Chapter 50: In battle we are stronger!
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"Wulfgrem, the talons of the north!"

Northerner battle cry from the war against Grannarius.


The wind howled above the entrance to the underground tunnel, Erwin and his partner Sigrun stood tall in their Dire horses as the Princess made her way to them. He stared at the worst unit of soldiers that the mad king had unleashed against vermilion, all quiet and ready for combat, ready to fight for Lucrezia at the behest of their royal charge.

A group of 50 Magi-Tech vanguard men behind them, their prototype Zenos suits now ready for battle, According to Idun, the Army issued one would be more streamlined, and easier to operate by the common soldier of Lucrezia's standing army.

Hraax couldn't send her people, she was still busy, Kallista on the other hand walked among the people, her feet bare and her scales shining pure silver.

Erwin's best men stood behind him, and just near the Knights stood the rest of the "Honor guard" engineers, chemists, teachers, and secretaries among the soldiers armed with the latest bolt-action Magi-Tech rifle and armor and semi-automatic pistols, their beasts of steel and crystal ready to carry them via Magi-Tech sorcery.

The elven commander from Grannarius walked up to Erwin, she stood near his Dire horse but said nothing, just watched the way leading to the Silverbrand Highway.

"489 Wulfgrem Knights lost their lives at the battle of Roa-Roa, we lost nearly trice that number, and to this day my sorceress won't shut up about the wack you have her on the back of her head as she was ready to deploy her magical plague" Veronica spoke with her face covered by a veil "And now we stand side by side, ready to attack the one person who nearly destroyed my country"

"And you know what's even more absurd than that? little princess over there picking up a weapon and suit of armor and asking to fight! I raised that girl and all she wanted was to suck off those High Elven bastards of the principality, then comes your little Lady and now she wants training, combat expertise she denied for centuries, and men to back Lucrezia up"

"No mind magic, just odd luck and charisma and she hasn't been around for more than a bloody year" Veronica spoke out loud.

Erwin furrowed his brows "She asked for men? Grannarius foot soldiers?"

"Nay succubi fucker, Urthkaar troops! and guess what the king said?" Veronica fired back.

Erwin tapped his ear and a comms beacon flared, another piece of Magi-Tech that would give him and his men an advantage, unable to be picked by mages and diviners, and according to Idun, he had a surprise for air recon later.

"Hraax, I need you to send the fastest mermen you have to the Rotfiend bay" Erwin barked the order to the busy woman and after a few seconds she replied "Done"

"6 Ships baring no flags, let them port?" Hraax asked.

"Do it, provide accommodations and debrief them as needed" Erwin spoke to the merwoman "Rinner! I need you to go back to the capital, tell the people there we have more Allies on the way!"

A young Knight went off, snow going up as his Dire horse tore into the pavement.

Urthkaars, Grannaries Elite soldiers just a few steps removed from the monsters under Veronicas's command, all of them loyal to a fault and ready to charge even bare-handed into the fray.

"You don't mind working with the enemy?" Veronica asked.

"Those I once pledged my loyalty slaughtered and defiled my family, my men, and my people, It was you, and the Imperium and the raiders who stood with us after Lady Lucrezia did what she did" Erwin sighed "But yes Lady Veronica Windreaver, it irks me to fight alongside Grannarius scum"

Veronica smiled, her sharp elven teeth on full display "Ah that's more how I like it, may we fight a good battle and die for eternal glory Ser Erwin"

"For Wulfgrem, For Lady Lucrezia"

And so they marched forward, towards the capital.

A lone dwarf stood alone, his red beard nearly hitting his knees as he melded crystal into silver and gold.

His name was Belka Crimsonbeard and he had a dream, in that dream he flew in the deep blue skies, faster than a dragon and deadlier than a God, below him a wonder of Magi-Tech that would earn the favor of Lady Lucrezia!

His fellows thought him insane, Idun on the other hand gave him a mission, while he and the others worked on the airships as an aerial combat platform much akin to the new Magi-Tech warships, Belka would deliver unto them a smaller craft, fast and ready to defend the airship.

And so he did, on the eve of the day when the Knights left to protect Lady Lucrezia he delivered Idun his prototype.

"And what's the name Belka? By right of canonical law, you must name it!"

