Chapter 32 – Breaking The Ice
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["Breaking The Ice"]

Gideon: Ok. Where are we heading?

Kayle: Let me type the coordinates on the nav-computer. Punch it. It is going to take a while so you better take a rest or something.

Leonev: Where to?

Kayle: On an old space-station located behind a small moon on Uranus. It was used during the colonization era but it was abandoned a few years later. We were lucky that no one has found it. It is fully functional but it doesn’t have any defences and its technology is highly outdated. But we have to work with whatever we can scrabble.

Iren: How long have you been stationed there?

Kayle: About two months give or take. But I didn’t find you in order to discuss space stations. So here is a small history lesson. After the war ended a lot of us tried to hide. Some made it, some didn't and some died fighting. People spread all over the known galaxy including Earth and some even hiding on Rexus Prime itself. And of course we had the occasional traitor. I mean why not. The war was over. Survival was the biggest priority for most.

Iren: I see.

Kayle: Anyway. As the situation was getting under control some of the higher ranked officers that escaped, tried to get together to see if they can find any solutions. So slowly they tried to get in contact with as many survivors as possible. But then we realised that we couldn’t take on the might of the EUF military using "knives and forks". We had to move. And fast. EUF Intelligence had caught a sniff of what we were trying to accomplish.

All of our GRUNT production facilities were destroyed or re-purposed. We needed these machines since the number of our forces was small. Like really small. But no. This was a giant dick in our ass. So yea. No war-bot support. So what was the next solution? Mercenaries of course. But oh wait. We didn’t have anything to pay them with. Another dick joined the action.

We started by scavenging old bases and outposts that were left behind the war. Later we approached the black market. Plus all this time we had to keep it as quiet as possible. Our navy was - and still is - nonexistent. Not that we were planning to take the enemy navy head on...

And here we are right now one year later. It was a miracle we found you alive and well. You could really help push the war efforts. Now...I think we are approaching. Gideon you better get on the controls.

"The ship exited from hyperspace in front of a small space station. One of its sides had a wide narrow opening, that it was used for the ships to enter. The hangar was mostly empty expect from a few old fighters and transports"

Kayle: Not the best sight. I know.

"They turned into a corner and walked towards two elevators"

Kayle: Ok guys. Time to split up. I have to check on a friend of mine on the infirmary. You just take the left elevator all the way up. Living quarters. There will be a briefing at 0700, next day, in the middle of the station. I will see you there.

"As the team reached the barracks they could hear noise from a room. They approached and peaked inside. People were gathered around a TV on a table and were watching the news. The spokesperson was talking about riots breaking all over Rexus Prime and EUF forces trying to contain the situation"



Iren: These guys are crazy. Let’s go. I need a bath.

"The next day all three members of the squad were waiting in the briefing room. The door opened and Kayle walked inside"

Gideon: A hoodie, jeans and sneakers eh? Where is your fancy suit?

Kayle: That was just for the occasion. If I knew I would have wore a Kevlar vest and a combat helmet. Ok listen. Here is the situation: We have intel that Victus is imprisoned on Earth along with few high-ranking members of the military. They have them locked up on some remote location in the middle of nowhere at Siberia, Russia.

Leonev: Security?

Kayle: Mostly heavy armed troops and occasional sweeps from the nearby airbase. They could simply make a fortress and lock him in, but apparently they wanted to keep his location a secret.

Leonev: What equipment do you have available for us?

Kayle: Not much. Most of our weapons were smuggled inside Rexus Prime to be used by our forces. Also depends on how you want to handle the situation.

Iren: I guess stealth entry and extraction?

Leonev: Most likely. Since our load outs will have limited utility we won’t have any other choice.

Kayle: I will see what I can find. Get ready. We are Oscar Mike in one hour.

Iren: Wait. You coming too?

Kayle: Yes. Don’t worry. I won’t get in your way. I will be providing technical support.

"Two hours later they were landing on a very old factory behind a hill, wearing clothes suitable for Russia’s cold climate"

{Location: Siberia, Russia - Earth}

Kayle: We cannot let the ship here. The air patrols will notice it. I will find a place to hide and be ready to pick you up.

