Chapter 11 — The Queen’s Sudden Appearance and Raya’s Ambition
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"Commander! We've lost contact with Team A. Team B has lost 2 members and is heading our way now, however things aren't looking well!"

"Shit! Search for a weak point in the terrain and plant the bomb. We must hold on until Team B arrives"

Not long after the Commanders' last command, the locations of the two Marines from Team B appeared within Team C's radars.

"Commander, they're here! Mark, John, what happened to the others?"

"Fuck! What do you think happened? Damn bugs took em out. One of em even used Casey's Rifle to fire at us, killing Garcia while we were retreating"

The Commander took an interest in what the Marine said and prompted for more information.

"Now that I think about it, just before leaving the cavern I think I saw some of them attack that alien"

The Marine from Team B continued to talk about their side of the mission and what happened, mostly the part about the arrival of the 'strange' alien. As they were talking they held their advantage point, killing wave after wave of aliens that came pouring out of the tunnels and crevices like roaches.

It was also during the later parts of their talk did Raya appear in the same area as the Marines.

⌈ 1, 2, 3... 7  Marines? ⌋

That was near twice the number of marines in the other two Teams. Their firepower was far greater as compared to them as well, especially the Commander who lead the team.

[Human. Marine Fireteam Elite Commander. 3.3 Bio-energy points]

He had the highest Bio-energy points Raya had seen so far. His combat rating even surpassed Six's at a CR of 980!

⌈ But this is much better. I can instead hunt this human instead of the Queen. Or perhaps I could take them both down... ⌋

Things were going smoothly with the Marines maintaining an overwhelming advantage over the aliens. Suddenly, something large started rapidly approaching the Marines who were in an arrowhead formation.

[Xenomorph. Queen. 424.6 Bio-energy points]

The large terrifying monstrosity bulldozed through the swarm of aliens, making a bee-line straight for the Marines. An ear-piercing shriek accompanied its thunderous footsteps that shook the cavern.

"Fuck! Vanguard focus fire on the Queen, the rest clear the room around us!" (Commander)

Missiles, grenades, traps, mines, and a multitude of other weaponry concentrated on the 15ft tall Queen. However, such destructive force only enraged the Queen further. Most projectiles ricocheted off of her armored exterior without leaving so much as a scratch.

"Recon have you planted the explosives yet?!" (Commander)

"Y-yes, sir! It's all ready, sir!"

"Let's retreat, follow the arranged evac route, and cover each other!"

There was still a massive distance of two hundred meters but at the speed, the Queen was running at, she could easily cross that distance in a few seconds. Thankfully the terrain was uneven and columns supporting the place were blocking her path, slowing her down by a fraction.

⌈ I need to intervene somehow. Should I attack the Marines and cut off their escape path or let them go and sneak attack the Queen? ⌋ (Raya)

⌈ You won't be able to hurt her even if she stood still all day ⌋ (Six)

From out of nowhere a cold mocking voice spoke from behind me. But because my senses were already quite strong, I had seen her long ago, prepared to counter her if she suddenly attacked.

⌈ How do you know? She has to have a weak point somewhere. The inside of her mouth? The joins in her limbs? ⌋

⌈ You think a perfect existence such as the Queen would have a weakness? The only way is to overwhelm her with strength, or something very destructive ⌋

Raya pondered for a moment about Six's words. Overwhelming the Queen with strength would be impossible for the current her, and a strong enough force wasn't present. 

After witnessing its prowess, or more specifically its powerful defensive capabilities, Raya's earlier plan seemed ridiculous.

It was then that Raya's senses sharpened and her mind snapped to a key point in her interaction with Six earlier.

⌈ If you already knew I wouldn't be able to harm the Queen, why did you say you would decide when I've heavily injured her? ⌋

⌈ I... Had to say something to get away from you. Otherwise, you would've killed me, right? ⌋

Both sides fell silent for a moment thinking about different things. What brought their attention back was the sound of a loud explosion followed by a crazed shriek.

⌈ Can I ask you something? ⌋ (Six)

⌈ I have to make a move soon, so hurry and say whatever it is you want to ⌋ (Raya)

⌈ What's your goal! ⌋ (Six)

⌈ My goal? ⌋ (Raya)

Raya fell into a daze as she never really thought about it. What was her goal? It's only been a day since she became an alien, and a lot of things had happened during that time which mostly consisted of surviving and eating. There wasn't a moment for her to come up with a specific goal, because the pressure and stress on her were constant.

Finally, after her slight dilemma, a spark ignited in her chest as she spoke with yearning and confidence.

⌈ I want to become the peak of existence! I want to become an apex predator above all apex predators, the one who hunts, conquers, and devours worlds and Gods! That is my goal ⌋ (Raya)

Six was stunned by Raya's unrealistic expectations for a long time before bursting into a fit of laughter. Though, what came out was only low growls and hisses.

⌈ You're crazy... I've decided. I'll join you ⌋

[A Hidden Title has been unlocked!]

[A Leaders Indomitable Will! The lower your health is, the stronger you become! All subjects belonging to you gain a 15% increase to their strength and status ailments effects are greatly reduced]

This announcement surprised Raya and reminded her of the other title she had which could help her fight against the Queen.

⌈ So, what's the plan, chief? ⌋

⌈ The plan? ⌋

A smirk appeared on Raya's face before she turned away from Six and ran towards the Marines.

⌈ We kill everyone! ⌋