from your mortal vessel. They seek to spill out of you and wreak untold havoc on the world around with only your fraggle will keeping them on a short leash.
    • Emotional Empowerment (+100), Weakness (+200), Overheating (+300)
  • [] A Bane of My Own.
    • It seems that you've caught the eye of some rather troublesome company. Whether it be due to some missguided infatuation or a sinister desire to bring you to heel their pursuit of you will be hot and dogged… just remember, it’s not paranoia when someone actually is out to get you…
    • Annoying Super Team (+100), Coveted (+200), Nemesis (+300)
  • [] They Love Me, I Hate Them.
    • Passion is such a dangerous thing, it gives people strength and binds us together. For better or for worse, and it seems like you have a rather overzealous admirer of your own. Their twisted desire for you only seems matched by their possessiveness and determination to see you be theirs and theirs alone.
    • Emotional Empowerment (+100), Annoying Super Team (+100), Coveted (+200), Weakness (+200)
  • []  Troubles of a 5th Dimensional Kind~!
    • Well… It seems a 5th Dimensional Imp has taken a special interest in you and decided to send you on a graceless quest. Can you unravel his mystery and escape his accursed trap?
    • TTG (+600)

Final Budget - (+2,100)

“Well, it would be a shame if I didn’t take advantage of this while I had the chance.” I said as I took the full 600cp of drawbacks. After taking a look at the Backgrounds and the Perks that came with them it turned out to be a good idea. “Dear god you can buy at least 3 superheroes worth of powers from here.”


“Nerd seems like the best choice for me to be honest.” I thought to myself as I paid the 100cp upfront before buying the now discounted perks for 750cp. The ability to make my own minions and gadgets with the Engineering perks it provided had my imagination spinning already, and the bonuses of Technopathy and Telepathy practically made my choice for me. “Though that plan does have a bottleneck in housing and money.”


Taking a look through the item section I saw something that caught my eye for possible solutions. Aside from just taking Allowance, it seemed like Communicators came along with Satellites that I could use to set up a Telecommunications company.


“Hey… um Miss Warren, what happens to Not so Secret Base and the Satellites from Communicators after the Jump is over?” I ask as I stumble over what to call my new foster mother. “I’m wondering what would happen if I set up an internet server with them.”


“Well aren't you a clever Munchkin, it took me a few jumps before I started to catch on to things like that and here you are starting up an interdimensional Telecom racket already!” She said encouragingly if she saw through  “I mean you’d have to buy some warehouse attachments for that but Satellites themselves carry over just fine, and any renovations you make to Not so Secret base do the same so long as they remain on the Property.”


“Wait you mean I can become an Interdimensional Businessman?” I reeled at the idea as it changed my perspective of everything. “I didn’t know I had job prospects at all let alone the thought of being the CEO of a company!”


“Of course you have prospects, being a Jumper isn’t some kind of closed-loop.” Marry said seriously, my shock must have been written all over my face because the intensity in her gaze seemed to inflame as she carried on. “You're not just some interdimensional hobo without a future Miguel and you aren't going through this alone.”


Suddenly an idea seemed to dawn on her as she pulled out her phone with a wicked grin and started rapidly typing away. “In fact, I’ll see if I can have you meet some of the other Jumpers my department is working with, it would do you all some good!”


With that said, and a healthy dose of apprehension instilled in me I took a second look at my options more seriously.


“Apparently Miss Warren doesn’t accept any slackers.” I thought with that new context in mind 

I smiled. “Neither do I, I guess… It seems like I actually had a life ahead of me.”


After a second look at my options, I decided to add USB Tentacle and Acceptance Papers to my bill. Having a Data Storage device and computer on my person with Technopathy seemed like a powerful combination, and Acceptance Papers seemed like a good call to make when it came to getting into exclusive clubs if I ever needed them.

Background - Nerd (-100)

Gender - Male

Age - 13

Perks - (-1,600)+[+850]={-750}

{Nerd*} Engineering (-100), Bioengineering (-200), Telempathy (300) Technopathy (-400), Genius (-600)


Items  - (-550)[+0]

Costume (Free), Theme Song (Free), Communicators (-50), Acceptance Papers (-50), Not So Secret Base (-400), Augmentations  (-50)[Self Diagnostic Systems (Free), USB Tentacle (-50)]


Budget - (+2,100)

Bill - (-100) + (-750) + (-550) = (-1,400)

Final Budget - (+700)

I was about to tab out when I realized something. Even with everything I've bought I still had 700cp left to spend. “Hey Mary, can I keep leftover points I don’t use between Jumps?”


