Ep. 6: Witches and Wax (Part One)
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It was late. Primrose lay awake, staring at the small rock in her hand. Wren's guest room was blanketed in calming shadow, with the moon offering just enough light for Prim to see the rock. Once again she found herself unable to sleep, caught up in thoughts about magic, and witches, and the nature of reality. Serendipity's words had been bouncing around in her head all night. The mapple could theoretically exist at any position in space... why not in this crate... and why not now? Such powerfully simple observations.

Prim continued idly staring at the rock she was holding. If you could magically affect something just by thinking about it in certain ways... then the possibilities seemed endless. Think hard enough and you can begin to question the nature of pretty much anything. What is a mapple, really? What does it mean to exist? How can we define what is "real?" Why can't anyone do anything at anytime? 

"Why not here... and why not now?" Prim thought to herself, returning her focus to the rock. "Why can't this rock fall through my hand? Why shouldn't it be on the floor instead?"

Suddenly Prim had a realization. Seren hadn't just questioned the mapple in their hand. They had pointed their magic staff at it, too! 

Her eyes darted over to Seren, fast asleep in their bed. Their staff was propped up next to them in the corner of the room. For a brief moment she considered grabbing it and conducting some late-night magic practice, but she couldn't bring herself to mess around with Seren's stuff without asking. Besides, why not just ask Seren to let her hold the staff in the morning? Or any time in the next three months or so?

Prim turned over on her side and screwed her eyes shut, still clutching the rock in her hand. There was nothing special about this rock - it was just a neat-looking thing she had seen in Wren's front yard. She had the vague idea of starting some kind of rock collection on this journey, but had no idea if she would even encounter any other cool rocks. This one was smooth on one side, though, which made it extra fun to fidget with. And maybe one day, after some proper magic training, she would make this rock pass straight through her hand. Or at least through her little finger. 

She flipped over on her left side and breathed a heavy sigh. If she could theoretically sleep at any time... why not in this bed? And why not now?


~ ~ ~

It was around midday when Prim woke up. She had been dreaming she was at math camp.

"Ahhhhhh...!" She let out a hearty yawn and thought about stretching her arms out before remembering she was a hundred feet in the air and clutching onto Serendipity. 

"Is that a Primrose I hear?" Seren asked, speaking softly. 

"Mmm-hmm..." Prim murmured in response, enjoying the soft smoothness of Seren's coat. She had vague fragmented memories of eating breakfast at Wren's and climbing back on the broom, but must've fallen asleep soon after they took off.

"I've never known someone to sleep so comfortably on a broom," Seren told her, grinning. "Maybe I'll try it now..."

Seren lowered their head and began making loud snoring sounds. 

"Nooooooo...." Prim groaned, gently headbutting Seren in the back. "You're driving...!"

Seren lifted their head. "Huh, what? Sorry, I must've dozed off."

Prim giggled. "Where are we, Seren?"

"Well, we're still over maple country. I'm heading for Lookout Hill, which you can see if you look right over there..."

Seren stretched out an arm and pointed. Prim leaned over to the side, adjusting her glasses. Up ahead, a tall hill could be seen stretching up through the trees. Glimpses of a small village could be seen on the far side of the hill, with rooftop shingles joining the endless canopy of maple leaves.

"I would like to make a quick stop, just to set foot on the hill," Seren requested. "Does that sound okay?"

"Hmm?" Prim replied, still staring at the surrounding forest below. "Oh, sure, that's fine!"

After a minute or two, Seren and Prim arrived at Lookout Hill. Seren gently brought the broom down and slowed to a stop. Prim hopped off the broom and jogged over to the edge of the hilltop to get a better look at the view.

"Wow... this is really pretty..." Prim admired the brilliant palette of autumn colors before her. "The trees look really small from up on the broom, but down here..."

Seren strode over to admire the view with her. "How many trees do you think are out there in maple country?" they asked.

Prim blinked. "Gosh, there must be... like a million!"

"Not a billion?"

"I don't know, Seren, that's a big number!"

Seren adjusted their hat. "I think it's a trillion trees out there!"

Prim gasped. "No way! It's gotta be a million."

Seren squinted and began pointing at nearby trees. "Let's see, one... two... three... four..."

Suddenly, Prim spoke up. "Oh no! I didn't pack a camera because I thought I was going to math camp! This would be a great place for a picture..."

Seren stopped counting at looked over at her. "A camera can't be too hard to find! And maybe we can make one if we find the right materials!"

"Hmmm..." Prim thought, furrowing her brow. "If I can... theoretically take a picture from up on Lookout Hill... why not now?"

Seren beamed brightly. "That's right! Why not now?"

Seren skipped for a few paces and turned to face their apprentice. "Take a photo of me right here!"

"Hmmm!" Prim studied the witch in front of her for a moment. She held her hands up to her face, looking through them like a viewfinder. "Yes, this spot is perfect!"

"Ah, wait!" Seren took a moment to tip their hat at a stylish angle. "Okay, I'm ready!"

"And... click!"

"Yes, take another one!"


"Oh!" someone spoke.

The two witches stopped taking imaginary photos, surprised by an unfamiliar voice behind them. They whirled around to see that someone had joined them on the hilltop, lugging an armful of supplies in one hand and a single lit candle in the other. They appeared to be carrying a book, some additional candles, some tree branches, and what looked to be a large rock.

Prim was caught off guard by this sudden visit and lost her voice, but Seren thankfully spoke up.

"Hello there!" they called to the stranger, waving. "Pardon us, we just wanted to see the view from the hill!"

The stranger approached, slowly and self-consciously. "Sure, um, you're not-... that's fine."

"Are we in your way?" Seren asked.

"...No, you're..." The stranger seemed to be very carefully searching for the right words. Prim looked on, unconsciously scooting closer to Seren.

"You two are witches?" they finally managed to say.

"Yes!" Seren replied with a tip of their hat, "I'm Serendipity and this is Primrose."

The stranger couldn't wave with their hands full, so they gave a quick nod. "Hello, I'm Rhythm. Say, uhhh..."

Rhythm approached the witches, still dutifully clutching their supplies. "Actually, could you help me? I might need a... a witch's help."

"Do tell!" Seren encouraged, turning to Prim. "A traveling witch is always looking for requests!"

Prim nodded hurriedly. "Ah, mm! Yes!"

Rhythm continued. "I need... candles. Candles made with magic, if you can."

Seren nodded. "Sure, we can synthesize some candles for you. How many do you need?"

Rhythm replied quickly. "As many as you can make."

"Wow!" Seren began, eyes widening, "That's a lot of candles!"

"Sorry, I... I just... hmm..." Rhythm was searching for words again, their voice low and soft. "Just make few dozen. No, several. A... a hundred? Can you make a hundred candles?"

Seren bowed their head. "Your requested is my command, dear Rhythm. We will deliver one hundred candles to you within the week."

"Sure, that's fine," Rhythm acknowledged. "I-I live in town, just down here at the bottom of the hill. I'm the blacksmith. Just look for me at the smithy."

Rhythm was wearing gloves and a flame-resistant apron, so it seemed they had been at the smithy only moments before climbing the hill. They went quiet for a moment before speaking up again.

"There should be room at the inn."

Rhythm turned to leave, changed their mind and turned back, turned to leave again, paused for a moment, then committed to leaving. Silence hung in the air for a while before Seren turned to Prim.

"Ready to learn some synthesis?"