Belka closed his eyes and saw the image of the deep blue skies once again, his masterpiece tearing through it and a single name came to his mind


She stood alone as the demon of blood and gold haunted her, crying and begging for relief provided naught but more laughter from the demon who continued to haunt her across endless plains.

Until two stars fell from the dark skies, one cold and pale blue, another red and fiery hot, they landed in front of the demon, and from the dust two forms emerged, a beautiful woman with azure eyes and silver hair, features in her face betrayed her northern ancestry.

The other was a scrawny boy, his skin tinged in the way many from the south were, dark curly hair and brown eyes, those eyes burned with a rage so deep she felt her very soul shake in its foundations.

He would burn the entire world for his rage, and she would freeze it just before to calm him down, together they fought the demon tooth and nail screaming curses at it, kicking and biting, punching and stabbing.

Magic followed, Divine Miracles of sheer power too as the demon roared in rage! could they not see the demon was invincible? he would never be stopped! there was naught to do but run!

But something in those eyes sparked a fire inside, she no longer felt deathly afraid, she stopped running and took a long hard look at the battle, the girl was ever on the attack, with the boy providing backup from afar.

"Vivienne...You must fight it...Just one more fight my dear and this nightmare will be over..." A voice boomed from upwards and Vivienne remembered her name, what happened, and who had come to save her.

That was Lucrezia, heir to the north.

But who was the boy?

Vivienne had little time to ponder, for the demon knocked out Lucrezia with a slap, the boy roared in defiance and began slinging spells and miracles both in a display that would make Battlemages and War priests both red with envy!

"Fight Goddamn it! Don't just stand around staring! Fight!" the boy screamed, but Vivienne felt the fear creep along her spine, it was a cold wind against the fire that those brown eyes had lit in her soul.

She closed her eyes and imagined a raging bonfire, flames so high they would burn to the city of the gods!

With a boom, she summoned her staff and chanted the highest tier of miracles she knew "O Goddess of Healing, SMITE MY ENEMIES AND HEAL MY ALIES, AS AVATAR OF SHE WHO HEALED ALL FATHER FAAL HIMSELF, AS DIVINE MADE FLESH INCARNATE I COMMAND THEE!"

From Vivienne's staff, a bolt of pure white and green energy slammed against the demon and he was no more, the boy smiled as he helped Lucrezia stand, and with a bow, he disappeared into the morning sun. Lucrezia soon followed.

Vivienne woke up soon after it, her parents hugging and crying as she could barely leave her bed, the memories that haunted her now a muted reminder of a past that had been removed from her soul. Her parents told her everything, about how Lucrezia had killed that evil fiend, defiled the Queen, and eventually saved her with an artifact from the dragons themselves.

She cried tears of joy, and after the whole flood of emotions had passed, after the Knights of the Arch-Duke had given her a salute of arms and her Arch-Griffon had flown to nuzzle his beak against her breast her mind went back to those brown eyes once again, and the fire that consumed them.

Vivienne's father had asked "What do you want to do now my daughter? Say the word and by the Gods, I will make it happen"

"Put me in the Academy, In Lucrezia's class" She beamed a smile to him as her parents hugged her once again in front of the Griffons and Knights, their cries echoing across the men and women who finally saw a finally restored.

One Knight, whose name Vivienne couldn't remember unsheathed his sword and chanted at the top of his lungs


The rest followed, and when Vivienne saw her parents chanting the name of the woman, weapons high in the skies she raised her staff and did the same.

Hector Anemora stood as his fields of pleasure were turned into a war camp faster than he could say a lewd joke, every single hand that wasn't noble in the school came to Lucrezia's call and after Saal'xhir was done with their little sanctum they got to work.

At first, it was just the students of the Academy, men, and women he knew by name if not by face.

Then the northerners arrived.

Hector stood on the platform that was built for their welcoming, 400 men and women, Lucrezia's honor guard as allowed by the Royals, Hector saw Erwin the Knight Commander, a rugged man that was thrice his size march as Knights and Soldiers alike were aligned in a perfect line, not even a whisper coming from. to his side Lucrezia armored to the teeth.

When he reached the middle of the formation the man bellowed.


His blessing of war, coming from the great patron of Vermilion Morugarius herself shook the place, and his men followed his example in a display of refined power everyone in the Academy heard


And from the lips of Lucrezia came a melody of war and terror that put the fear of all Gods in Hector.

