Ch 8: The family’s grievance.
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As they arrive, they had been carrying 2 of those 4 horned deers, my brothers were walking along side my parents, carrying berries and a horned rabbit each, it looks like they had been hunting with them.

Looking at mother lets me know that she had evolved as her fur had changed colors to glossy black with white tips on the ends and markings around the face.

After seeing them I start feeling guilty as I remember what was said to me in the dream, I start feeling anxious about this, what if they really do think that? What if they now hate me?

When they spot me, my brothers drop what they were carrying and rush towards me, they pounce on me playfully, instantly removing any anxiety I had with those two hating me.

"Brother, you nearly scared me to death, being unconscious for 5 whole days."

"Yeah I didn't know what I'd do if I lost you too little brother."

"Wait, what do you mean 5 whole days."

My mother and father go up to me in that moment, they smile at me, showing relief in their faces as they see that I was alright, immediately I want to start apologizing to them.

"Mother, father, I am sorry that I couldn't save my brother, if I had been stro-"

My sister suddenly tackles me, she looks angry.

"Didn't I say that it wasn't your fault big brother?!"

Mother and father look at me, their eyes look sad.

"We are all saddened by your brothers death... but it wasn't your fault, you tried your hardest to save him."

"Your mother is correct son, we are also saddened by his death, but it was no ones fault so please don't blame yourself."

I understand what they have said, but the guilt I am feeling does not disappear, but I don't wanna make them feel worried for me.

"I understand mom, dad."

Mom and Dad is surprised at the difference in the way I call them, then they smile and tell me that they were happy that I was alright, although their eyes were still sad.

When we return home, my brothers show their desire to get stronger, each of them saying that they want to be stronger so they can protect everyone and so they train with us, we eat the meals that they had hunted in the morning, not many words have been exchanged between us, even though they had said all these words of comfort they were still grieving, we couldn't talk much with each other and only did the bare minimum, and with these thoughts I had went to sleep.

*POV ???*

Ah, I've finally made it to the forest of Naher, took long enough of my precious time.

I feel frustrated about this long ass trip, but alas this is a good opportunity to collect some specimens.