My Money and I Need It Now!
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As I was walking through a long hallway that seemed to only fit in a massive mansion, I was trying to feel the walls since they had very intricate details that seemed very...wealthy.

The expensive marble walls were carved into beautiful symbols and pictures, probably costing a lot of money.

However, no matter how far into the wall I reached or how fast I tried running into the wall to feel the marble, I felt nothing. The hallway just widened the closer I got.

Maybe it was an optical illusion or something, but it never seemed to stop expanding when I ran towards the wall.

I ran for what seemed like hours, but it never got any closer, just barely out of reach. When I looked behind me, the other wall seemed to be following me.

It was a moving hallway according to where I went...

I was really interested in this thing, but something was telling me to continue moving forward instead of trying to touch the wall.

And so, I kept on walking. After what seemed like forever, the marble walls started gradually changing.

From the beautiful, white marble, it started taking on a more beige color, until it was The wall was now made out of skin.

However, I was much more calm than I anticipated, and I kept walking and walking on the now squishy tunnel made of skin. It was dark, damp and disgusting, making only want to get out of this mess as soon as possible.

The now skin walls gradually and gradually started changing. Like the marble walls, it had engravings, but in the forms of tattoos. There was a long and winding story being told on the skin.

At that moment, it started becoming actual engravings. The skin was falling apart and knifes were carving out the skin as I watched in horror. The blood bled on my body and there, I saw it...

An empty face. No skull, no muscle, nothing. Just skin, and it was of a fat man. The fat man I killed, to be exact.

As it was approaching me, it kept on muttering the phrase “murder” over and over again.

......beep-beep! Beep-beep!

My eyes jolted open and I suddenly sat up on my bed. I unconsciously feel my body and notice that I was covered in a cold sweat. My shirt was sticking to my body and it even stained the bed.

Inside of me, something was churning again...

“Haaaaahhhh.... grrrahhh... haaahhhh, ughhhh it hurts...” (Ren)

Without even noticing Chika, I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could and bent over the toilet. While sticking fingers down my throat to throw up, my eyes were crying.

I had no idea if it was because of the fingers or the dream, but either way, Chika was definitely concerned.

Finally, it started all coming out. It felt really satisfying, but it quickly turned painful when I was vomiting before I could catch a breath, making me heave and gasp for air when I was done.

“R-Ren? Ren! What the hell is wrong! Wait wait, I’m going to call the hospital for you, stay there...” (Chika)

I looked at her that was supported by the table beside her and quickly went over to hug her.

“T-there’s no need, Chika” (Ren)

“Why not?! You were just vomiting so much! You must be incredibly sick” (Chika)

“Chika, it’s fine... I just had a nightmare” (Ren)

To make myself sound more sincere, I made eye contact with her and didn’t even bother wiping my eyes from the tears they were generating.

At that moment...


Her hand came flying at my face at lightning speed, knocking me down. I was mostly in shock so I didn’t say anything for a while, just keeping my mouth open like a stupid fish.

“You... do you not care for yourself? And don’t say that it’s for me! You are going too far and it’s taking it’s toll on your body!!!” (Chika)

As she was ranting to me, I started really thinking that I may have gone too far. Even though she doesn’t know about what my night job was, she still thinks I’ve gone too far.

What would she do if she found out what I really did?

Would she turn me in? Allow it? Scold me?

“...” (Ren)

I couldn’t say anything to her, no matter how much I wanted to. Why? I couldn’t say anything because she was right. Everything she said infuriated me, but she was right.

“Haaahhhh... please, just don’t overwork yourself. I really don’t want you to suffer just for this. If this is going to be a daily occurrence, then let’s just... let’s just give up on me...” (Chika)

“...I promise. I won’t... I won’t overwork myself, so don’t give up. I swear on you, you will stand someday” (Ren)

To be honest, I’m sure I looked really, really annoying to her. Maybe I looked like a little brother that never listened to his sister or a bratty child, but I’m just being me.

With a cheap smirk, I said an even cheaper line. She thinks I do this on purpose, but it really just comes as an instinct.

However, Chika is still Chika, no matter how pissed at me she gets. She is a natural submissive person who likes blaming herself when it isn’t her fault.

She also is weak to mild flirting. That is how I got her: being as cheesy and annoying as possible until she eventually dated me out of annoyance.

“Tch... don’t do that now. N-now, take me to the kitchen. I’m making breakfast” (Chika)

As she hid her slightly annoyed blushing face by looking down, she stuck out one of her arms and grabbed the air. Her other arm was completely holding her up I not hat table.

It just shows how used tot his she is already.

“Okayyyy~. Upsie daisies~” (Ren)

Picking her up from her armpits, I lifted her so that her head was level with mine. Since she was shorter, her legs were off the ground and swinging.

I sat her down on the table and wrapped her legs around my waist and carried her as she was facing me. As a really shy girl, I felt the heat gathering in her face and her breathes getting slightly heavier.

“R-Ren...” (Chika)

“We’re here!” (Ren)

As she was leaning in to kiss me, I placed her down by the chair we have in the kitchen and leave her to cook breakfast as I shower.

“Y-you idiot! Jeez!...” (Chika)

While snickering, I turned on the water and finished showering after a really short time. I wanted to rush over to the girls so I could get this day over with.

I remember Big boss told me that they will contact me the next time there is a job, so they would call me. If there is not a job, then I’ll just hang out with Chika today after work.

When I got out, I was attacked and assaulted. This was domestic abuse as she ran into my shins using her footrests. As I collapsed, she looked down on me from her moving throne.

“Humph! You’re a meanie!” (Chika)

Without letting me redeem myself, she “ran” back to the room to sulk in privacy. As her husband, I... ignore her entirely. This should be a “her time” moment.

Women naturally don’t like being with men too long, so they have a “her time”. Chika’s “her time” isn’t too long or bothersome because of her personality, but she still has a need for it.

On the table waiting for me was an omurice with some ketchup. I quickly ate it and before I left, I took a piece of pad paper from our coffee table and wrote a thank you note for the meal.

It’s always a good thing to say thanks for something. Chika would definitely appreciate it.

Unlike other days, Keiko wasn’t outside seemingly waiting for me like other days. She was probably at work already since it was 7:30 a.m. right now. That’s the morning rush hour.

On the way to work, nothing out of the ordinary happened, except for me being extremely sensitive to the surroundings around me and being quite paranoid.

The basically same thing happened as yesterday; even that cougar that was hitting on me was still there.

I greeted her politely, but I still declined her offer. Her light smile was still there though, I assume it was because I’m one of the few who actually reply to her.

All in all, it was a really regular day, as if I didn’t just end a man’s life. I started  the tutoring session with the girls and they were much more submissive now.

They started absorbing more and more information that I gave them a sent hey completely forgot about the water we had literally yesterday.

Since they are ignoring it, I won’t tease them about it, no matter how much it would make me feel good about teasing these girls, I won’t. They would not like me as much anymore.

All in all, it was a good day. All four of them greeted me and said goodbye, while Danielle, the youngest one, was still the most enthusiastic about me.

The oldest and the tsundere, Bella, seemed to be looking at me a bit more, but I assume it’s the hormones. Definitely.

As I arrived back home, I was greeeted by a cooled down Chika on the couch watching TV.

At this point, I wasn’t stressed, until I remembered something...

‘Wasn’t I supposed to be paid for that “job”?’



a.n | Yoo-hoo! Another chapter and I hope it’s another great day for you guys! Do consider adding to library, reviewing and commenting on this chapter, thanks!