"To their trespass"

"We are Witness"

"Here to pass this"

"Final sentence"

"No forgiveness"

"No deliverance"

"Only Justice"

"Only Vengeance"

"Guide us, o mighty Fury"

"Guide us to victory"

"Guide us, o mighty Fury"

"Guide us to victory"

"I had thought they would be more...well lewd about this whole thing" Lucrezia spoke as William felt her entire soul just beneath his skin, another milestone in their melding of souls had been reached, and now together with his increased knowledge in necromancy afforded Lucrezia an elevated degree of freedom.

Including being able to summon a spectral shell for Lucrezia's soul as a familiar, enabling her to fight on par with William's abilities, sadly she could only stay for less than 3 minutes, but that time would go up as they improved the spell.

William's mind was trying its hardest to stay on those topics as the priestess of Saal'Xhir prepped him for the ritual, her festival was booming outside and William could only sigh as he was forced to go nude in front of a bunch of strange women.

A thought that made Lucrezia crackle in delight.

"That has to be the cleanest cut of an arm I've ever seen, Lady Lucrezia what in the world did that to you?" Asked one of the priestesses as they shaped cloth and silk with magic, the same for jewelry and holy engravings of Saal'Xhir in his metal arm.

"An overcharged Wind Blade spell by the daughter of the Arch-Mage" William spoke deadpan, trying to not remind himself of the pain "We tried to incapacitate her non lethally but she managed to sling that spell before going down, chopped the arm clean off as you said"

Silence descended into the room, the women awkwardly smiling before the older priestess who was in charge of the whole operation spoke, she was focused on William's arm so she didn't even turn to face them.

"Do not be afraid girls, all is fair in love and that includes war, our latest addition to the ranks of Goddess Saal'Xhir just happen to be more skilled in war than love" the women laughed "Oh but you will have to forgive me Lady Lucrezia, guest of honor or not your reputation proceeds you in our hallowed halls, no boyfriend or girlfriends, no organized parties, not even a kiss!"

The older priestess stopped shaping the holy engraving "Had it not been the razing of Talos and all the concessions we won in the north you would've been marked as a spy for you know who, and even then many of the old guards still think you will try to pull a fast one on us, especially after what you did with Hector and his Fields"

She returned to her work "And yet here you are, naked in all but name, shame, and lust burning through you like the fires that claimed that accursed city and you still maintain composure, not even a smooch as the youngsters like to say! A curious case indeed, certain denominations of ours would love to have you with them, they preach more hmm, orthodox methods of worship for Our Lady"

"But you aren't here to expand our theology, nay today you are here to worship and be worshipped by the masses who crave the rare sights of northern noble flesh in the nude" she smirked "Forgive me for being crass Lady Lucrezia, I have no love for your warmongering ways but I can't deny that deep inside your many layers of restraint lies a good follower of Saal'Xhir"

"William..." Lucrezia spoke "I told you someone would get angry at us! gods above..."

"Relax, this is still a holy day for them, and we are the main event, they will behave even if a few aren't fans of our work..." William said as his clothing was placed on him by the women.

"you are being very generous calling this clothing William" Lucrezia laughed "I can't believe you are getting a kick out of this, gods above"

"We can talk about this later ok? Fuck me I can feel my cheeks burning red" William bowed to the priestesses and left the room, another woman was waiting to take him to the main platform where he would perform the ritual.

It didn't take 3 minutes before they ran into trouble, a dozen or so priestesses of Saal'Xhir barring the way, their faces betraying their anger at William who groaned loudly and spoke "Fuck me, what the fuck did I do now?"

The corridor exploded into cursing and screaming and someone even threw a shoe at him! he dodged that and immediately fell into a combat stance, having no convenient iron on him William had to make do with Ice, the blade of magical ice bit into his skin and he moaned.

"That's another one, a few more, and it's a bingo William" Lucrezia whispered "Your cool facade is slipping by the minute"

"See! See! this blasphemer resorts to violence on our holiest of grounds, she is ready to spill blood, our blood! vile fiend of Uumaries, not only you have taken the sacred fields you now wish to take our lives?!?" The leader of the pack screamed.

Before the rest could assault William with more words an ungodly beautiful woman walked into their midst, armored from head to toe with plate mail and a mean-looking flain chained to her hips. Willaim knew her, Lady Masmer was the Succubus in charge of the Paladin order that serves as the oft-neglected military arm of Saal'Xhir, she raised her hand and waved the ones blocking William's way off.

