Chapter 20 – The Council
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["The Council"]

{Location: The White House - Washington, DC}

"It's been sometime since the ambush on Rexus Prime. The situation is dire. Duke Wellington, the Prime Minister of the United Front, has called for a meeting inside the white house. Those who have invitation to attend such meeting are Admiral David Morgan, the minister of defence (MD), the minister of foreign affairs (MFA), the Minister of Finance (MOF) and the rest of the ministers and high-generals. The meeting is about to start"

Duke: Everyone. I thank you for coming. You may be seated. As you all know we are in a difficult situation. Half our fleet is...destroyed.

MD: I have the numbers, Mr. Prime Minister. About 52% of our fleet is destroyed. Many lives were lost, sir.

MFA: We have no other choice but to negotiate with them. A peace treaty for now will be the best solution. Or maybe even a white peace.

MD: We already tried for a peace treaty.

MFA: No. We tried for the end of the war and a strong victory for us. This is different. Now we just need some time. That's all. To recover.

Duke: Indeed, minister. But I doubt this man will accept peace for nothing. He will surely try to counter with something of importance to both EUF and the Rexians.

MOF: Hm, yes. No doubt he will also try to go for planets and space stations. No. A peace treaty will not favour us.

MD: I suggest enhancing our defences and strengthening our forces in already controlled planets. A good defence is the best offence, Mr.Prime minister.

Duke: Yes, indeed. Mr.David Morgan, what do you suggest?

David Morgan: We can't push right now. Any space battle we make is going to be mostly lost. If we keep losing men and ships like this, we won't be able to win the damn war. I suggest we do hit and runs, sir. That way we will minimize our casualties and inflict major damage to the enemy. Then it will be a good time to strike via space...Though a best solution would be to enlist more troops. We have still many transports at the ready. If we throw more troops into the fight, then the enemy is going to lose. It's peer size and manpower that wins the war.

"Suddenly an informer rushes through the door to the council. He brings bad news"

Informer: Sir! Sir!

Duke: What is it?

Informer Sir! Neptune is under attack! This is an emergency, sir!

MD: That be expected. Sir.

MFA: If they keep pushing then it's likely they are going to make it to earth very soon, Mr. Duke.

David Morgan: Duke. The defence of Earth is at your hands. You decide our next movement.

Duke: I...I. Ah. This is...harder than I expected. We don't have many choices. And we must act quick.

David Morgan: Duke, listen to me. We don't have time. And we can only count on this. It's time. It's time for the "Independence".

Duke: You can't really be serious! This thing isn't even done yet.

David Morgan: I know. But it is our only hope. I am afraid that if we delay some more, they will lay siege on earth in a matter of weeks.

MD: It's true, sir. We need some more time. But even then it won't be completely done. It has many weaknesses.

Duke: Alright. Alright. Admiral David Morgan, I will give you about a week until this "super"-weapon is complete. For God's sake, let's hope that it is.

David Morgan: You can rest assure, sir.

Duke: Great. Gentlemen, thank you for being present in that most important time. Your time here was not wasted. We will continue as planned until our masterpiece, "the independence" is complete. Thank you all for coming. I hereby declare this council over. You may now leave. Morgan, inform Welkings and tell your friends to report to my office in 15 minutes.

David Morgan: Right away.

"The council is over. About fifteen minutes later, the agents go into Duke's office. They see David and Welkings, as well"

Susan: Sir. We are here. What's the situation?

Duke: It's worst than I thought.

Welkings: How could they do this? All those lives...

Rj: What exactly happened, sir?

Duke: Exactly what I was afraid of. They brought the newest type of heavy destroyers to perform a Planetcracker. In mass numbers.

Reyna: Wait, wait. What's a "Planetcracker"?

Zeon: I don't think he is talking about fireworks, is he?

Kate: ...What..? H---How...ah never mind. Please continue. This robot is going to drive me insane.

Zeon: Android...

Kate: Yeah right.

Reyna: Guys! Ah...Anyway. Back to the point. What's a Planetcracker? What did they do?

David: It's hard to explain. Specially to one who does not possess the necessary knowledge. But in a few words, if focused on the planet's core and fire unstoppable with max power, then not just all life will be lost, but the whole place will become...lava.

Reyna: Oh my...God.

Rj: Wait a second. This um---this...I're kidding. Right? Obviously...Nothing like this could ever---

"Rj then looks at everybody. Everyone is shocked"

Rj: Neptune is...lost. Wow I---Oh Neptune.

Susan: Rj. Are you OK?

David: Rejar. I know this is a lot to take. But things like that can times of...war. It's...human nature.

Rj: Human nature, huh? Well if there are humans like Victus on the loose, killing everyone and everything that is harmless, then no. I don't think that he even is human. And he must be put down!

Welkings: We know, Rj. And together, we can bring him down.

Rj: I...I can't believe it. They...they blew up...Neptune.

Reyna: Brother, we are going to win this son of a bitch! And take him out! Make him pay for everything that he's done! I promise you that...

Susan: Oh like hell we're going to!

Kate: Alright! That's what I'm talking about!

Max: That's the spirit guys!

Zeon: Yes!

Duke: I'm glad you got your hopes up agents.

Rj: Alright Mr. Prime minister. Tell us what we need to know.

Duke: The Admiral in charge of the enemy fleet is commander Yain. He is in charge of a special force last seen in Rexus Prime. When the ambush took place. Until now, everyone thought that they were just a legend. With skills "unmatched". No one even knew they existed. But...we saw them.

Reyna: Show us, Duke.

Duke: This is a camera footage from the capital frigate "Hermes". This, over there, is Captain Jadd.

David Morgan: Wait a second. I...I remember this. Yes. I heard him via comm to scream for help before they came to face him. And...kill him.

Duke: Yes...They boarded his ship, took out most of the crew, killed the man, placed charges, got out and blew the ship. This, right there, is their ship. This fighter is the fastest one in the galaxy based on our info. At far.

Reyna: So we are talking about a very elite special force?

Kate: Finally. Some fun!

Rj: Great. So what's our plan? How do we move?

Duke: Until our super-weapon is ready to fly, you will have to bring down one of their biggest ships that performed the Planetcracker. We believe that their Admiral , the man who approved such order, is there. Should you face any resistance, don't fall back. Only when I give you the signal. Got it agents?

Rj: Yes sir!

Reyna: Yes, sir!

Duke: Very good. Agents! Dismissed. David, accompany our friends here. Make them boarding ready.

David: As you say. Agents. With me. This will be a good one. You can be sure of that.