“Usually you’d be able to but not for this one Munchkin.” She said absentmindedly as her fingers blurred over her phone's keypad. “Your first Jump is usually a closed circuit so your Spark can stabilize, it’s why you don’t go into it with a warehouse or body mods.”


“Oh… ok then I’ll just use the rest of my points on Super Powers then.” I said nervously, it was a daunting task as I seemed to be spoiled for choice. But I managed to narrow it down to four choices.

Power beyond measure has been promised and the Discordant Council has been commissioned to Cast the dice for the indecisive child.

Roll a D4 or Make your choice.


  • [] Wild Thing 
    • You're a ravonouse little monster aren't you? It’s ok, you're not the only Scary Monster bumping around in the night. But perhaps that isn’t as comforting a thought as it should be?
    • Animal Morphing (-300),  Shapeshifting (-400)
  • [] Sage
    • Forces beyond comprehension have taken an interest in your curious mind and seek to empower you with the Flame of Sages. Your mind is without measure and your spirit burns with awesome power, can you hold onto this mantle and truly make it yours?
    • Empath (-100), Ionikenisis (-200), Electrokinesis (-200), Telekinesis (-200)
  • [] Little Fantastic/Plastic Lad
    • Maybe you’ve taken a bitter dip in one of the many chemical baths that litter Gothams factory floors but your cells have taken on the taky properties of plastic. Be wary though, it seems that the durability and flexibility might have gone to your head a bit.
    • Peak Human Condition (-200), Elasticity (-200), Shapeshifting (-200)
  • []  Sideways
    • It’s a tacky thing to dip out Sideways but just like a certain hero of the same name you’ve fallen outside the lines of the multiverse and seem to be able to split the seams of reality at will. Planeswalkers have a habit of doing that however and you're no exception. Just remember to ask Jump-chan before you decide to take a trip to Oha or the Dark Dimensions.
    • Peak Human Condition (-200), Rouge (-100), Teleportation (-400)

And with that decided I was done, something that didn’t seem to catch Marry’s attention as I tried to hand the tablet back to her.


“Hey, Marry I’m done filling out the doc what do we do now?” I said getting her attention. Startled, she looked up a little shocked that I was done so fast and a look of melancholy washed over her.


“Well you just need to take a nap and I’ll take care of the rest.” She said as she motioned for me to rest my head in her lap, something I did much to my own embarrassment. It was something I’d always wanted to do if I ever had a mother… to go to sleep in her lap like that, but I’d always thought it was a pipe dream.


“Here’s a phone you can call me with at any time so don’t be shy about checking in.” she said, handing me what looked like a smartphone. “I’ll be sending you some quests and challenges through it so don’t be surprised when I tell you to do your chores.”


“I’m counting on it mom.” Giggling I start feeling drowsy as she runs her fingers through my hair as I drift off to sleep.


“Don’t worry munchkin, I'll handle everything.” she whispered to herself so quietly I barely heard her, but what I didn’t see was the warm smile she was giving me as tears started to stream down her face. 

The Destination is Undecided as a lost soul drifts away through the void and it is to the discordant council that the die is cast.

Roll a D5 or choose accordingly.


Jump: Teen Titans



Location - 

  1. [ ] Jump City: A sparkling metropolis located on the west coast of the United States. Not much is going on here right now, but that will all change very soon because within a few hours the city will be attacked by a powerful alien foe, and only a small group of misfit teenagers will be able to save everyone. Oh yeah, be careful around the junkyard, there are rumors of people getting lost there…
  2. [ ] Gotham City: A corrupt and dark hell hole, plenty of super villains, homicides, and crimes, though I do recommend not getting on the dark knight's bad side. Plenty of towering buildings of gothic structures, abandoned themed parks and more. Host to the Bat-Family, Wayne Industries, the GDP, and more. Keep your head down low, and you’ll be safe.
  3. [ ] Metropolis: A sparkling and somewhat futuristic city, despite being right next to Gotham, it is far less corrupt, probably due to the presence of Superman, perhaps the world's greatest hero. Though, don’t think it's any safer, for there are far stronger threats, more than just some street-level villains you would find in Gotham, like Lex Luther, Metallo, Bizarro, and more.
  4. [ ] Keystone City: The home of the Flash family, in a small city in the Midwest of America, there are plenty of threats, however, they are far more kind and silly than what you’ll find elsewhere. Such as mirror master, the trickster, captain boomerang, etc. The newest speedster there, Kid Flash is making a name for himself
  5. [ ] Star City: Home to Black Canary and Green Arrow, heavily populated and on the East coast, it is objectively less dangerous than most other cities, despite what people claim. Count Vertigo is usually the peak for villains there.