Chapter 20: SHOPPING!!!
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"This place is just so... cool."

"Hah, I know right, but come on Jay, let's get to the general store already, this sack is super annoying to carry around, what do you even have in here?"

"Anything and everything I could get from the first floor of the tutorial."

"You could take the stuff from there with you? Shit, I should've though of that, guess that's what I get for speedrunning the first floor."

"Woah, it's another one of those magitech shops, what do those even sell?"

"Ah, that's actually the general store I was talking about, 'Gray's Magitech Wares', there's plenty of these shops around and they all sell different things, but it's all assorted equipment, If you can't find it anywhere else then it's definitely in one of these shops."

"So these are practically a mystery box, never know what you're gonna get until you walk in."

"Sounds about right, let's go, this one sells storage items."

I follow Ele into the shop which looks like it belongs in a steampunk game more than anything else in this entire instance. The shop is full of items that I can barely even describe, it has everything from simple automatons in the forms of small animals to what looks like overengineered survival gear. Is that a foldable tent with built in heating and lighting... This place is so cool.

"Hey Gray you here!? GRAY!"



Suddenly a ragged looking man comes stumbling out from a door behind the sales counter, the man is no taller than 5'6, about the same height as Jay, bronze skinned, and his blonde hair has the occasional gray hair poking through, though it looks more brown than blonde since it likely hasn't been washed in weeks, either that or the man just came back from bathing in motor oil.

"Gray the hell where you doing, you look like chipmunk covered in motor oil!?"

"Oh, Elaine, I WAS working on a design for a quad-bike in my workshop when you so rudely made me dump half a tank of M.E.F-12 on my head."

"HAHAHAHAHA... So that actually WAS motor oil, well, gasoline, close enough though... And I though I told you to stop calling me that old man!?"

"And I thought I told YOU to stop barging into my shop like that!?"

"... Fair."

"Ok, so sorry to interrupt this oh so touching reunion, but can we get back on track Ele?"

"Who's the pipsqueak Lain, nother girlfriend? I told you to stop bringing your dates here, I got no interest in dealing with yer teen bullshit!"

"First of all old man I'm 23, I haven't been a teen in years, and second, yeah Jay ARE you my GIRLFRIEND!?"

"God dammit, first of all, Gray was it? I'm a man, and where just here to buy a storage device for me, can we do that now, PLEASE?"

"You're buyin somethin? GREAT, shoulda just said said so, Lain ere never buys jack, always some new garbage she needs me for. Come with me I got a bunch of those in my workshop."

Following the old man though the door he came from, and though the hallway behind it, we come to a spacious garage, easily large enough to fit two cars and all the equipment to build one. In the center of the room there's what appears to be a quad-bike but extremely complex and inscribe with a number of intricate, glowing runes. Gray takes us to a storage room off to the left of where we entered and picks out a number of boxes all of which are also inscribed with runes, these are much simpler in design than those on the quad-bike though. We then walk back to a desk covered in tools and other scattered materials... which he clears be shoving everything onto the floor.

"So I got 6 total, these first three, in the little boxes, are rings, they store things in a completely separate pocket space, but I warn ya, taking things in and out from them can be quite a hassle. Next up are these ones ere, bracelets, smaller capacity but near instant store and pull, good for keepin weapons, kinda pricey though. Finally the last one, this one's no good though, I made this one ma self but its a failure, big capacity, quick access, but it can't keep track of where the items are stored, user needs to remember where they put everythin in a bag that's bigger on the inside than the outside, well, unless you wana pull everythin out at once or spend hours lookin through it. So... which one you want?"

I quickly smirk at Ele and she smirks back knowingly.

"We'll take the bag."

"You sure? It's a pain to use... well, if you wan it I ain't gonna stop ya, I'd probably never sell it otherwise so I'll give it to ya at cost, that's... 1526 points."

"Oh, did materials costs drop? that's lower than I remember!"

"Yeah, ever since travelers started showing up materials have been coming in faster and faster, still rare, but less so."

"In that case thanks."

Ele then picks up the box with the storage bag and a diagram of the space inside it, and gives it to me along with the sack I carried all my stuff in. Looking at the diagram it seems pretty easy to remember, If I divide it into sections based on item type and label each with a phrase then it's...

"I'll use almat wesc."

"Ah, Jay, what was that? Almat wesc?"

"Oh that, it's a mnemonic device, you know how my memory works right?"

"Oh, OH, yes of course I know how your memory works, you remember things almost exclusively as images and have to use mnemonic devices to remember them, yada yada, that's not what I meant, I've just never heard you use a mnemonic device like that."

"Ah, yeah that makes sense actually, that's cuz I just made it up, I use different... styles, of mnemonic devices for different... places I guess. It makes them more memorable."

"Wait wait wait, kid, do you have a photographic memory or something, you remember everythin?"

"No no no, nothing like that, I'm good at remembering mnemonic devices and other simple things like that, I pretty much never forget those, but for everything else I tend to have a pretty bad memory, unless I use those mnemonic devices, then yeah, I can remember pretty much everything around the device like it's one big movie playing back in my head."

"HAHAHAHA, Nice one kid, no wonder you wanted that bag, since you can actually use it right. Hope it serves you well."

"Hah, thanks. Now come on Ele I wana see the rest of this shopping instance and then go outside."

"Yeah, let's go get something to eat before we go out though."