Chapter 5 – Meet Daisy Potter, Your Local Angel
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Fellow Supernatural fans, you ready? ... SPN! Sam! Dean! Cas! Gabriel! Also, don't worry if you haven't seen or even heard (is that even possible?) of Supernatural you don't have to have seen it, I'll be explaining everything as we go along, k? You'll understand at the end of this chapter ...

AGAIN, you don't have to have seen SPN to understand, it's just so so so so relevant to the plot line and makes it more interesting and easier to write (and better bc of SPN hotties ?)


"For the last damn time, I am not an angel!" I huffed, crossing my arms and glaring at Jerk. 

He shrugged, raising an eyebrow at me. "That's what they're saying upstairs."

"WHO? All you've been saying this time is 'they', 'them', 'you an angel bruh?', and 'they're going on about an angel by the name of Daisy Potter'." I said, frustrated.

"Alright, I'll tell you everything, just don't tell anyone else, 'kay? If you do, I'll die, and I'm in deep enough shit already, coming down here to see you." Jerk sighed, collapsing on his ass next to me on the cold, hard ground.

Jerk had Apparated us to Malfoy Manor right after what had happened at the graveyard. The Death Eaters sent him and I down to this basement, when he'd reluctantly locked the door with a wand one of them had given him since he apparently didn't have one of his own, and disappeared back upstairs to have a meeting or something with Tom Riddle and his bloody sonority. Then he'd came back down to join me in here, apparently feeling extremely guilty of what he'd done, blabbering about shit he'd heard after the meeting had been dismissed. 

"Alright, so that kid ... Felix or something -"

"Floppy." I interrupted him. "It's Floppy."

"Rude." He glared at me. "Okay, so Floppy and You-Know-Who were the only ones left in the room - I think - and they were going on about how Daisy Potter was, like, an angel or something, and they were talking 'bout this mission Floppy was on and the context in which they spoke about it in suggested that Floppy wasn't ... well ..." Jerk raised his head from his hands to stare worriedly into my eyes. "Human."

"No, he's not." I got up from the concrete and studied the ceiling, sweeping over the grey surface with my eyes. No trapdoors in sight. Damn.

"He's not? You knew?" Jerk's voice came incredulously from behind me.

"No." I turned slowly to face him, my face solemn. "He's a fucking asshole."

He burst out laughing. I grinned as he giggled, "You are such a drama queen!"

I dropped back down next to him, laughing a little to myself. Just as the sniggers had died down, I glanced sideways at him, and that set us off again. We literally spent ten minutes trying to calm each other down.

"OKAY, okay!" I took a deep breath, a grin still itching on my face, tears still dampening my face slightly. "SO. They were talking about me being an angel and Floppy on a mission and not being human. Is that it?"

"Yeah, basically." 

"Did they say what the mission was about?" I said.

Jerk shook his head. "Nah. Just the usual - trying to break your mind so that they can steal your power and - grace? Or something? Not sure if I heard that right - and something about Floppy being sent to 'this dimension' - not even joking, that's what they said - to complete some other mission, but I'm not entirely sure what they were on about."

We both sat in silence for a while, trying to figure this whole mess out. I can't be an angel, pretty sure I'd notice if I had fluffy white wings and a halo dangling over my head. But there was a niggling thought at the back of my mind ...

What about those powers of yours? 

... Nah, I'm just, like, a really powerful witch -

At fourteen? When you could do wandless magic in first year? When you could twist time when you hadn't even learned how to summon things yet? (Not counting demons - actual objects - not that I've tried summoning a demon with the Insurgents before or anything...)

... I dunno. It's weird, but ... just HOW could I be an angel? Pretty sure neither of my parents were angels, and my body isn't a vessel, seeing as I can remember shit from way back when I couldn't even say yes to allow an angel to possess me (read it somewhere, the angel wanting to possess you had to ask and only by you saying yes can they take control of your body).

But out of all these thoughts, the one that kept coming to my mind was the dorky yet lowkey intelligent guy sitting next to me. 

