Ch 12 Civilization
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"Hey mister! I think I know where we are now!" 

Tamaya broke the silence, "I recognize this area, one time me Sam and the other kids went as far up the creek as we could. And after a day of walking we ended up here. We tried to hide in the branches of the fallen tree over there, but the adults found us anyways."

"Whoa, calm down. You know how to get back to your village from here?"

"I was getting to that, after we were found Sam's dad scolded us for running off during seeding. As it turns out the creek loops almost fully around the village leaving a thin bottle neck where the road that eventually goes to the nearest town Damhnait. From where we are, we should be back in before nightfall."

"Well then, no time to loose! Lead the way Tamaya." 

It is not long before we find the road. I would have gone right past it if Tamaya had not pointed it out to me. The road was a pair of tracks marked only occasionally by deep cuts into nearby trees. 

With Tamaya as our guide we made great progress down the road. However Tamaya was not fully correct as night had fallen by the time we could see the village. Tamaya had insisted on pushing on through the night to reach the village, I could see that she was disappointed that no one was there to greet us. 

The village was spread across a wide field with individual houses positioned close to that family's field. The night life of this small backwater place was non-existent so even though it could not have been long past 11 at night, there was not a single light in the entire village. I had to stop Tamaya from waking up her friends to 'greet' them. "It can wait for the morning." Even in the dark I could tell that Tamaya was pouting, but she was good and we were able to travel through the village to Tamaya's house with out rousing any of the villagers.

"Mom! Sarah! I'm back!" Tamaya yelled as she rushed ahead toward the dark silhouette of her home. I continued to lead the horses along at a slow but steady pace. The long day of riding was catching up to them, by the time that I had reached the house it was clear that the horses could not go any farther.

Just when I had finished freeing my horses I heard Tamaya yell from inside the house. Alarmed, I rush toward the door just in time for Tamaya to push past me and race off down the way we had just came. Looking inside I see an empty room with a simple low table, a stone fireplace, and some blankets in the corner. Not quite making a connection between Tamaya's desperation and the state of the house. 

I turn and begin to follow her at a steady jog. She is banging on the sturdy door of one of the largest buildings in the village until the door opens. Tamaya goes in and the door closes. At this point some of the near by houses begin to stir as curious eyes peek out into the night. When I reach the house Tamaya entered I politely knock on the door. A groggy yet deep voice answers "Sorry Karren, I am a little busy right now. Come back in the morning and then you can chew my ear off."

"I am sorry for knocking so late but... uhm, may I come in?" I ask.

The voice replies, "No, I am dealing with a private family matter. Go away."

I can barely hear Tamaya whisper, "He helped me get back. Let him in."

 "Fine. Just a second." The door opens to reveal a balding chubby man. The man's height is such that his eyes are at my shoulder level, making his ears fox ears the first thing I see. They are white with age and the tips are thin enough for the skin bellow to be visible,  "The hell you standing there for? Get in here!" The man gestures for me to enter.

The room is dimly lit by a small fire in the fire place, the room is similar to Tamaya's house except larger and cluttered with bags, boxes, barrels and shelves. Tamaya is sitting at the table, her eyes red and she is holding back from crying.

"What happened?" I glair at the man.

"Sit boy. I will explain. Later" 

"Miron, mister here didn't mean any offence. He is a good person." As I take my seat Tamaya stands up for me.

"Right, Tamaya then tell me what is 'Mister's' name? What is his trade? Why did he come here?" Tamaya shrank at the man's questions. "You just can not trust strangers like this!" Miron pauses and takes a breath, "Tamaya, I am glad you are back safe and sound. We all are really. But please stop running off."

"Yes sir..." 

"Now then young lady, run off and go to bed. I will see you in the morning." Tamaya gets out of her chair and leaves the house. As soon as the door closed behind her did Miron address me directly. "So boy, I believe you owe me a name."

"Andrew Rose, sir." I can feel his presence barring down on me, his form takes up practically my whole field of vision, and his voice rattles my bones.

"Good, now then. I believe that you asked about what had happened. Four nights ago a group of humans attacked our village. After rounding up all the villagers they selected many of the young women and children and took them away. Tamaya's older sister was one of the first people who was chosen. Seeing her other daughter about to be taken away, poor ol' Chandra could not stand it. She became hysterical. And those bastards killed her to make an example." 

"Why didn't you do anything?"

Miron who had returned to his chair, rose with great anger "LIKE WHAT"

"you could have resisted before they rounded you all up, or sent for help."

"I'll have you know, boy, that these bandits showed up in the dark of night to each home with no fewer than 5 armed men. Although we outnumbered them at no single house through out the night was there ever a point where we could have resisted. And of course we sent for help, the sheriff lives 4 days away! Only now should he know about what happened here." 

I hate it,

"surely something can be done..." 

Miron shakes his head.

"Unless you want to go after them your self, in all likely hood nothing will be done." 


I look to my rifle.

"I'll do it. I can leave at dawn after my horses have rested."

Miron squints at me, "Very well, if you will try I'll help you the best I can. That said, you sleep now. You will certainly need it. I will prepare what I can for the morning." Miron did not look very hopeful.





I hope I did not go to heavy with the big sad this chapter. I stayed up far too late to write this chapter today. Hopefully it is still readable. Also I finally got some art commissioned for the cover. ~Hatt

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