The relishable memories of Youko Miyake.
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Youko Miyake

It was nine at night. For someone like me, that was already a little late. Though, the thing that had been forcing my eyes to stay pried open was the plan that ceaselessly played in my head about tomorrow.

What was tomorrow? Tomorrow was the day!

The first day ever where I go on a date!

Since this was my first, I couldn’t help myself but ruminate laboriously about what could happen. And because of this, it was as if I had just drank five energy drinks one after the another. The eagerness to go out was never more lively, and just thinking about it for even a second would reset my fatigue.

Maybe I’d see something he likes? Possibly even learn more about him?

Ooohooo… I’m getting a little too pumped up…

My mother wasn’t home, again, so the responsibility of the house was mine. The thing was, I had already finished all of the chores, and she wouldn’t be coming back home until midnight. That left me with nothing to do but to laze around in my disinterested mind. So, naturally, I’d distract myself with my phone and other things. Though, because of how early I had concluded my duties, the phone was beginning to seem like a lackluster way to fight the tediousness.

I tapped on my contacts just by swiping right and left on the home screen and the first thing that popped out to me was Okumori’s number information. I eyed it for a good five seconds until I began to muse.

We don’t even know where we’re going at all, do we?

With this in mind, I tapped on his information and began to click on the phone. In a few seconds, I’d send this message:

Hi Okumori!! Are you awake?

Just like a lion who was waiting for the right time to strike its prey, I inched the phone closer to my eyes, anticipating a reply. Thirty seconds would pass, but I didn’t falter. Same with a minute. Only after five minutes, did I start to become high-strung. Then, once the ten minutes had zoomed past, I groaned and slapped the screen on my forehead with crabbiness.

“Gosh… Did he just leave me on read? What a meanie…” I slouched on my chair.

Still, it was important. I didn’t want to arrive at the mall without having any awareness of where anything was. It’d be like finding your way out of a maze. Not to mention, this was my first time even going to this mall, so it was no surprise that I was oblivious to what I’d come by when I went there.

That’s why I needed Okumori for this. Maybe he’s gone to the mall before?

It took another ten minutes for my restiveness to finally lash out. I’d come to my closet, slide on a loose white sweatshirt, and began making my way out of the house. I was becoming impatient now, and I wasn’t willing to wait for an hour just for a possible prosaic answer through text.

I stepped out of the house, locked the door, and went straight ahead into Okumori’s house. When I arrived, I knocked on the door.

Nothing was to be heard as a response, though, and it made me wonder if I was either at the wrong house or if nobody was present in the house at all.

So, I knocked again.

“Gah!” I heard somebody yell behind the door. “Ah, damn it!”

The door suddenly burst open in front of me, releasing a chilling sensation throughout my skin. In front of me, was what seemed like a female version of Okumori. Or, so I thought. It wasn’t long until I recognized that it was his mother, and I felt a little humiliated about my assumption. The two just looked so alike.

Well… I think female Okumori would look nice if he looked like this, no?

Wait, that’s not why I’m here!

I removed my childish thinking away and waved at her, “Oh, hi!”

“Miyake-chan?!” She pointed with a confused look, “What are you doing here? It’s late! Shouldn’t you be… You know, sleeping? You have to go to the mall tomorrow, don’t you? What if you develop eyebags?! You’ll ruin your face sleeping this late!”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.” I admitted my wrongdoings, “But, I have to talk to Okumori-kun about something right now. It’s important.”

“... At nine in the night?”

Noticing her inquisitiveness, there was a rush of worry that enveloped my head.

“Um… Yes.”

She had a smug smile when she heard me.

“I see.”

Knowing what the idea she was most likely settling on, I began to rabidly deny it by whacking my hands all around in the air. The thing was, furiously denying something was always perceived as confirmation that that person was lying. That only made me more uptight. I really had no intentions of doing anything like that.

“Wait, no-no-no! Not like that! It’s- It’s really important, okay? It’s not anything bad at all, I swear! I’m an innocent child, Oba-san! Innocent! I would never!”

“Suuree.” She gradually made my entrance wider by pulling the door over. “Mm… Youth… Well, you go on, little Miyake-chan. He’s upstairs. I dunno what he’s doing, but I’d like to think this ‘important’ thing will get his attention…”

Oh, shut up! Gosh, why is your mom so immature, Okumori?! She’s always trying to make things weird! Gaaah!

“Be gentle, ‘kay?”

… She’s still going!

Mortified by this forwardness, I didn’t even dare to reply to her and just booked it to Okumori’s room. I came inside and slammed the door before I could hear any more vulgar words that could’ve left her mouth. When I realized that I was in the clear, I sighed and let go of the clamp I had on the doorknob.

I had to squint my eyes because it was dark in Okumori’s room, leaving me to believe that he was already asleep. And after a few seconds of observing, I was right. Okumori had been in his bed, veiled in his snug blanket with the only thing to see from him being his messy hair that remained on his pillow.

He’s actually sleeping?!

Considering what type of person Okumori was, it never struck me that he was an early sleeper. I had imagined that he stayed up late at night or just didn’t sleep at all. Not to mention, it was the weekend! Who sleeps early on a weekend?!