"Why are you helping me?" 

Jerk glanced sideways at me. "I'm not helping you. I kidnapped you and put you in this bloody awful situation."

"Now, though! You're giving me information that you didn't need to give me. You're putting yourself in danger for such a stupid little thing -"

"Ah, I dunno!" He exclaimed, tugging at his hair. "Everything in me is telling me that I did a seriously, seriously bad thing and I can't take my damn conscience anymore. And," he shot another look at me, "if you really are an angel..."

"Oi, Barty, mate!"

"Crouch, where the hell are you?"

"Barty flippin' Crouch Jr?! Hell-OO?!"

"They're looking for me." Jerk stood up, his eyes flickering from side to side nervously, brushing himself off. "I'd better go."

"Good luck out there with the big bad wolf!" I sniggered, and he flipped me off as he slipped out of the barred door. I heard the lock click, and sighed.

Ten seconds later, however, and he was back, reluctantly tugging me to my feet and dragging me out the door.

"They want you up in the drawing room." Jerk said apologetically, seemingly addressing his shoes.

"Very fancy." I faked a posh accent, and he giggled like a five year old.

He pushed open the huge oak double doors and we stepped inside, warily watching the Death Eaters who were, in turn, watching us. Jerk nudged me into the middle of the room, then shrank back into the shadows.

I slowly spun in a circle, taking them all in. They were all surrounding the outskirts of the room, caging me in. They were no longer hooded, and I could see each face clearly. I spotted Lucius Malfoy, and beside him was - was -

Holy shit, Draco!

I bit down on my lip heavily to keep myself from either bursting into tears or shouting out his name in relief.

His dad had a tight grip on his arm, and he was shaking slightly. My little baby's hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in days and there were (rather attractive) dark circles under his eyes, which were filled with terror and some other very, very negative emotion. His eyes met with mine and he froze up. They held contact for only a moment before two people decided to make a sudden appearance into the room from the double doors I'd just arrived through. Floppy and Tom fucking Riddle.


First thing Floppy did, clad in all black, a smirk, and a (kinda badass, gotta admit) leather jacket, was stride over to me, spin me around, and clutch me tight to him, a small knife to my neck. 

"Move and you're dead." He hissed into my ear. I rolled my eyes.

"Sure, honey." I said, sarcasm dripping from my voice. "Not like you kept me alive for a reason or anything."

"Shut it!" 

"Fuck off!"

I felt the blade of the knife cutting into my neck slightly, and I made a noise, backing away from the knife a millimetre, but that did no good. It only pressed me further into him. 

Riddle was talking to Jerk, and he pointed to the ground at my feet. Jerk shuffled forward with a can of some sort of liquid (for some reason) and poured it on the floor around me in a circle. "Incendio!" He said, pointing his wand at it. The circle immediately started flaming, and Floppy dropped me, stepping carefully out of the circle. I swayed on my feet, feeling a small dribble of blood running from my neck, and stumbled forward. I hit an invisible wall at the edge of the circle, and staggered back.

"The fuck?" I outstretched my hands and felt the wall, running all along the circle. I was trapped inside a damned flaming circle!

"Do you want to know why you can't step out of that circle, Daisy?" Riddle said slowly, his eyes darkening madly. "Do you want to know what you really are? What Dumbledore didn't tell you?"

Yeah ... Go on ahead ... Shoot ... Tell me ... 

If Dumbledore didn't tell me, he had good reason not to, so don't tell me ...

I was stuck between the two voices in my head, so I didn't answer, struggling on what to say. "Daisy Potter, you are ..." Riddle flicked his wand at me, and an intense pain shot from two places in my back. I crashed to my knees, the weight of something that I could only describe as wings from the sound of feathers rustling behind me sending me down. I braced my hands on the floor boards as I spotted them out of the corner of my eye. My huge, white wings stretched from my back to either side of the room, pressed against the walls, too big to be contained within even this massive space (Of course the drawing room would be huge. I mean, just take a look at the rest of Draco's house (if you can even call it a house)). "... An angel."