Bowing to William the woman smiled and said "Mind not their words, anyone with a brain knows how much the church and our Lady owes you, even if you are more on the prude side of the faith"

"But as my mother often said, "We must not judge, for that is the domain of the divine and doing so invites ill omens to our lives" sage advice from someone who spent half her days drunk as a skunk trying to forget my dad" another smile followed by a cough "I hear you are the one who's dusting us off? my sisters are rusty I must be honest but we are eager to get back to the fields of battle"

William smiled "Then I welcome ye, Lady Masmer, the Academy will be made aware and accommodations will be built for your and your company, I shall also provide weapons and armor built from my Magi-Tech forges, for are many hidden foes who will make themselves know once we strike, but let us not put the cart in front of the horse so to say, would you mind escorting me? I have no wish to deal with more of whatever that was"

"You even know my name! Consider me charmed Lady Lucrezia, why it would be my pleasure to escort you"

"Jesus I felt that down here," Lucrezia said before stopping herself "Don't"

"It's the meld, more of my mannerisms are leaking into you," William said, "This place is messing with both of us, Gods this is a major weak spot we gotta shore up somehow, mind magic maybe, gotta think it over..."

"It is...I suppose my mannerisms as you said are also leaking into you, I was a follower of Uumaries before after all, no use crying over spilled mead, let's get this down with and then find a way to deal with the issue" Lucrezia said as they reached the entrance to the main platform, Willaim focused on his Greater Blessing and let the now not so subtle knowledge of Saal'Xhir fill his mind and soul.

The ritual had dance, singing, and a fair bit of walking around, doing the precise movement with incense burners and other holy items, William was fully engrossed in the act but Lucrezia kept watch, she saw the whole gang watching them, including Arthur who now walked armed and followed by more Royal Knights.

He hadn't taken the news lightly, but he still hugged William when he got back to the Academy, praising his honesty even if it gave him the worst case of anxiety he had in his life, that honesty meant something to him he said, and he said he owed William a favor, something Lucrezia knew the boy would cash in sooner or later.

She also saw the many ravens above, and the movement of the Black Priests of Velkarius below, they had sent a letter yesterday, but the message was a short one. William would have a full squad of battle priests from her.

Lucrezia watched as her body was displayed in outfits only her would-be husband should have the right to see, her way of thinking clashing with William's mind who was constantly drunk on lust, she sighed and waited for it to end, as good as it felt it also drained her something fierce, and all she wanted was to take a good long nap.

The dean stared at his professors and heads of departments within the Academy, all of them with weary looks on their faces.

"She is not trying to attempt a coup against the royals then?" He asked.

The head chef shook his head "Nay, and even then the Queen would tear them asunder alone, nevermind the Royal Knights, I'm telling you chief, she's only doing this to kick that oaf in the gonads"

"That oaf paid enough gold to secure your retirement and that of everyone at this table for exclusive rights to the Fields, but the nobles are still sending their "letters" whining about it" the dean sighed "Talk about short sighed deals"

The dean dusted himself off and got up, moving towards the stand that held a ceremonial flag with the sigil of the Academy, A Rampart with swords and staffs in it, with the flick of his fingers the flag was neatly wrapped on top of the desk the others were.

"Send it to her, let her know we won't interfere with her plans" the dean smiled, knowing full well what would happen after this gesture.



Any grammar errors let me know in the comments

Big thanks to my patreons

Huge shoutouts to my friend Webbysaurus

More and Merrier tier: Ranamga, Dalanden20, Aclys, and Empress of Iron!

Draft tier: Davvy. j0nsta, Michelle Sotak, Jakub, Philipp, Henry, BlueWind,  Hovlane, DarkMarine, Charles Owens, Rune, D, Jakub Olczyk, Jog256, HeirofSparte, Btburns, Ruben, Kovaton, Pavo, Taksu, Corshade, Shunji, Derek Singer, OlivierA, Mikhail, Simon Suing, David KD, P.Phil, That_guy, Edward!

If you wanna help: 

50 whole-ass chapters (If we don't count the interludes which are in a smaller size) God what journey eh? I don't want to get sappy so here's to 50 more chapters!

And editing, making a glossary, portraits for the work work, but good work nonetheless!