Chapter 36: Time Passes
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It has been a while but I apologize and I am back. If you're an old reader you might be wondering what happened to a few chapters (37-40).  I've decided to rewrite from 36 onwards. It's been a while since I've written anything so any feedback would be helpful.

I woke up with a groggy mind, I felt like I slept for 2 years.

A few weeks passed since Kasa left. I wish I could say I did something, but I really didn't. Every day I woke up, took a walk around the Pendle territory, ate food, and slept. At this point, I've given up getting any more information from the prison, and Lucan, the only person who would still talk to me, is currently busy. The absence of a conversation partner was apparent as I began to talk to myself more. While I was happy to get Kasa out of my hair, a part of me wished she would at least have sent a letter.

'Wrong, Wrong, Wrong' I told myself while lightly slapping my cheeks and walking towards the yard. 'I need to be happy that she left. Hopefully, she finds some friends and matures a bit.'

I stopped myself and put my hand on my forehead. I had a realization. Kasa is not the only person who needed to mature.'

I sat on the ground and continued thinking.

'Have I really done anything that could be considered fitting for a transmigrator? I've been here for 10 years and the only tangible thing I've done is made 1 friend and semi-master one soul technique. I've had one idea of running away but I've gone about the most immature way of trying to achieve it.' I felt frustration building up.

'I need to-'


I was awakened from my thoughts by the scoff of one of the butlers of the estate. As I stared at him, he gave me a look before scoffing. While I looked at him, he cast me a glance followed by a dismissive snort. As he walked away with his friends I could only clench my fists.

'I can't continue this way.' I said as I stormed into my room.

I locked my door, spread out my current materials, and brainstormed. I kept writing and writing, scratching out one plan and writing 2 new ones, only stopping once I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next day with a fire in my stomach, I was incredibly hungry. After eating breakfast, I sat down and looked through my plans. I kept throwing plans out till I was only left with three. The first plan was titled Steps to Runaway.

In this plan, I detailed what I thought were the necessary steps to running away on my own successfully. While I had already accomplished some of them, having soul techniques, buying a map, and charting out a few routes, other important steps were not even close to being done. For instance, I still hadn't mastered my soul techniques, and I didn't have the knowledge or ability to survive on my own in the wild. I wasn't able to find a plan to fix the first problem, but the latter had a simple solution. I could do missions in the adventurer guild.

While 90% of the upper-rank missions were nigh-impossible feats for my body specs, I could most certainly do quests for the lowest adventurers- killing goblins, slimes, or picking up herbs. The quest rewards wouldn't be great, but the knowledge about the terrain and monster behavior would be invaluable for any escape attempts in the future. Furthermore, I could use this as an excuse to ask my Duke Pendle to get me whatever the equivalent of a personal trainer was in this world, which would boost my physical capabilities.

The next plan was titled Lazy. This plan was simple, just relax and do nothing. Having a plan like this after yesterday might seem illogical, but it actually made a lot of sense. Kasa won't be coming back for a few years at least, and I'm in no rush to run away from the Pendle Territory. In that case, why not relax and have fun? I've never had a chance to really experience this world. In fact, I know absolutely nothing about the culture, whether it be the food, the music, or anything else. I even have some pocket money that I can use to splurge on the highest forms of entertainment for a few months. Maybe I could even meet some interesting people who would help me in unexpected ways.

The last plan was titled Merchant. This idea was plagiarized from the stories in my previous world- use my knowledge from there to build a shop and sell some items. If successful, I would ask Duke Pendle to help me establish a shop in a different country, then stay in that country and never come back. If my business was successful, I might even be able to attract investors and skip asking Duke Pendle entirely. While this plan was the most straightforward in accomplishing my task, it had one huge flaw. What business could I do?

Food is simple, and a classic, but I'm not sure I could do it. There were a few huge problems I couldn't overcome, how the ingredients translate, how cooking works in this world, and most importantly, how to cook. It's been around 10 years since I've made myself a real meal and I'm not no longer confident in my skills. Additionally, I don't want to be labeled as a crazy food guy if the food from my previous world is unappetizing to the people here.

Since food seemed difficult, I was leaning towards selling a product. While I don't think I could make something as complicated as a gun, I can still remember simple toys and board games. Furthermore, I've seen the board games and toys they have to offer here and it's nothing special. The only drawback of this idea is plagiarism. I was scared of merchants stealing and replicating my ideas since there might not be something like a patent or copyright in this world. While I do technically have the status of a Duke's son, it's genuinely worthless in my circumstances.

While I could debate the benefits and drawbacks of all three plans with myself for months, I decided on making a decision today. I didn't want to procrastinate and do nothing anymore.

After some deliberation, and lunch, I made a decision.