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It was said that fish didn’t know it lived inside the water until it hadn’t. Needless to say, he was that fish.

That was the thought that came upon him when the susurrations — the voices had grown quiet. Like when he got off for that emergency 4 a.m dry cleanings, substituting for Paula who caught bad flu just a day before the association’s annual gala. Not even astronomical dawn, he walked down on the new shopping district. Flickering lamp lit the surrounding buildings with soft light yellow. An unfortunate oversight. The walls had taken tint of old ochre. Just a shade lighter compared to the Lost Tenements. An allusion to the rickety half-wood, half-plaster block that wasn’t spoken, only hushedly whispered. It was said that was the reason the shopping district got built. The whispers just too much of embarrassment. But as he walked down the bare street, ochre-colored and morning sparse, the detergent ad’s white wall felt like a cheap knockoff.

Only three cars had passed him in that quarter-hour. A black, a Cadillac, and one that broke down by the roadside, all four tires missing, likely stolen after the owner abandoned it. Not even the sound of the stoves humming from the breakfast stalls doing their last-minute prep could be heard as he often did when due to his recurring insomnia, forced to wake at 6.30 sometimes. Only silence, only silence was there to kept him company.

And now — now. It was just like then. Silence that was loud. Silence that was ...deafening.

He couldn’t hear the fear constant shouts anymore. It lackness, it ...absence, it was palpable. The constant scream that flinched him on every unknown, the bugging feeling when there was a slight deviance, the smallest difference to something he was familiar of. It, it just stopped. As if it was never there in the first place.

Empathy too, his consideration to others, his understanding of how their position, what they dreamed, and what they wanted to protect affect their behavior. It was gone. All gone. Deference? The perception of authority, of expertise, of willing to assume the best on people before proven otherwise. Puff and smoke. It disappeared.

Even expectation. The lowly, meek rabbit that lived on the crumbs that fear left laying around, scurrying and happy on what it could found, it also was no more.

What was left was a distant periodic clacks, tick-tocking.

It was illuminating, really. The first happenstance of [Calm Emotion] was obviously an imperfect, lesser iteration of the spell. Unlike this one, the previous instance had only suppressed — pushing against his emotions. So it could still burst, affected him in a way that felt normal. After all, non-feeling was not apathy. It was Mary’s Room. Sense that extended beyond typical human senses. Senses that not sight, that not sound, not taste, not smell, touch, balance, temperature. It was like a tick, leaping to the presence of butyric acid. It was like neutrophils, swimming to the higher concentration of chemokines. The non-feeling was in any other name sense. New sense. And as clear as see-through glass, he could see it. The geometric was weaved tight, the mana was steel frame. This time the spell wasn’t just suppressing his emotions. It imprisoned them.

Bubbling like lava and goo and crude oil and swamp water and rainbow glitter, the five viscous yet still miscible liquids were locked under silver sheen of circles and runes. Ten more minutes, the [Internal Clock] told him. Less, if he was sufficiently agitated.

However, that would not be a problem. Should not be a problem. He was different. Better. Not perfect, of course. Perfection was conceit — arrogance. And he would not fall into that. He was aware — knew that one knew nothing in the grand scheme of things. That their — his decisions were limited by information available upon him and knowledge he possessed beforehand. What he aimed was something that more discerning. Something like an ...improvement. An improvement from his previous self.

Unlike that inefficient version of his, his new sense had granted him, the now him, the now-Euca, a grand thing. A clarity. And with that clarity, in the minutes of his controlled cadence, in the slow nod, and firm stare, he had reframed and restructured everything in descending order that truly mattered — his list of objectives.

Which all this negotiation and everything there were should be. Tools to reach the objectives. Nothing more and nothing less.

“Before we proceed further, I’d like to make things clear, grand elder, Lady Crystal. The moment we stepped in here, we’ve been nothing but polite. Something that your side had not a concept of apparently.”

Safety. The first and foremost aspect of objective. It was the most important as it preceded everything by a factor of one hundred and needed to be constantly monitored.

The existence of wants required the existence of self.

“Interesting, human. But was not that the result of your summon’s ignorance? We had not forget that she was the one who gave the first insult by questioning our hospitality.”

Truth. Clar did give the first offense. Feasible negotiation tactic would be
 Acknowledging the fact, but reframe it in the way that the fault lay with the other party.

