Chapter 7
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"Ughhhhh... Everything hurts..."

I slowly opened my eyes. My body didn't want to move. After everything that had happened yesterday I was honestly surprised I could even open my eyes.

As I laid there, I slowly took in my surroundings. Nothing looked like it had moved from yesterday, so I suppose my guess that this was a saferoom had been correct. With the knowledge that I was almost certainly safe, I began thinking.

This room looked almost identical to the one at the entrance to the dungeon. The only differences were things that I had changed, like the soot on one of the walls from launching fire magic at it. I could guess that the pathway I had not come in through led to another floor. If I wasn't sure this was a dungeon before, I could now be certain. There was no way this could be anything else. Which meant that rabbit was a boss. I wonder how often it respawns? Does it respawn? Probably... But if it does, does that mean I have to fight it again if I leave? No, I doubt that. This dungeon has enough other weird stuff going on that it probably has some other way out... But how...... OH!

I shot up without thinking, only to fall back to the floor.


In my excitement, I had somehow forgotten just how sore I was. I had to solve this before I could get back to what I was doing. I did get the healing magic skill during the boss fight so I wonder... I summoned my mana, and activated the skill, hoping to soothe my sore muscles. Almost instantly I began feeling better. The aches and pains from the previous day's fight flew out of me, and before I knew it I felt as good as new.

I stood up again and made my way over to the waterfall.

If I remember right there are some words next to the waterfall. I scanned the waterfall, looking for the sentence inscribed next to it... Ah, there it is. What does it say again... I read over the words, "A Portal To Where You Have Been Before"

"You know in hindsight that seems pretty obvious," I said to myself, sighing, "I wonder how to activate it? I guess maybe just saying what floor you want to go to, Occam's Razor and all. Hehe. Anyways... Um... Floor 1... please?"

Nothing happened for a moment, and I started to feel stupid, but just as I was about to give up the waterfall began to move! The water that normally just flowed down into the pond at the bottom began to twist and weave together, forming what looked like a portal.

After a second of hesitation, I said screw it and stepped through.

I came out of a waterfall and looked around. I found myself in a cavern that looked just like the one I was in previously, but I knew it had worked. Because on one of the walls was a set of scorch marks! Now that I knew I could easily return to previous floors I had no reason to stay on this floor, so I turned back to the waterfall.

I wonder if I have to say what floor I want to go to, or if just thinking it is enough? I decided there was no harm in checking so as I walked up to the waterfall I thought about going to floor 2. Unfortunately, it seemed that that was not enough because the waterfall did not transform into a portal to floor 2.

"Uh, ok... Floor 2."

Fortunately upon saying where I wanted to go the waterfall did cooperate. I stepped through the portal excited to explore the second floor of the dungeon. But when I came through the portal I saw something.

"Oh... right."

Sitting on the floor of the cavern were four things. The pelt and horns of the Ram Rabbit, and the scroll I had gotten from killing it. Now that I remembered the scroll I had to read it.

"I guess exploring the second floor will have to wait for a minute," I shrugged, and grabbed the scroll, pulling it open.

The Basics of Spatial Magic

Spatial Magic, as the name suggests is the form of magic which affects space. It can be used in a great variety of ways, ranging from safe to incredibly dangerous. In this guide, I, Professor Ortega, shall explain the basics of this powerful art, as well as demonstrate the dangers inherent to it.

The first thing to know about spatial magic is that it is one of the more temperamental forms of magic. Being that most of the spells related to it have no visual effects until after the spell has been cast, along with the fact that even the brightest among us have a rudimentary at best understanding of it, it can be tricky to make sure that your spell is working correctly.

This is why even the most basic of spatial magic is saved for those who have proven themselves to have an excellent understanding of magic.

Now that that is out of the way, I will get on to explaining how Spatial Magic works. In essence, it works just like all other magics. You chant a spell or create a magic circle that will cause phenomena to happen. Unlike most other magics, however, exactly what Spatial Magic does is unknown to even the most well-studied researcher, and that is not for lack of trying.

The basic idea that researchers have decided upon is that Spatial Magic is using mana to manipulate the space around us, and-

"Ughh," I put the scroll down with a groan. This guide was not useful in the slightest. All it told me was that spatial magic was dangerous, and not well understood. I might be a book nerd but even back on Earth, I didn't enjoy reading research papers. So I decided to drop the scroll, and try to learn how to use Spatial Magic without it. Besides, it was probably just going to go over the chanted kind of spell, which I don't use.

With my mind made up, I began to prepare to learn Spatial magic.

Apologies for the shorter chapter this week. I was pretty busy and wasn't able to get to my computer very often.