Prologue I: Animal Brotherhood
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After proving my loyalty by killing a member of the Devil Skins gang and chopping up his body, I was selected by the leaders of the Animal Brotherhood to be a part of the gang's inner circle. My superior in the gang, a skinny man named Death Smoke, instructed me to come alone to an abandoned warehouse at midnight. I arrived to find eight members of the Brotherhood already assembled. The founder of the gang, the fearsome criminal known as Ghost Wolf, was waiting for me there along with Death Smoke and the rest of his lieutenants.

This was my first time meeting Ghost Wolf face to face, and I was immediately struck by his cold, predatory eyes full of contempt for everyone around him. True to his name, the man looked as wild as a wolf. He was wearing a grimy tank top that showed off his bulging muscles. The man stared at me intently. After a moment of tense silence, I met his gaze and held it to show him that I was worthy of being here. He sneered at me.

"You want to be one of us? You're too short. Too scrawny," grunted Ghost Wolf. "I don't care if you killed a Skin. You're too little."

There was no denying that I was short, but even if I wasn't as physically powerful as the other members of the Animal Brotherhood I'd never failed at anything I'd been asked to do for the gang. I looked towards Death Smoke for help, but he said nothing in my defense. He just gave me a knowing smile... he was expecting this to happen. It looked like I was all on my own now.

Ghost Wolf slowly walked towards me. I could feel his warm breath. The muscular gang leader towered over me. Then, without warning, he punched me solidly in the face. I tasted the bitter flavor of my own blood. I was certain that he had just broken my nose. I felt dizzy and sagged against the wall.

"I'm gonna make you wish you were dead, runt," he snarled. "What's your name?"
"Rex," I said. "My name is Rex."

Rex wasn't the name I was born with, it was a name I decided for myself. I was Rex now, a scrawny young man with shoulder-length black hair and a proud member of the Animal Brotherhood. I stared back at Ghost Wolf with contempt. I refused to show him fear.

"You're not my brother. You're too small... too scrawny."
I spat out blood onto the floor in defiance.

Ghost Wolf punched me hard in the stomach. I crumpled to the floor. Then he stomped on my chest, crushing it. I gasped for air. I heard Death Smoke's raspy laughter echoing through the warehouse. Ghost Wolf forced his boot down on me again and again while I struggled to breathe.

"Give it up, shorty. Give up or this'll get a whole lot worse. You think you can be one of us? What do you want? If you give up now... I'll let you go."
Before I could respond, he stamped on my chest once more. I coughed violently and looked up at him from the floor. I could barely breathe, but I managed to utter a few words in a quiet voice.

"Let me join."

Ghost Wolf took his foot off me. I rolled over, clutching my chest in pain. I managed to sit up and regain my breath. My vision was fading into darkness. I could barely see anything anymore. I coughed violently again.


"Let me join," I repeated, very faintly.

Ghost Wolf crouched down beside me. He pressed into my chest firmly with his index finger. I grimaced in pain. He moved his finger around on my sternum as if he was carving his name into me. He then regained his posture and stood above me with his arms crossed.

"We, the Animals... have three sacred rules. Are you aware of them? Answer me!"
I struggled to focus. Ghost Wolf's blurry form loomed over me like a giant shadow. I tried to speak, but all that came out was a sickly rasp. Ghost Wolf punished me for my silence with a brutal kick. I recoiled back and curled up into a ball.

"What are the three sacred rules? Answer me or I'll kill you!"
I coughed and sputtered, struggling to find the strength to speak.

"Obey orders... no matter what. When one brother is in trouble, the others must help him... Anyone who tries to leave the gang... may only do so by death."

Ghost Wolf shook with rage. He was silent for a moment, clenching his fists. Then, he lifted his foot and stamped down on my stomach.

"You know the rules, but you don't understand them," he snarled. "You're not in a gang. It's not a gang... It's a family. Understand the difference? We're in a family. You've been a member for two years, and you still don't get it?"

I felt sick as Ghost Wolf lifted his foot off of me. I tried to answer, but all that came out was a dull groan. I could hear Ghost Wolf breathing. He was waiting for me to speak, but I didn't have the strength anymore. Every part of me felt weak and jittery. Ghost Wolf took a deep breath, calming himself.

"The only rule... the only rule that matters... is to help your brother. The other rules come from that one. You trust your brothers. You don't abandon your brothers. Your brothers are everything to you. We're not a gang. Gangs have hate. Families have love. You're not a real member of this family. Not yet. Not until you understand that."

He extended a hand down to pull me up. I grabbed it without a second of hesitation.
"I understand. I want to become your brother," I said. My voice was frail and hoarse.

Ghost Wolf lifted me up with a grunt. I struggled to my feet, holding onto the wall for support. My frail body swayed in place. I stumbled, and he grabbed at my shoulders to steady me. Ghost Wolf was taller and stronger than me. He could crush my bones if he wanted to. Instead, he gently held me still.

"Give me your hand," he said.

I put my hand out. Ghost Wolf grasped my wrist firmly. Then, he drew a knife from his belt and slashed my palm. He cut his own palm open next and pressed his bloody hand against mine.

"We are brothers now. The sacred bond of family lasts forever. My brothers are precious to me. When I am with them, I am happy. When someone hurts my brothers, I feel rage. That is what it means to be part of a family. Now, you too will know this feeling."

Ghost Wolf closed his fingers around my hand. Our blood mixed together.
"We are bonded by blood. This bond can never be broken. Now, you will be my brother forever."