“It was true that Clar made a slight misstep, grand elder. However, it was not intentional. After all, she was a child! And wasn’t it normal for a child to be a bit eager? Yes her eagerness had been a bit much. However, and I apologize to say this, it was partially — well, mostly caused by your side’s provocation.”

“Our provocation?”

“Yes. I remembered when we just arrived, you said and I quote ‘A little mage and his summon’. This statement had demonstrated clearly — very clearly that your side has prior knowledge of summoning and what it entails. Like the fact that a summon would protect their summoner. Which what all Clar did.”

“That is funny human, as we remembered it, we merely commenting about your arrival. We did not give offense or provocation. Yet she threatened violence against us. Was not that true?” the voice took a distinct screech, like metal grinding against each other. A gnash. Good.

“Which was a sensible response.”

“What? You called those sensible response? She bared her mana! We saw her fire, her wind! It welled from her core-heart! Sharpened against us! How — how dare you to say that was sensible!”

Pushed it further.

“Grand elder, please. We’re not here to falsify or deny what had happened. We’re here to talk about what had happened and how could we better move forward. If you would take a moment to consider Clar’s point of view, you would understand.


“Consider this, when your charge who had been in danger just hours prior was asked for a prompt attendance by the owner of the place that he couldn’t exactly get off to until the end of the day, and consequently was in lower bargaining position, wouldn’t you as a someone who was bound to keep that person safe, be a little on edge? Now, this — this whole kerfuffle could be avoided if he was simply welcomed. But instead of being welcomed, he was ignored. Ignored for one and a half hours, if I might add.”

“Human Euca that—”

“—not to mention!” He cut off the crystal lady. “When both of them finally arrived, weary and wary, instead of being relieved and have their distrust allayed, perhaps with small talks or friendly greetings or being offered beverages or anything — anything else, really. The other party chose — chose to speak only using air, never showing themselves. So I ask you here once again, grand elder, Lady Crystal, was it wrong for Clar to be a little bit cautious?”

“...you want us to show ourselves, human Euca? Do you have any idea what that even means?”

Anger, predicted. Relabel the action of the other party to suit the building narrative of an unreasonable, emotional individual. Performed implicit tone policing. Invalidate the other party point by redirecting the ball.

“That is not the point! I—I’m sorry, Lady Crystal. Apparently, your grand elder couldn’t even understand such simple concept. And I’ve — we’ve been very generous. When we said that it was caused by your side? That was euphemism. We all know here that it was him. Yes, him. Is he simply incapable to acknowledge that he was the one that had been making this talk could not progress further?”

“Human Euca please do not antagonize, grand elder.” she peered toward him, her eyes swirled rapidly, rotating the constellation 90 degrees. “Ignorance is not an offense human Euca, but patience has its limits. Asking for grand elder to show himself is a grand request. Something that we do not take lightly.”

“Let him be, Crystal. If he wants us to show ourselves, then we will show ourselves!”

“Refused, grand elder, you shall not.” she turned his eyes back to him, her voice took a lower note, slower beat. “Human Euca. We acknowledged... that both sides had overstepped their bounds. Is this sufficient to you?”

Commitment and slow concession. Take note if both parties attempting a good cop/bad cop routine.

“Thank you, Lady Crystal. It’s very much appreciated. However, that was not all. There was also the problem of the grand elder’s response. Instead of disarming her very reasonable caution, he instead chose to escalate. And with a full-blown magical display that threatened the safety of both me and Clar. Let it be noted that the girl almost froze to death and lost her fingers. This — all of this could be avoided if instead grand elder, with his knowledge about summons, simply gave assurance that your side meant no harm. However, with no other reason than I apologize, satisfaction of his own ego, he had almost caused a irreversible damage had you not stop him that time.”

“How do you respond to that?”

“That was a mere test
 Even halfwit halfling knew...” the air froze and stiffen. Almost difficult to breathe in. ”...Do you think we would break hospitality for such insignificant human like you?”

“You talk about hospitality grand elder.” he folded his hand. “But to us, hospitality is not just what was said. It also what was done. I don’t pretend to know what your reason for doing that to us. But the fact stands! You invited us then you almost killed us! That is not a hospitality!”

“Human and spirits standard are different human Euca, you must understand.”

Confirmation of good cop/bad cop routine. Ignore plea. Press further.

“Even ignoring all of that, there was still the latest overstep, forcing privileged information via negotiation skill.”