Everyone in the room was staring at my wings and all I could say was, "Bruh."

Riddle flicked his wand again and chains suddenly hung from the ceiling, encasing my wings, restraining me even more.

"Where was the need? You already trapped me in this damn circle." I huffed at him.

He ignored me, twirling his wand in his hand, that really fucking annoying habit of his. 

How could I, of all people, be an angel? I mean, I'm not exactly a goody-two-shoes, I've done my fair share of terrible shit in my life. And I knew I was powerful, but a FUCKING ANGEL?

"Just gonna stand there, Tom?" My voice came out sounding more taunting than I meant.

Riddle suddenly raised his wand. "Crucio!"

I screamed, pain burning through every nerve in my body like an inferno, my wings shaking, my hands clutching at the ground and bloodying my fingernails. I hung from the restraints dangling from the ceiling, the flames burning around me seeming to mock me. You're trapped, they seemed to say. You're trapped and you're never getting out.

The pain stopped, and I looked up through blurry eyes, my face damp. "W-what do you want from me?" I choked out.

Riddle crouched down in front of me, arms resting on his knees casually. "I think you already know."


"Your grace!" Floppy growled from across the room, frustration evident in his voice. "Y'know, angel juice?"

So that's what my powers were. 

"Didn't actually think you can take the power of an angel away from them?" I raised an eyebrow at him, before shuddering violently as an aftershock of the Cruciatus Curse shook through me. 

"Sure you can. Remember last year?" Floppy smirked, and I growled at him.

"Don't be a dick."

I glanced up around the room through my eyelashes, my head feeling too heavy to lift fully. The Death Eaters were all either looking to be enjoying themselves or looking extremely weirded out. Jerk was clutching a curtain, his jaw clenched. Draco was shaking, staring right at me, his eyes wide and too bright. 

Don't start fucking crying, Dragon, or I will, too.

Of course, my little scanning session lasted all of ten seconds before Riddle nodded to Floppy, obviously not wanting to get his hands dirty, who decided to stab me in the stomach with a (really pretty) silver knife. Pain shot through me like a bullet, a white light shining from my wound. 

"T-the actual f-f-fuck," I coughed up a ton of blood as I tried to speak, "kind of k-knife is tha-that?!"

Floppy's smirk grew even bigger. "Angel blade." 

"You're such a f-fucking asshole who needs to g-get hit by a bus!" I screamed, before coughing out another pool of blood, a small leak of some silvery-white substance seeping out with it. "Is - is that -"

"Yeah, but don't worry. You'll get it back, it's replaceable like blood. But lose too much of it and you're ..." He pondered for a moment. "Well, you're not dead, but you're pretty much not an angel anymore."

Cheeky bastard. Only wants me to have it back so that he can strip me of it so that he can ... what? Use it for himself? Turn himself into an angel? Is that even possible? They were talking about how he wasn't human, so is he an angel? Couldn't be ... Then what is he? And what could HE do with angel powers?

Not a time for questions, Daisy ...

Floppy traced over the skin of my arms with the angel blade, causing more white light to shine from me, feeling as if every single nerve was on fire. He had just got to my face when I had a sudden, relieving realisation.

Can I fucking pray to angels? Like, telecommunication? And if they're my bros and sis's, would some of them at least come save me?

I tried to think of any angels, but the only one that was coming to mind in my state of panic was Lucifer. Fat lot of use he would be, though he seems like a cool guy. He'd probably be watching this right now, laughing and chilling in Hell (not that I'd want to join him or anything, just for the banter ?). Wait, does that mean he's my brother ...? AWWW YEAH!

Fuck! Focus, Daisy, think! Angels, angels, angels ...

Um ... is Gabriel an angel? 

Fuck it. Try it anyway.

