53 Age Eleven – Nifyr Slaying part 3
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In front of them, everything had been illuminated with bright orange. A large column was descending from the sky, or at least, that’s how it appeared as the greater spirit’s might was unleashed.

—Ah, how is something like that a trick?

It was an absurd amount of mana that coiled around Volcanus’ arms before directing a fiery geyser towards the Nifyr. Compared to Urie’s flimsy stream, Volcanus had erected a fountain. The construct collided with the Nifyr and engulfed it in its succeeding conflagration.

Although the half-emerged frame of the Nifyr disappeared within the flames, its head managed to rear itself—wildly flailing upwards. A huge maw opened towards the flame, diverting the stream into the Nifyr’s stomach.

“Bah! If you want to eat, then eat until your stomach bursts, glutton!” Volcanus exclaimed with bared teeth.

The monster opened its mouth even wider, its throat moving as if quenching its thirst. With every gulp it took, its body grew a bit smaller and with every reduction in its size, Volcanus grew a bit dimmer.

—Is there anything I can do? I can’t just stand here and watch!

Urie could tell that Volcanus was having a hard time. The confrontation was at a stalemate, and with the strength of the flames fluctuating—it looked like what Volcanus was exerting now was only temporary. Meanwhile, the massive Nifyr’s hind legs were climbing up from the pavement.

“Doesn't it look like...”

Now that its body was in full view, Urie alternated between the Nifyr and the fountain statue. If it were enlarged, the statue could be compared side by side with the Nifyr. Horns, sharp claws, and wings. All that was left was...

“Aaagh!!!” Volcanus was caught off guard. A long tail had emerged from behind the Nifyr and whipped around the flame pillar. The tail slammed against Volcanus’ chest and flung him towards the ground beside Urie.

“Volcanus!” He tried to approach, yet was answered with a wave of the spirit’s hand.

“I'm alright, kid. Seems like this one can think a bit.”

Volcanus resumed his assault on the Nifyr. He could no longer do as he did so he opted to hover around the creature while letting loose a barrage of fireballs. He was doing his best but as Urie spectated, the Nifyr was slowly getting the upper hand. The whip-like tail was a major problem hindering the spirit’s attack.

Urie looked around for anything that could be of help and spotted the long blade in Stella's hands. He remembered how it could cut through a Nifyr cleanly if it was imbued with mana and the attribute of fire. If only she could get close enough to the Nifyr, it would see some use. Currently however, she was holding her arms up to shield herself from the intense radiating heat of the conflict. She couldn't get close.

What about him? There was no shortage of complications with the rare fire attribute of Urie’s mana seed, but at least it seemed to have given him fire resistance—enough to feel indifferent to the rising temperature.

Although the heat was one thing, him using the long blade was another. He lacked the physical strength to wield it.

“It wouldn't work.” Urie dismissed the idea and surveyed the battlefield carefully.

The brigade members were barely managing. Thanks to the minor spirits that Volcanus had summoned, the people who could no longer hold out and were about to be preyed upon by the Nifyr were covered with a timely barrier of fire. Some had started shooting signal flares, drawing an orange curtain in the sky.

—How much longer can we keep this up?

Volcanus was dealing with the giant Nifyr and at the same time, protecting the brigade members. Urie was getting frustrated. He had magic he could barely control and a body that couldn’t fight. The role of a spectating child was slowly making him feel helpless.

Boom! It was then that he caught sight of an explosion some distance away. In the midst of a multitude of Nifyr, there was someone fighting by his lonesome. Crimson hair between the swaying flames—a body clad in fire, much like Volcanus' appearance, except he was very much human—it was Luca Varethe.

—You don't have to worry about being drained by the Nifyr if you coat yourself with your mana. I see!

Honestly, at this point, he had forgotten about him. Luca was fending off the Nifyr with flaming arms and legs. He had no need of a weapon. It was the same principle as Stella's mana imbued sword. Just like Urie, however, Luca couldn't keep his flames from spilling out.

—Ah! But against the big Nifyr, it’ll be less effective than what Volcanus is doing now. In this situation, as I thought, it’ll be better if…

“Aunt Stella!” Urie called for Stella’s attention. “We have to help Volcanus!”