Ch 23: Spider queen.
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The spiders from the side had surprised attacked us and got a cheap strike on us, they held us down and tried to spin us into webs but I used body strengthening and had gotten out of their grip and my sister follows suit, we were injured from the surprise attack by the spiders.

How did they come from the sides? I was sure nothing was there.

My question was answered when I looked far away at the largest spider, which I assumed was their queen, as she had just used an earth technique to make a spike with the earth and have it rush towards us, we had dodged the attack as it came from pretty far away, but this is bad, as we can't be fighting these spiders at the front while the queen supported them with techniques, but we couldn't ignore these spiders. The spiders in front of us had finally reached us and the battle between us began, they had tried to shoot us with webs, the webs that missed us were going to take away our footing and we would lose in a long term battle, that meant we had to stake it all on an all out attack, I use telepathy on my sister.

"We have to use that golden fire technique again!"

"Got it" she replied back.

We both prepare an attack together, I prepare a flamethrower and she prepares a gale of wind, we shoot it towards the spiders in front of us and then they were swallowed up in it. The spiders had been reduced to ash with the tunnel sustaining even more damage, the only spiders remaining were the queen and her guard, the queen was enraged at what we have done and she had made spikes come out of the roof, walls and floor to pierce us, the spike had caught me and slightly grazed me in my side, but I used this spike as footing, I use body strengthening max power on my legs and jump off the spike towards the queen, I was traveling like a speeding bullet and then I coated my body in lightning and used body strengthening on the rest of my body,the queen was surprised but had made a wall in front of her and had even used body strengthening! I grit my teeth and then pierce through the wall with all my momentum, but my attack had weakened and when I reach the queen it was insufficient to kill her, the attack had injured her but she was still alive, I bounce off of her but I was caught by her guards.

I wince as I realize I was seriously in danger, at that moment my sister had arrived and used light techniques to shoot beams at the guards, the attacks hit but they don't cause lethal damage, although their attention had changed to my sister.

"Go brother! I'll fight them and you take the giant spider on!"

I get up from the ground and see the queen approaching, she was larger than I was by a big margin, my energy was starting to run out and my stamina was nearing the limit, but I continue on, the queen starts stomping to try to kill me, the stomps from the queen were cracking the floor with each strike and the tunnel was shaking, she also shoots webs towards me to stop me which was lowering my maneuverability gradually, she manipulated the cave around me to hit me with spikes again but I had already seen that trick and managed to dodge it, I once again use body strengthening and coat my self in lightning, I jump off of the wall towards her, she already expected this and had made another wall, but what she didn't expect was me using telekinesis to go around the wall then using fire techniques to boost my speed even further, my body was being exerted to the limit and I was soon to collapse. But this was the time to go all out, I manage to pierce her body into her inside, she was screaming loudly which was causing echoes in the tunnel, I use my lightning to the max focusing on just getting a ton of it out, the smell of burnt spider flesh was wafting through the air and I had rampaged from the inside, the queen was flailing and crashing her huge body into the walls and tries to fish me out of her using her webs and earth techniques, I felt the spikes stabbing into me gradually and was feeling terrible, everything was spinning and I was getting covered with blood and guts, the attacks from the queen suddenly stop, it looks like she ran out of energy, her struggling decreases and decreases until she completely stops. It was finally done, she was dead, I absorbed her essence from the inside and had exited her body covered in her internals, my sister had managed to defeat 3 of the spiders but was getting exhausted, but at that moment the final spider sees that the queen had died and gets terrified, it runs away leaving us in this torn tunnel, we had finally won, I was feeling grossed out of my mind because of all the grotesque spider corpses and the guts covering me, my sister approaches me with her tail held high and a smile on her face.

"We won brother... That was fantastic..." she says while panting like mad.

"We better get somewhere safe to rest, as now my chest is feeling full, and I'm sure that I'm ready to evolve." I tell her while feeling excruciating pain in my body.

She looked surprised but happy, then we lean on each other until we can get to the out of the tunnel of this battle, my sister uses all of her energy for an illusion then falls asleep, I settle down and then slumber after waiting for the pain to numb down.