'Hey, um, Gabriel? You're my bro, right? Can you help, I'm in a ... bloody situation right now. Not tryna use my native British slang here, I'm literally in a bloody situation ... oh fuck, could you just help? Please? Family before anything else, amirite?!'

Daisy, oh my FUCKING Godric -

'Yeah, so please help me. Fingers crossed, I'm in Malfoy Manor, chained up by my wings and in a flaming circle of what I assume is holy oil, and I really need help before these fucking assholes steal my grace through these outrageous (I mean, really? Is it really needed?) methods of torture. Kk, bye!'

Floppy had finished carving my face open (and pushing my hair back with the blade of the knife, saying, "Such a pretty face ... shame." To which I clawed his face and left three bleeding scratches which I was quite proud of) and had moved on to my legs, slashing through the skin and leaving trails of light, before advancing on my wings. I had only had my wings for like, half an hour, and already I could tell they were a no-go area in terms of torture.

Fuck no ...

He grasped my left wing and inspected it, trailing the knife through the feathers before coming to the joint. I shuddered, wings were obviously very sensitive areas. He slashed suddenly, and the pain that crashed through me was similar to a tsunami, the pain even worse than the Cruciatus Curse and Sectumsempra combined. I screamed louder than I had ever screamed before, clawing at the ground, my eyes squeezing shut, everything in my body exploding with intense electricity. The pain stopped suddenly, though there were still aftershocks thundering through me, as I heard the quick flurrying of wings that certainly weren't mine filling the room. 

"I would take your sucker ass away from my sister if I were ya." A hard voice said, though there was a hint of dangerous mischievousness behind it. 

I painfully lifted my stiff head up to look at the two angels that were standing before us. I blinked the tears that were in my eyes away so I could see clearer, and in my wavering vision I saw a tall guy in a trench coat and a blue tie with messy hair and piercing blue eyes, and a shorter guy (still probs taller than me, fml) in a maroon shirt and a dull-green jacket with random bags of sweets hidden all over him, fabulous hair, and another type of knife clenched in his hand, a red lollipop in the other.

One must be Gabriel ... Thanks Gabey!

Shortie nodded slightly at me, his eyes twinkling with amusement. Trench Coat was surveying everyone with narrowed, thoughtful eyes, and Shortie (who I suppose was Gabriel) was staring down Floppy and Riddle with a slight smirk of mischief visible. 

"Release her." Trench Coat said in a deep, raspy voice.

"Or we'll unleash Hell on you." Gabriel said, sucking on his lolly for a second. "Well, not Hell, but Heaven ... whatever."

Silence hung in the air for a terrible moment. Then -

"Crap." Floppy sighed in frustration, glancing over at Riddle with his jaw clenched. "An angel and an archangel ... We don't stand a chance. We'd better hand her over."

"You don't really need to 'hand her over'. Underestimating us already, are we? Not a good move, hellspawn." Gabriel sniggered, snapping his fingers. The flames were suddenly gone, as were the chains, and I was suddenly beside them, staggering. The two of them caught me and threw my arms over both of their shoulders. 

"I-if you could do that, w-why not do it in the first p-place ...?" I choked out weakly, my voice quiet, though still dripping with sarcasm as usual.

"Establishing some fear, sis." Gabriel snickered, sucking on his lolly again. His eyes brightened suddenly, and he turned and touched my arm. A weird, tingling sensation that I could only describe as weak electricity spread up to my shoulder. "Don't think of elephants." Gabriel whispered to me, grinning evilly.

Of course, I immediately thought of elephants, and an elephant was suddenly half in the room, half in the next room. Plaster and bricks tumbled down and there was a sudden burst of chaos and pandemonium as the Death Eaters panicked and wondered aloud (screamed, basically) about what was going on. Just as soon as the elephant appeared, the tingling sensation vanished.

"Gabriel's welcoming-new-angels ritual. He does it every single time." Trench Coat sighed irritably. 

Gabriel then waved to the terrified and screeching Death Eaters cheerily. "See ya later, alligators! Or not."

Then he snapped his fingers again and we were gone.