I approached him slowly so as not to perturb his hibernation. When I finally was in close proximity, I could spot his long eyelashes, his skinny but soft lips, and his clean face. To make sure he wasn’t joking with me, I lifted my finger and pushed it onto his cheek.

Nothing happened.

Oh my god! He is! That’s so cute!

I pulled out my phone and turned on my camera to take a screenshot of him. Though, since it was dark, I tried to come closer to him so I could get a quality picture. Of course, that didn’t seem to work, either, so I sighed in defeat.

Maybe if I just turn on the lights-

All of a sudden, a terrifying grip was placed around my waist. I didn’t scream, but I became unnerved by how tight it was. I put my hands over my mouth so it could muffle any sound I made until I was yanked over beside Okumori.

“O- Okumori-kun?!” I whispered loudly, freaked out. “Are you actually awake?! Stop! This isn’t funny!”

No response.

I frantically searched around me and realized that my phone was no longer in my hand. Because of how hard his grip was and how vehement he had pulled me over to him, I had lost the grip on my phone, therefore making it nowhere to be seen in the dark.

I was too afraid of doing anything that could even prompt a noise out of Okumori, so I registered it useless to go ahead and find my phone. Instead, I just turned to him with a sigh while gazing at his sleeping face.

“Hey, are you messing with me? Seriously! If you’re going to stop, now is the time to do so!” I hushed my tone down.

“... Tomoka-san… Wait…” He mumbled.

Oh, there's Tomoka-san again. Who was she? Didn’t he say it was some sort of girl from a video? Is he dreaming about her? What a pervert, seriously-

There was something that pushed into my chest, interrupting my thoughts. I looked down and saw Okumori burying his face into it, which struck me with awe and caused me to turn warm.

“You-! If um… If you’re awake, y- you have to let me go now! I won’t be mad at you, I- I swear!”

He didn’t seem to understand me and enjoyed his time on my chest.

I sighed and accepted my fate.

What the hell is even happening right now?! He possibly can’t be sleeping through all of this!

I stared at his dark hair that stuck onto my chest with a glare now.

“Are you trying to impress me or something?” I complained.

Again, no response.

With this in mind, I really had no option but to rule out the thought that he was awake. I’m aware that doing things while in paralysis of sleep was possible, I just haven’t seen it with my own two eyes yet. I guess now was the time to prove it.

… Maybe he really is asleep… If that’s the case, then I’ll try something out. I need to get something off my chest.

“... I… I really hope you don’t hear this, but…”

I swallowed and looked the other way so I wouldn’t be facing him.

“You were the first one to not like me. Did you know that? I don’t really know why I’m so interested in such things. Am I really a masochist?” I muttered. “... I dunno, it’s kinda refreshing seeing somebody not necessarily have a liking towards me. You didn’t budge me or do anything at all to show any signs of obvious affection. I like that about you, Okumori-kun. I like that you treat me like how you treat everybody else, even if that treatment is a little harsh.”

He grumbled.

“But, you can fix that, right? If you can be happy, then you can be happy to everyone too.” I smiled.

“... Stop it… Please…”

Confused, I aimed my eyes at him in an instant, thinking that he was awake.

“Oh, shoot, were you actually awake?” I cupped my mouth, “You didn’t hear all of that, did you?”

Soon, I realized that he had been crying. He dug his face deeper into my chest, soaking it with his tears, as he held his tight clamp around my back. Shocked, I froze with my hands in the air, yet, a little embarrassed because of where he was putting his face onto.

“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…”

Is he having a bad dream…?

Worriedly, I hovered my hands above his head in hesitation, not exactly knowing if it was the right thing to do. Only after careful consideration, did I locate my hands around his head, hugged him tightly, and just rubbed his hair slowly to make him feel secure.

“Um… Hey, hey… Don’t cry.” I said quietly while I lightly ruffled his hair. “I’m here. Just go to sleep. I’ll be right here…”

Oh god… This is so awkward. I hope his mom doesn’t come in.

He became quiet after my consolation. His pleas were no longer heard after a minute, and he just continued snuggling into me and hugging me tight to cope with whatever he had been envisioning in his head.

I put my hands on his cheeks and raised his head so I could see him, just to see his sopping eyes gave me confirmation that he was really crying. I just pulled my sleeve up and wiped away his tears, before steadily putting his head back onto my chest so I could comfort him.

I’m sorry, Okumori. I just can’t let you go. You’re just… Agh, I don’t even know anymore.

“Jeez, what happened, Okumori-kun? Sounds pretty rough…” I put my chin over his head and continued to caress him. “I’m here, okay? When you’re ready… Tell me what happened. Okay?”

“Miyake-san… Is a bear…?” He mumbled.

I poker-faced him now.

You really want to be slapped, huh?

I sighed, knowing that physically slapping him would wake him up. I didn’t want to do that. I just wanted him to sleep peacefully.

Well… I mean, plus, I don’t want him to be all moody tomorrow, right? So, I have to do my best to make him have a great time. If he’s crying, then I have to be the one to console him, just like a good friend.

“I can’t have you… Bear…”

I sucked in my lips and listened while I closed my eyes.

Okay… When he loosens his grip, I’ll get out of here. I have to get out of here! But… I need to close my eyes for a little bit, too. I guess taking a small nap wouldn't hurt? Just as long as he doesn’t figure it out, I guess.

And, just like that, it was the next morning.