Prologue VI: Animal Council
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Just as Death Smoke predicted, the Devil Skins were absorbed by the Animal Brotherhood. Their leader, Doom Dragon, was made our second in command. He brought most of the surviving Skins with him. We had over three hundred Brothers now, and we were growing in number every day. We recruited heavily from the homeless population, especially the young and rebellious. Our ranks swelled with wandering free spirits and runaway teenagers eager for a sense of belonging and purpose.

The Animal Mansion wasn't large enough to contain everyone anymore, so we took over and renovated an abandoned state prison in the northern part of the Pit. We made it our new headquarters and named it the Animal Fortress. The prison's capacity far outstripped our needs, but it gave us room to grow and expand. It was also exceptionally easy to defend, boasting guard towers, massive steel walls, and heavy-duty security doors. It would take an army to defeat us now.

I didn't go on many missions anymore. The Brothers didn't want to risk letting me get killed or kidnapped. I was too valuable. I lived like a recluse in a small Brotherhood safe house under the careful protection of my elite Shadow Guard. I spent most of my time in solitary meditation. Despite my having quit drugs entirely, my psychic powers were growing stronger every day. I could see visions of the past and future, interact with spiritual beings from different dimensions, and destroy objects with my mind. Soon, I would be powerful enough to break free of the boundaries of my body and travel in astral form anywhere in the world. There seemed to be no end to my development.

As the Brotherhood's strongest psychic, I was made a part of our new leadership body, the Animal Council. There were four other members: Ghost Wolf, Doom Dragon, Death Smoke, and Nightmare. Our Council faced its first real crisis shortly after we wiped out the Psy Nation. The Demon Chains and their allies the Wild Cards moved in to fill the power vacuum we left behind. They launched a series of brutal attacks on businesses under our protection, striking us where we were the most vulnerable. The Brotherhood had no choice but to retaliate. It was a vicious conflict, but we had the strength of numbers on our side. After a few months of fighting, the Demon Chains were cornered. Most of their high-ranking members including Souleater, Whistler, and Stardust officially surrendered to us. The remainder of the Chains prepared to make their last stand at an abandoned cement factory.

I met with the rest of the Council to plan our final attack. Ghost Wolf looked like he'd aged ten years since the last time I saw him. The lines on his face seemed to be etched deeper than before, and his skin seemed thinner. He wasn't as sharp or intimidating as he once was. Death Smoke was horribly sick, but he had a cheerful smile on his face like usual. Doom Dragon looked calm and composed. Nightmare's face was hidden as always behind his sinister metal mask.

"My Brothers," Ghost Wolf said, "it is truly joyous to be here with you again. We have been apart too long. Our family has grown larger, but our bond is still strong."
Ghost Wolf looked around the room. His eyes looked tired.
"This conflict has gone on too long. It has taken too many Brothers from our family. Let us put an end to this. Brothers, I have gathered you here to decide our plan!"

Doom Dragon raised a fist in the air, demanding the floor. After a moment of silence, he spoke for the first time.
"My Brothers, let me lead the attack. My Devil Soldiers will kill the Demon Chains and drink their blood!"

Death Smoke looked amused. He opened his arms wide in a grand gesture.
"Cough... listen Brothers, and listen well. Our enemy is strong and united.... cough. We must put our best foot forward. It wouldn't do to lose our precious Devil Soldiers... cough... haha... we must send our strongest warrior, Dark Rex, to destroy these fools! He can wipe them out with a wave of his hand... isn't that right? Hahahaha! Cough... cough..."

I looked at Doom Dragon. He glared back at me. I felt obligated to say something.
"Brothers, my powers have grown stronger since the last time we met. I would be honored to be lead the charge against the Chains and bring us victory, but I leave the decision in the hands of this Council."

Doom Dragon's eyes narrowed. He was intimidated by my power, but he also envied it. He craved this moment of glory for himself.

Nightmare rose slowly from his chair and faced Doom Dragon.
"Brother Smoke, we are in agreement. I urge the Council to send Dark Rex and his Shadow Guard to strike the final blow against the Chains. Let us send our greatest warrior to end this battle."

Doom Dragon snarled, but he eventually nodded in submission. For a second, I almost felt pity for him. He looked away from me before he spoke again.
"If it is the decision of our Council... I'll say no more. Let our most powerful Brother lead us to victory."

I bowed my head in acknowledgment of the Council's wisdom.
"My powers are yours to command, Brothers."

Doom Dragon relaxed in his chair with a sigh. Death Smoke coughed into his hand. Ghost Wolf's eyes were distant. He seemed to be lost in thought. Nightmare stared at me intently. I could see his pitch-black eyes through his mask.