Chapter 5: Arrival at the Freljord (2)
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Athas POV


     When we finally reached the Freljord (without getting too cozy with those big krugs), I was out of breath. From both running from the krugs and also the beautiful landscape. The sun reflecting off of the snowy tundras and frozen lakes gave it a wonderful sheen, and with no life in sight, it created the illusion of a pristine, untouched sanctuary; pure and innocent. As me and Big Sis traversed through the icy landscape, I realized that this place was fraught with dangers. Not only from the cold, but also from deceptive snow-covers. Snow would pile up over thin ice and one step would prove ones undoing. Not only that, but the place also gave me an inexplicably eery vibe, giving me a tingling sensation near the nape of my neck. Almost like someone, something, was watching us. Something dangerous, so dangerous that my heart started to pound, and I started sweating even though I was in sub-zero temperatures. My eyes darted back and forth, but since there was nothing I could find suspicious, I kept moving forward, albeit with even more caution than before.

     Big Sis had the great idea of marking where we were with these special markers she made so we could map out and track where we've been, just so that we wouldn't lose our way even if snow blew over our footprints. And even though I knew that caution was necessary and one misstep could prove fatal, I really couldn't help but admire the scenery, and how majestic it was. Huge and great ice ravines, towering and ominous mountains, frozen rivers, and snow as far as the eye can see... In Freljordian folklore, it was said that these lands were created when the Thousand Pierced Bear, Volibear, fought with his brother, God of the Forge, Ornn in times of old. As Big Sis and I walked past one such mountain, we heard a rumbling sound. We looked around, then down, then finally... up. Huge boulders of snow tumbled down from the mountain, picking up more and more snow, causing an avalanche! We ran in the opposite direction of the avalanche, but it kept speeding up and growing in size, as if it wanted to devour us whole, and forever bury us beneath the Freljord's barren lands. We ran, and ran, and ran, until finally, it caught up. Looking to the right of me where my sister was, I knew one of us wouldn't be able to survive the impact. Just like all those times when Big Sis shielded me, whether that be from the wolves, from bullies, or from anything else, I decided then and there, that it was my turn to shield HER. I shoved her behind me and ran in front of her, arms outstretched, smiled at her with tears in my eyes and said: "Big Sis, if there is an afterlife and a reincarnation cycle, I do hope that you can be my big sis again. You are the best big sis someone can ever ask for!" She teared up and screamed: "Athas, no!" But it was too late. The avalanche slammed into me with the weight of a whole phalanx of Demacian soldiers equipped with Petracite armor. My eyes widened, and I first felt a searing pain, and then... Nothing.