“What now, not using skill? Have you heard such stupid thing, Crystal?”

“Human Euca, our water spirits had conducted 5324 negotiations, and 3580 of them were facilitated by skill. We also collected records from the libraries of your kind. Most of them 76 out of 100, involved the use of at least one skill. The one which does not either discuss inconsequential matters, both of the parties coincidentally have both of their skill on cooldown, or it was conducted between parties that do not possess such skill like a [Farmer] with a low-level [Herder]. But the one which does, always use a skill even it was to the extent of the other party cost. The most heinous example was how your [Merchant] conducted people to their rank. Your young had to endure mind altering skill such as [As I See It, It’s Quite Reasonable] and [There is Always Other who Want It More].”

Acknowledge but reframe.

“While I must acknowledge that such occurrence was normal in ‘high level’ negotiation, it ultimately boils down to this, Lady Crystal. We accept your invitation on the assumption of good faith. That you, all of you, would treat us as guests. Guests and not other parties to be negotiated something against. For you to force us to a negotiation floor without informing us beforehand, well, you and grand elder was talking about offense a lot Lady Crystal, for us this is an offense.”

Final push. Reaffirm position. Display apparent concession, yet give nothing of value. Take it or leave it.

“The only reason that I’m saying this instead of just walk away is that despite grand elder’s transgression I still owe both of the spirits. That is the only reason. However Lady Crystal.” he paused. “Even though you’re more reasonable than grand elder, it clear that you continue to push the blame to us — that somehow we’re at fault. Again. We have been nothing but polite and accomodating.”

Rising from the couch, he bowed his head. “And as you said Lady Crystal, even patience has its limits. Please take the mana water as my payment for the jewel’s part in ensuring Clar’s safety.”

“Come on Clar, we’re leaving. These people are bad.”

“Uh — yes, master!”

“Human Euca! Human Euca — wait!”

“Do you want to block the door again, Lady Crystal? I assure you this time we’ll leave. One way or another.”

That... was a lie. At most he could shot a lightning blast, attempting to blind the whole room while pushing Clar’s enchantment to the limit. But that was plan E. They had much more to lose than him.

“Fine. What do you want?”

“Acknowledgement of your side fault and promise that it would never happen again.”


“Not so fast. As trust is impossible, I’ll have to insist on a third-party witness. Neutral and with good standing like the town itself.”

“The town? The town? The whelps wasn’t even here before we walked this forest! Do you think your mortal law could bind us, human?”

“No.” he shook his head, imagining the town guards quavering when they were told to collect fine from the sprites. ”But you also leave us no choice.” At least with witness, they couldn’t openly betray him. Not if they want to keep their credibility.

“Hah! And you said that you want the town to witness. Impossible!”

“Human Euca, please understand the fact that we need siren’s tear is not something that should be known to any other party.”

Why? His mind whirled. Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to have more suppliers. Even he could produce the mana-aspected water, it wasn’t like he could chug it like a factory did. Did the knowledge that they needed the water itself portended some kind of weakness? That was 
interesting. He’d make sure to leverage it later. “So what do you propose?”

“The gift shall be our witness.”

“The gift?”

“Your kind call it system, human Euca.”

“What? Are you su—”



“...prove it.”

How far was the damage? Still strong, quite good, that — ugh, a hairlin crack. How lo—five minutes.

Likely less. He needed to speed it up.

“Grand Elder, if you would.”

“Sigh. We braved three thousand tides for this? Respect, Crystal, do not we earn it?”

“Irrelevant Grand Elder, please remember your duty.”

“Oh we should just stayed back

“These are promises which we are bound. We who hold the seat of Lent and draw from the well of Life. So it is promised that under the daylight, on the sunbright, on the mooncalm, or on everything in between that the great sky thrown at us that we and those bound to us shall neither harm nor give offense to the human known as Euca and the stonefriend known as Clar.”

“These are promises that are true. Signed in self and thus witnessed by Her Mercy. This we swore.”

[Uneasy Trust!]

The Ar’endalian Water Cohort had promised you and your summon, Clar, no harm! As a being of magic and element, their promise is binding until otherwise dissolved. Breaking the promise inflicts severe penalty to the breaker:

  • Title of [Oathbreaker].
  • Inflicted by [????] for [????]
  • ????
  • ????

[Otherworldy Traveler]


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