"He threw a drone that hovered in front of them"

Kayle: I will use the drone to provide you with intel. You may not see it but that doesn’t mean it won’t be there. You need to act fast otherwise the blizzard will catch onto us.

Leonev: Understood.

"After walking for about an hour in the snow, they noticed a guard tower behind some trees. The sun was slowly descending"

Iren: Should we wait a bit more?

Leonev: We can’t risk it. Kayle do you read?

Kayle: I am listening.

Leonev: Can you give me a basic overview of the prison?

Kayle: You are located on the southern part of the prison. There is a guard tower in each of the four corners of the building. The entrance looks heavily defended.

Gideon: Luckily we are on the exact opposite side. Okay, now. Time to breach.

"They slowly started approaching the wall. It started snowing heavily by that time. They placed a breaching charge at the wall and took a step back. The explosion caused a hole in the wall enough for them to pass through. The sound of the sirens was piercing their ears. In front of them there was a metallic door. They shot the lock and entered into a room full of beds. A soldier was wearing his uniform as hastily as possible while others were already running out of the room in order to answer the alert call"

Gideon: Nice place you have here.

"A firefight erupted in the corridors of the jail. The guards and the security robots were hopelessly trying to hold Darkstar back"

Gideon: Boy. It’s good to be back.

Leonev: We still don’t know where we are going. Kayle. Give us a hand here.

Kayle: Take the walkway on your left and keep going straight. My scan shows what appears to be a series of very small rooms next to each other.

Leonev: Thanks. Keep us informed.

"They reached the place that Kayle was talking about. Metal doors next to each other. They started opening the small opening that each door had in order to look inside and then they proceeded by blowing the locks. Iren took a look inside the last door. A man was sitting on a bed looking at the floor. He had long hair and was wearing an orange prison jumpsuit"

Iren: Found him.

"Victus looked at her"

Victus: Well well. You are late.

Leonev: Kayle we have everyone. Where are you?

Kayle: On my way. I will land behind the hill next to the prison.

"The group started running back the same way they came from. Human bodies and robot parts were covering the floor. When they started climbing the hill they heard the sound of an incoming fighter. It opened fire with its dual machine guns but the heavy snow storm reduced the accuracy of the pilot"

Kayle: Everyone get in. MOVE MOVE.

"The enemy fighter performed another barrage of fire hitting the side of the ship but without causing any damage. As they were taking off, more fighters appeared"

Kayle: Hold on. This will be a rough flight.

Gideon: What do you have in mind?

Kayle: Something really crazy and stupid...

"Fighters were entering the atmosphere accompanied by a corvette"

Kayle: They really want us dead.

Iren: I wonder why...

Leonev: So what is this crazy idea?

"Kayle started heading towards the ships coming from space with thrusters at full power. The corvette opened fire"


Kayle: No. I've got this!

"Their ship passed under the corvette and started heading towards space. But they still haven’t managed to completely escape"

Leonev: We still have the defense fleet in our way. Fuck.

"Earth’s Defense Fleet (EDF) is the third biggest fleet on the EUF navy. It is commanded by Admiral Dominic Wolfe and Second Admiral Monica Wellington and they are tasked with protecting humanity’s home world against all threats"

"Suddenly a giant warship jumped out of hyperspace and opened fire against the enemy"

???: This is Admiral Warden of RPU Navy. Would you mind getting out of here? I am risking my fucking ship and my crew for you.

Kayle: Oh man. A miracle happened. Hah! Time to return home.

"When they returned to the station they noticed that a couple of RPU ships were around it. One minute later Admiral Bren Warden also arrived. His ship was badly damaged and the primary engine was on fire. Later on, the team disembarked and Victus talked. A few officers were waiting at the hangar"

Victus: Well. That was a pleasant trip. Time to get to business. But first. I need to look like a human being. Prison life sucks. I don’t recommended trying it. I need someone to prepare a report for what was going on all this time while I was locked away and you were having all the fun in the world.