Yaoyorozu Momo
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Izuku, overjoyed that he finally got accepted into U.A, couldn't sleep a wink that night. As a result in the morning he took several cups of coffee during breakfast before heading off.

Along the way he encountered Uraraka, who shyly asked if she could go with him to U.A together.

Izuku, being the soft hearted fellow he is, agreed.

Along the way Uraraka took glances at the dark-green haired boy, and looked down at his right hand, which is empty handed.

She tries to hold it, but when Izuku turned his gaze towards her she quickly withdrew it.

"I... Is there something wrong?"

"N-No! I mean... Really, no."

Izuku sighed, and they both walked towards U.A safely. When they arrived at their classroom they already see the entirety of the room voting on who should be Class Rep... Until the teacher came in.

A tired looking man who looked like he hasn't slept for centuries.

Izuku instantly recognized him as Eraser Head the Pro Hero, in normal life he is Aizawa Shouta. So he is teaching here at U.A?

Izuku felt his bag pulsating, and when he went over to his seat he opened it, and took out the card book, which is glowing inside.

To avoid others looking he opened it after class, while not bringing it out.

Aizawa eyed him out, a single drop of sweat falling down from his temple.

'That boy...'

Aizawa then pretended to sleep when Izuku looked up at him, and much to his luck he wasn't spotted.

Izuku looked inside the card book to see that lots of quirks have been acquired much to his surprise, except for some.

There are still blurred cards, and Izuku took one before reading what card it's supposed to be.


"Hey, what're you looking inside?"

Asked a black haired girl who tied her hair into a ponytail.

"Ah, it's... It's nothing."

"You are Midoriya Izuku, aren't you?"

"Yes I am, and you are...?"

"I am Yaoyorozu Momo, my quirk is Creation. Nice to be of acquaintance, Midoriya."

"So you came here because..."

"Yes, you mentioned my quirk name despite you not knowing who I am, do you?"

"W... Well, I do know that this quirk belongs to a powerful hero family. You... You're lucky to inherit it!"

"Well yes indeed..."

Izuku noticed that Momo looked sad when replying, and before he asked what is going on, Aizawa instructed everyone to go to the training field.

Izuku left his card book and buckle inside his desk, and left the classroom. But he didn't notice that Momo was still there, waiting for Izuku to leave. She took the book and buckle before inspecting them. Her eyes widened in surprise upon seeing the contents of the book.

At the training field, the students would be given vigorous tests which all the students tried their best to pass using their quirks.

Izuku placed 20th in the process, which is the lowest... It's all because of a certain sleepy eyed fellow erasing his One For All during most of the tests. Izuku feared being expelled because of failure, but it turns out that...

Daddy Aizawa is lying the whole time.

During Izuku's trip home, Izuku realized that his bag is a little lighter, and he checked it to see that the book and buckle is gone.

"What...? Where?"

"Looking for these?"

Izuku looked at the source of the voice. It belonged to Momo.

"You have some great gadgets, Midoriya... Care to explain what are these, and why all our quirks are written in the cards?"

"I didn't know! I... Please don't tell this to anyone, Yaoyorozu-San!"

Izuku quickly knelt down to the ground much to Momo's surprise.

'Such a gentle and honest fellow...' She felt the heat rising up to her face before she shook her head.

"What am I thinking...?"


"Forget it, I was talking by myself..."

It was then when suddenly the ground below collapsed, creating a crater. Both of them fell inside.

Izuku opened his eyes to see that Momo has been seriously injured from the fall, she couldn't even move her arms.


Then a maniacal laughter is heard. It came from a figure with a drill for his right hand.

"Caving down roads where people are walking is sure fun indeed..."

An unnamed villain, appears before the both of them. He went over to the injured Momo, and tried to strike but was interrupted by Izuku who grabbed him from behind, and did a german suplex. However the villain recovered from it shortly after.

"Midoriya... Why? Even though I stole your..."

"You're not stealing, Yaoyorozu-San... I know you have a good heart, being a member of a great hero family after all! You are not just lucky, but you are worthy to deserve such quirk as inheritance."

Momo's heart skipped a beat, as Izuku then turned around to face the recovering villain.

"You bastard... Who are you!?"

Izuku took the book and buckle, before placing the latter onto his waist, and the belt fastens itself around it. Izuku took the transform card and pointed it at the villain.

"Just a Passing Through Hero... Remember that, Villain! Henshin!"

Izuku inserted the card into the reader.


In an instant Izuku then transformed into his hero costume, and a card flew out from the book towards his fingers. The card turns out to be Momo's quirk, Creation.


Izuku then walked over to Momo, and touched her shoulder.

"This might tickle a little."


Like Uraraka before she turned into a ball of light that went into Deku's body, and several more cards appear on his hand.


Izuku then focused on his arm, and formed a metallic staff from it. The villain went over towards Deku who just retorted by hitting him in the jaw.

"I forget to mention, that in my version of Creation, the weapons I made are a couple of times more stronger than Yaoyorozu-San's."

"C...Curse you!"

He then used his drill hand to attack Izuku, who prepared another card.


The staff disappeared into thin air, before Izuku's back then protruded, producing a large kite shield. The drill hand of the villain is unable to pierce through it's diamond hard durability, and you know what? Izuku just slapped the drill away with it afterwards, like how one would usually parry in Dark Souls.


And Izuku conjured a short blade from his right arm, and pinned the villain down by striking the blade through his clothing, and sticks it into the ground.

Izuku backflipped a couple of times before pulling out his card.


A row of glowing holographic cards then appear, and Izuku launched a flying kick through them.

The villain screamed as Izuku then kicked him out of existence. He climbed out of the hole, and the ball of light which is Momo flew back out and just as Izuku is about to undo his transformation, he carried the girl on a princess carry, and walked away.

Izuku took her to Recovery Girl, the medic of U.A, and Momo got a quick recovery.

The next day, however...

"Well, it's already decided that Iida-San would be the Class Rep... But-"

"I'll be sitting next to Midoriya."

"Eh? B... But..."

"But what?"

"I also wanted to sit next to him..."

The whole 30 minutes was wasted by two girls arguing on who would sit next to Izuku. Even Aizawa couldn't stop them as his voice is drowned out by Momo's arguing.

In the end, Izuku didn't sit next to neither of them, much to their dismay.

"Can things get any worse...?"

He asked himself before shortly afterwards, a voice emanates not too far from him.


- To Be Continued