Chapter 14: Drawing The Short End Of The Stick.
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The next day.
I woke up, did my daily routine but then something unexpected occurred.
"Hey, would you like to be my friend?"(???)
"Me too!"(???)
"Me three!"(???)
"...Don't count me out..."(???)
A couple of kids asked to be my friends. So me, being the kind person I am asked them a nice and friendly question.
"What's your goal?"(Zail)
In a dead flat voice void of any emotions, that contained a hint of suspicion. I am so friendly aren't I?
"We said we wanna be your friends!"(Kid 1)
"Yeah!"(Kid 2)
"Yep yep!"(Kid 3)
"...Yep..."(Kid 4)
They introduced themselves, from 1-4 it was Salia, a red haired and red eyed girl who had a light tan, she seems to have a personality that exudes optimism and hope, she also seems to have long ears.
Next, is Drum, he has light blue hair and light blue eyes, he's a white elf and exudes a personality of a follower.
Then it's Feil, he seems like an over energetic elf who has green hair, he seems to have a personality that shows his desire for exploration.
And lastly there is Saria, she has brunette hair and blue eyes, she's a shy human.
"So what were ya doing 'ere."(Zail)
"Strange accent."(Feil)
I feel personally insulted, this is my normal accent when I don't feel stressed.
"Ya didn't answer the question."(Zail)
"...We watched you train with the sword..."(Saria)
" 'Kay thanks for the information."(Zail)
Shit. I was trying to keep it a secret, I have three options. One, neutralize them. Two, make them fear me. Three, make them keep it as a secret as friends.
Out of all the options the safest is three, because if I did one I would be the first person to be suspected and they probably told people they were going to the forest, while it wouldn't be strange for them to be kidnapped by some bandits, the village believes in superstitions so me being renown for being cursed is first on the chopping board and this could also effect Kinata.
If I did two then they could rat me out in fear, most children believe their parents are omnipotent. Which leaves three, friendship is a very powerful force, however the problem is whether if they could even accept a friendship with me.
After taking a glance at the children who're waiting for my reply I gave a sigh and then said:
"I'll be your friend on one condition."(Zail)
Yep, this is the only way I know.
"What condition?"(Salia)
"You keep my sword swinging a secret."(Zail)
"Nice doing business with ya."(Zail)
My intuition says that I should've used another means, wonder why? It's not like even children wanna kill me right? Shit, did I jinx that?
"For now let's go exploring!"(Feil)
A stupid sound left my mouth, exploring sounds dangerous and it also sounds like a pain.
"Obviously as friends we have to go exploring!"(Salia)
Kids do this nowadays? What has the world become?
After a bit of complaining we ventured 'round forest, if we encountered monster we hid, and eventually we made it here. A ruin.
"Seems interesting."(Zail)
I had a broad smile on my face.
"Mhm? Why are you smiling?"(Salia)
"Now that you mention it..."(Drum)
"He is smiling."(Feil)
"Mhm? Oh, right."(Zail)
I recollected my thoughts that were spreading at a rapid pace.
"I'ma go inside the ruin."(Zail)
"Since it's a ruin there's bound to be traps, which means I can train to disarm traps."(Zail)
"You going to be an adventurer?"(Drum)
"Yep. It'll be useful if I learn how to disarm traps, so I can increase my use."(Zail)
"Why would you want to increase your use? Just go with your whole spirit!"(Feil)
What a foolish question, gotta say this politely.
"Spirit is nice and all but it's absolutely useless if you have no use."(Zail)
Eh?! Why is he crying?!
"How mean~"(Salia)
How are kids so easy to upset?!
"Why did you phrase it like a question?"(Salia)
"Ahem, now onwards to the ruins~"(Feil)
"Y'all are coming too?"(Zail)
"Why wouldn't we?"(Salia)
"It's dangerous."(Zail)
"Life is."(Salia)
You sure your a child? After bickering for a while it was decided that they stand guard, and I go in alone. It's easier this way to hide my skills.
