Chapter 1: Awakening
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"Physician if they do not wake up I will have your head!"

"Your Majesty I'm doing everything I can, they are physically and mentally fine, and they should wake up within the day."

"I'll keep you to those words."

Why is it so noisy? Why can't I move? I remember I was, wait, what was I doing?

"Oh! Your Majesty they're moving."

Your Majesty? Who are these people talking. Where am I? Who am- oh. These are not my memories. I see, the owner of this body died, and I have taken her place.

"Atlantica dear, are you okay?"

I'm trying to open my mouth to speak, but no words come out. I can feel a big and muscular hand taking mine. It's warm, or am I cold? I don't know. It takes me a few minutes of laying here before I'm able to open my eyes. I look around the room and see a few people in white clothing. The man besides me, I'm assuming is the one called "Your Majesty", what a weird name. He's clothed in fancier cloth than the rest, and he has a long flowing cape in a deep purple with gold embroidery.

On a bed besides mine lays another girl, her hair is a waist length flaming mix of red and orange, and her eyes are a deep crimson. She's quite gorgeous if I have to say so. Her eyes are scanning the room in a darting, but calm manner, before her eyes lock on mine. My whole being is shaking like my soul is being pulled by a magnetic force, that force being the girl. Her eyes widen in surprise as I'm assuming she's feeling the same pull as I am. In that instant I know we do not belong here, we are not of this world. We have been transported here for reasons unknown, but what I do know is that she is me and I am her. No we are not the same person, but we are of the same being, and we are the same. She is my other half, as I am hers. Together we are whole.

"Atlantica?" The man looks at me before he follows my gaze towards the other girl, towards my other half. "Oh Ember! You're also awake."

My memories are fuzzy, I do not remember any names besides my own and my twin sister, I know the man before us is our supposed father, but I do not remember his name.

In unison we speak, as if our line of thoughts are the same. "Yes father, we're awake."

Our father looks surprised, before his expression is exchanged for one of serenity. "I'm glad, I thought I lost both my daughters." I do not feel guilt, as I assume my sister does neither. He is and he isn't our father, but for the sake of our survival, we must familiarize ourselves and use any of these people as our tools.

My sister speaks up in a quiet and innocent tone, but I know it's only a facade. "Father, what happened to us?"

"You were both poisoned, It's a miracle you're both alive. If we got the healers to you any sooner, I fear the worst may have happened."

"Father, who did this to us?" My father looks at me solemnly as he ponders how to answer my question. He gestures for the people to leave, and after making sure the door is closed he mumbles a few words. I can feel the shift in the room, he invoked a spell, I can see the mana weaving itself together to form a barrier with the function of silence.

"Nothing I say can leave this room, Ember, Atlantica?" We both nod in unison. "A cook who has been with us for years is traced back as the culprit, but it's quite obvious he is not the mastermind. No I fear one of our dukes did this. I have my suspicions, but I won't tell you two until I have further evidence. You must both act with vigilance, and do not let your suspicions of our nobles be discovered. This is your duty as daughters of royal blood, do you understand?" 

"Yes father."

"Understood father."

"Now I'll leave the room and let you two rest for today. I'll instruct nobody to enter, but if you need assistance ring the bell besides you, Atlantica."

With that our father leaves the room, leaving us alone.

"Do you remember who we are?"

My sister shakes her head. I can only assume she knows what I knows. "Do you remember the name of our father?" Yet again she shakes her head. "Do you think he suspects us?"

"I do not know sister. I know only what I assume you know, you are me and I am you. Until we can familiarize ourselves with this world, I believe any discrepancy in our actions can be excused by this incident, and it will go unnoticed until we are at a state where it does not matter. Sister what do we do now?"

I ponder her question for a few moments. What do we do indeed. First I can sense mana, and I have knowledge of my domain, water. I walk towards the mirror to confirm my suspicions. I look like an exact duplicate of my sister, except my hair is a mix of different hues of blue, and my eyes are a calm azure, in contrast with my sister's fiery crimson.

"I do not know yet sister. We first need to understand our position, and this world, but before that. I assume my domain is water, and yours is fire?" My sister nods.

"Good. For reasons we do not yet unknown, our knowledge of these fields of magic are vast, but I do not yet have anyone else to compare us to, so I do not know if our knowledge is subpar or not. I can also feel the pull of a different magic, one not based on this world's mana, but I can't utilize it, nor do I know it's nature."

"I feel the same sister. I do not know if you also have this memory, but I remember our telepathy. I assume this different magic can be utilized to restore or telepathic link. If you can do the research on our standing and this world, I'll try to restore our link."

I give my sister an affirmative nod. "Yes, let's, but my dear sister, first order of business is to rest. I do feel quite lethargic."

I do not know why we are here, or how we are here, I can only hope we can discover the answers we need and return to where we belong.