Not a chapter – Story Plot Outline and brainstorming .txt
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internet preservation

collection is an insecurity - build a system idea / quote

letting go or fighting the tides of time of irrelevency

short story, youtube....



Melody Nosurname - friendly
Blake, Vox, Admiral, Mr. Jester, Bodyk, Marz
snowdrops, Micky, REBL, burger, Robie, rae, xXDemonXx, GhostyToasty and Salleh
Taku, Buppis, Keegan, Kouriander, Solar, McCreepy, Terrifier, Marshii, Elivil, 

Dragonking99 - veteran
Vile and Bodyk
Y0DAMNB0NG(star symbol)WHIRLEDCARTED50%tm, wwizard Whirled Carted 50%
Cow, JoeBlaze, moetron



(***strat**Han), Mytheus, ❦Blackie❦, Sasa - animeweeb

⚸ Annoyed God ⚸, reyland, Valdis / xxxxxx, Fan
FCHS, FattyHan, Tunery, Sayfanta / koutura chan, Chichii223
J O N I, Blackie / Xiaohei (), Jae - mysteic, Deus








NerdFanatic/WP - discord / chat software
Youtube - Uploader UP channel / station - Y station


bonfire - chat software
UP streamer....
Bonfire - discord reference



chat room starts off as an idea a group of friends - chapter 1


insomniac reader (passion, but unreliable)             Phil MC
cheerful but insecure (heart / communication)       smiley
reliable but pessimistic (do-er)

old, what's driving the story why is it interesting
drama, or preservation....


Notes #2:

topics to cover and reasons to read:


language barriers, translation software
increase drama... oh man
video, social media,




20 chapters max, short story

Chapter 1   - who they are introduction
           2-4    various schedules and efforts
           6-8    conflicts, meaninglessness internal struggles
         12-15     reconciliation, sparks of hope and help
             20      goal achieved writing the future


planting a seed - triumph
stumble or apart of the community
do their part

preservation....fear of loss


MC Brainstorming:

❦Blackie❦ (Changed to Xiao-hei )

JONI - old reliable - skilled got better things to do....



Fanfic elements? definitely

fame and hardwork

among us, dead

club penguin, myoniyoni translation


don't cry because it's over, be happy that it happened....
time heals all wounds, but that doesn't mean it doesn't mean injuries don't leave scars...
but wounds can still leave scars or in this case memories both good and bad...

influence, recognition, validation - 

mainstream people are likeable, because they're dumb... that's so not true
they're very astute and has a personality that people can sympathies with or agree with
selling experience



synopsis ideas:

our tale starts
historic texts and books thousands of years old

Jae- work he's skilled / more experienced




Fresh Melon


philosophy / thought experiments : 

Good writer, bad author
bad author, good writer

regular author are people who have passion or write for fun...
decent author / good author
good authors are good storytellers,
great author are good storytellers and good writers,

what's a question only they can answer, with their experience, position, and vision
advice, pitfalls in your own story....

Thanks to freshMelon who's answer helped me to realize and allow me to confidently say for the moment (until imposter syndrome and self-doubt comes back)

I'm an author!

author is experience and expertise, I thought of it as a job title, author is an author for life once published?

“It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life.”
people die when they are killed - fate





Micky, REBL, rae

frustrated Deity

Zuch, LudedWulf, Kariari



2 guys and a girl

❦Xiaohei❦ / snowdrops,
heart - ⚸ Annoyed God ⚸ - reviewer?
mytheus/challengegod - ole reliable - Jae




Micky REBL
Salleh GhostyToasty
little - hei
Vile and Bodyk

Genres / Roles:

viral / meme maker... nothing of substance...   - no artists or thing, not too complicated


bad endings:

gamer gets buried
nostalgic starts with a few viewers but no growth
meme maker / honest worker long


Things to emphasize:

Energy and enthusiasm to keep doing it
don't need a reason to do nothing to be complacent
it takes work and effort to make, create and complete something

shortcuts, passion projects, one offs, algorithm selection, luck, promoted....
anything done well is cool

consistency - Jae


Characters #3:

❦Xiaohei❦ / snowdrops,
heart - ⚸ Annoyed God ⚸ - reviewer?
mytheus/challengegod - ole reliable - Jae


Brainstorming and idea picking:  (confirmation)

snowdrops / waterdew....
GhostyToasty / ❦Xiaohei❦ / snowdrops
Micky, Rae, ⚸ Annoyed God ⚸, ⚸ Frustrated Deity ⚸
Bodyk, Vile, Jae-hyun consistent, maybe even Melody, but again gender....Reyland (but I have a emotional tilt / preference towards Jae-hyun)

Solar / Burger / Cow / Vox



past convo's:


I think I've established my characters

#1 : Snowdrops
#2: ⚸ Frustrated Deity ⚸
#3: Jae-hyun

the alternatives were good, but I'll have more to write, I'll be posting various credits and people mentioned in the description, authors notes and comment section.

If I ever make a chapter 1, I'll post on scribblehub, maybe webnovel, depending on how excited I am....
maybe I'll take the time to learn to post on RRL.... another thing to consider



#1: GhostyToasty / ❦Xiaohei❦ / snowdrops
#2: Micky, Rae, ⚸ Annoyed God ⚸, ⚸ Frustrated Deity ⚸
#3: Bodyk, Vile, Jae-hyun consistent, maybe even Melody, but again gender....Reyland (but I have a emotional tilt / preference towards Jae-hyun)
I need to figure out what names to choose for the characters, then I'll probably get writing

augh, I like names that have meaning or just sound cool like Marconi or Astrid, even titania is cool
It's fine for foreign names to be generic, because it's foreign, but I like my english names borrowed from different sources or that sound fun....

I'm debating whether to go with snowdrops or ❦Xiaohei❦ as a younger character, maybe J O N I....
snowdrops is a cool internet handle, but I can't write female characters that well
❦Xiaohei❦ is cool, but I dunno

I'm leaning toward snowdrops unless there's something that can tilt the scales in one direction or the other. So tired, I'll probably sleep on it. I'm rambling again, but who knows, throw a comment into the abyss and we'll see what comes back...


Author's playlist....tempque_3, amv's I enjoy....