"If I don't come out within 24 hours leave me."(Zail)
"Eeee~"(The Kids)
"DO IT!"(Zail)
I looked them in the eyes and shouted, they're too naïve with their lives. Looks like Drum was taken aback, Feil's eyes were leaking, Saria and Salia just remained quiet.
"Well then, I'm off."(Zail)
I headed into the ruins, I circulated my mana to glow on my hand so I could have a light source. Considering my mana capacity which is 14400000000mp due to my previous level up, a second uses 15mp, so my limit is 960000000 seconds, which could also mean I have 16000000 minutes. I have around 500 hours.
I ventured into the ruins and I found a trap.
"Do I look like a bear to you?"(Zail)
I mumbled a bit and began to dismantle the trap, it was a fairly simple bear trap that was used for hunting. Immediately after I dismantled it--
An arrow was shot.
I felt it scrape past the top of my head. if I was taller that would be game over for me.
"Just in case..."(Zail)
I went to the destroyed area the arrow pierced and picked up a pebble and tossed it to the corridor.
Another mechanism was activated, it turned parts of the wall into spears the material is unknown. After 15 minutes of investigation and destroying traps it was finally safe.
[[Skill:<<Dismantle Lv.1>> has been obtained!>>]]
[[Skill:<<Dismantle Lv.1>> has increased to <<Dismantle Lv.15>>]]
So many level ups?! Just how dangerous were these..?
I ventured forth into the depths of the ruins, and I stopped when I saw--
"--A skeleton?"(Zail)
For a safety precaution I took it's sword, it was a standard rusty longsword. I gave it a few swings and changed into a few stances and decided to travel with the sword.
"Thanks, hope we meet in the next life."(Zail)
I opened my pouch and brought out a matchstick, I lit it on fire using the box and dropped the stick on the skeleton.
"--Thank you--"(???)
When I heard that I turned my head towards my back and I saw nothing.
I brushed it off my mind and headed deeper into the depths, I dismantled traps burnt some skeletons and eventually I made it to an open area.
I didn't go in the open area and instead remained inside the corridor, my gut tells me that the moment I leave there's gonna be enemies.
"There's obviously gonna be enemies..."(Zail)
I swallowed some water that was inside my leather bottle which was attached to my belt, and ate some dried leftovers.
"Oh, that's right."(Zail)
I used the floor to urinate. I could take a crap but elves don't take a crap as often as other races, so I didn't need to.
I looked towards the direction where there was supposedly noise, there was no one there. Must be my imagination.
After I did everything I needed to I ventured forth into the open area.
"Okay, let's do this."(Zail)
I shifted my stance into that of a 'Seigan No Kamae', that was apparently the standard posture for when using a sword according to Ryuuto. I put weight on my right leg and my left leg holds my body upright, while my shoulders are low and not strained, the tip of the sword points towards slightly to the ceiling, it's as if I'm pointing my sword at someone's eyes. It specializes in attacking and/or defending.
I'm probably doing this incorrectly but this is all I can remember from this particular stance, I stepped onto the open plains and almost as if a signal was set, a hoard of zombies came up from the ground.
"Graa..."(Zombie 1)
"Gruuuhh..."(Zombie 2)
"Graaah..."(Zombie 3)
I let them come up from the ground they were trying to climb out of, because if I attacked 'em during this process I could've been dragged down or have a surprise attack launched upon me. There were 15 zombies in all, now...
"--Now ain't this easy?"(Zail)
I let them come at me one by one and slashed each one into threes, in other words I lopped off their heads, and waists splitting them into three.
[[Level: You have levelled up.]]
"Fairly simple."(Zail)
After I slayed the zombies I headed deeper into the ruins, more zombies appeared and when I killed them I didn't get any levels. I dismantled traps, killed more zombies and then eventually made it to the end of the ruins.
