Chapter 8: Treasure Hunt and Unfortunate Events
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This room is pretty interesting all things considered, big empty room, maybe something like a 100 meters across, with pillars scattered semi randomly every 2 or 3-ish meters with a huge version of the fountain from the first room in a clearing in the middle.

"Kinda looks like a forest of stone. "

Now where is the door to the next challenge... not on the back wall, or the right wall, or the front wall, or the left wall. All I found where a bunch of giant locked metal doors, but those where all... well... LOCKED. Is it a trap door or something.




I've been searching for like 3 hours and NOTHING. I GIVE UP! this entire game is a figment of my delirious mind as I lie on my living-room dying from an aneurysm! That... or I'm just a blind idiot, also where the hell is my night vision skill, this place is super dark and it's driving me insane. Doesn't exist you say? WELL SUCKS TO SUCK I GUESS!?

"THAT'S IT! I GIVE UP! I'm going back to the first challenge right now!"

Do I just walk back... and then if I try to...


And stepping back!... Yup, awesome.

Going on a treasure hunt WOOHOO!


Hmm, nothing here... or on that wall... is it like a hidden compartment in the brickwork or something?


Wait, I think I see something, maybe? Its way to hard to see anything like this, time to reset!


"Well that was dangerous... kinda."

Looking at that spot again that definitely looks like brick is sticking out of the wall, it's too far away though I can't see it well. I should put that crafting skill to work again, need to turn my makeshift scythe into a tool for prying bricks out of walls... how do you turn a scythe into a crowbar? Am I strong enough to bend metal? Let me look around first... this kind of looks like it could be a crowbar, now lets just reclaim my shank, then put the now wet metal sheet on this rock, step on it, take the metal bar form what was my scythe and...



Well not really, but still though... treasure hunting time!



Ah, there really was something there, took some work but now THE TREASURE IS ALL MINE, MUAHAHAHAHA. Its a box! A sealed box, or maybe a wooden block? nah, definitely a box, oh laser... right... HOP!


Ok, now how do I get this open, I would smash it with the crowbar buuuuuut... absolutely nothing happened to that, AT ALL. No crowbar then, what about my shank?


Hmm, did I have a shank... I don't seem to remember having one of those. HOW DO I OPEN THIS BOX!


Oh! I have an idea!



And my treasure is a knife... AWESOME... well... than and a burning box, which is notably less awesome. Though if I had to guess I'd say the next challenge is probably a combat one considering the knife and all. I should probably prepare for that, and that means trying out my favorite trick, my ultimate secret move, my most powerful and most secret trump card, my greatest technique I definitely know how to fight without. So then I guess its time to stress test this game's physics engine.

"I have superhuman flexibility so it should be possible, though it might not work if the physics engine is good... well I guess it doesn't really matter, there's no way this game can simulate physics to the same level as real life so I should be fine... If it could I would snap every tendon, and probably muscle, in my body and die screaming though... nahhhh its fine"

So then I guess I'll take a drink from the healing fountain, get in position, actually this feels somewhat right but also kind of weird, then its just get ready to swing my knife with all my strength aaaaaaand...



You Have Died

Respawning in 10 ... 9 ... 8 ...