Good-bye earth
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How many girls do you want ?
  • a-5 Votes: 16 80.0%
  • b-7 Votes: 2 10.0%
  • c-9 Votes: 1 5.0%
  • d-12 Votes: 1 5.0%
Total voters: 20 · This poll was closed on May 29, 2021 02:13 PM.

After a long day at school, Rin made her way to her favorite game store.

"Yo Rin" greet the store clerk. A young man looking in is early 20s.

"Hi Shiro, did the last version came out ?" Rin asked without looking at the young man who had a knowing grin plastered on his face. 

"Sorry shortie but you have to wait until tomorrow" replied Shiro.

"Okay thanks...Who are you calling shortie ? I'm 1m50 and I'm just 16 so fuck off"

"Sorry shortie "

Rin puff her cheeks like a kid and storm out of the store.

On the way back home, Rin stop at a red light. She was so immersed in her tough that she din't notice people screaming and running off until she saw something coming her way.

"What's that th-"

She din't have the time to react that a truck smash her off the ground to the sky.


'Ahh that hurt like a bitch, where am i, why can't i move my body, am i dead, so this is what the afterlife look like a dark big nothing...oh there's a light gotta follow it'

'It seems that i don't have a body, okay try to float and reach it, you get it Rin'

Rin arrived in the light but take a moment to deal with the luminosity.

When she open her eyes she is greeted with a breath taking beauty.

The beauty did not notice Rin and seemed to be occuped so the girl decided just to wait.

After hours and hours,  the beauty finally notice the little girl and yelp in suprise.

"Who are you ?" Said the beauty.

'How rude,  one  should introduce themselves before asking for another'

"Oh...Excuse my behaviour, my name is the goddess Leijlani of youth. So who are you and what are you doing here" ask the goddess.

'The name is Rin and for what i am doing here, i should ask you, o goddess of beauty'

For a moment a light blush could be seen on the goddess face.

"I suppose that's the girl i killed playing ball"

'You killed me by playing a ball...okay, so what now'

"I'm sorry th-...wait you're not mad at me for killing you?"

'I guess i was 'cause i won't see my mother anymore and i won't play R.O.T.H 2 , but it's no use crying over split milk'