"This is it huh..? it's been 'round 14 hours and 13 minutes."(Zail)
At the end of the ruins there was a large room, in the middle of the room was a statue. The statue was decayed and I couldn't make out what it represented, on the right of the statue there was a large chest and on the left was something that resembled a large ravine.
"So that's gonna be my loot..."(Zail)
"Who the..?"(Zail)
When I took one step towards the treasure someone called out to me. It was a male dressed in extravagant clothes who had two people clad in armour near him.
"Three questions. One, who in the hell wears those fancy clothes in a ruin? Two, who are you? And three, in case you ask I ain't handing the loot over to ya."(Zail)
"I am Alferusu Von Bartolo, and the treasure is mine!"(Alferusu)
"Is it just me or is a large majority of the nobles absolute balls of pride?"(Zail)
"Such is the path!"(Alferusu)
"Sounds like a lousy path."(Zail)
"How'd ya even get 'ere?"(Zail)
"We followed your inferior self!"(Alferusu)
"Ya callin' me inferior when your the one who followed me, in other words ya were leaching. I wonder who's really the inferior one here?"(Zail)
"Oh, and what 'bout the kids at the entrance?"(Zail)
"There were others?! I was here for eight months..."(Alferusu)
"I've cleared this ruin in only 14 hours while you took eight months. You sure your supposed to be adventuring?"(Zail)
"Oh well, as long as the kids are safe then it's alright I guess..."(Zail)
As soon as I had that thought--
"--Oh these kids?"(???)
a feminine voice called out to me. honestly this is irritating me.
"Oh for fuck sake, what now?!"(Zail)
"Help me!"(Salia)
"The treasure or your friends?"(???)
The children were being held captive by a brunette haired green eyed woman who looked in her early twenties, she seems to be an adventurer.
I took a deep sigh and then...
I threw a stone at the woman.
"Why?!"(Brown haired)
She dodged it but that wasn't my goal.
That loosened her grip on the children.
"Why you?!"(Brunette)
She took out a crossbow and shot it towards me but I dodged it, but sadly it hit a trap.
"Seize them!"(Alferusu)
Zail ran towards the statue and immediately after, a moving rock statue crawled from the ground and smashed it's feet to the now-unstable floor.
"It's a rock golem!"(Clad In Armor Man 1)
"I didn't get paid enough for this!"(Clad In Armor Man 2)
The noble's minions left to escape, and when the noble saw this he paled.
The noble was squished to death.
"Well, I'll go skedaddle. See ya!"(Brunette)
"Hold up!"(Zail)
"Oh, and I forgot. I'm Merissa see you next time~"(Merissa)
The adventurer seems to have fled.
Zail who had no time to even escape had to fend for himself. The golem launched a punch towards Zail, but he somehow dodged past it and then launched his sword techniques onto it one after the other.
Zail grimaced for a short while, but then continued to attack the golem.
Non-attribute magic focuses on the way mana flows in the body, in other words it's nearly impossible to release non-attribute magic outside of the body, thus he's in the predicament that he can't use any projectiles.
"Damn it! I'll take my chances!"(Zail)
Zail ran towards the chest, however he slipped. Yes, he slipped.
"God damn nobles even get in the way after their death, damn it!"(Zail)
Zail had slipped on the remains of the noble and thus his chances of living were next to nil. The golem made a stomp on the floor and the shockwave pushed the chest along with Zail to the wall.
Zail bounced off the wall along with the chest into the large ravine. As Zail was falling he thought--
"--I really seem to love drawing the short end of the stick."(Zail)
Eventually Zail made it to the bottom floor, however the chest was greeted with a smash onto the floor and Zail was greeted into a lake.
Zail tried to catch his breath, so he swam up above the lake.
He crawled out of the lake and kept crawling, eventually he hit his head on something hard.
[[...My dear child who has gone through suffering, may you lead a life where you can be happy to call yourself a happy man, I shall take off this one thing to aid you in your quest for happiness...]]
[[Affinity:<<Space/Time>> has been unsealed!]]