1_ ch 12: A. through the enemies
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12. A: through the enemies

First, is the manual.

Though it is surely advisable to read it first and gain some basic understanding of this world, I am not planning on doing so right now.

After all,...

“I hate spoilers.”

If it was a show or a hard-to-reach place, I would welcome it, but honestly, it is not like that now.

If I want to, I can get the answers all on my own, so I prefer to get them myself.

With that out of the picture, come the skills.

“I won’t touch them until I read the manual, Or at least not now.”

And that is taking into account, the power of those rats.

As surely my stats are more than enough to fight them or at the very least escape them.

Even if there was a boss or something to them, I will just change direction, and in case I failed I will just have to start over.

And though the feeling of pain in this game can reach that of 30% of the real sense, higher than the normal 15% percent in normal games, it is not something hard for me.

And also taking into account that there are VRs with even more than 50%, we can say that the pain level here is average.

And so, with consideration to my circumstance, I am going to give more priority to reach the outside of this building.

Having made a choice on my next course of action, I get ready and walk out of my safe room.

Entering the darkroom, I keep moving to the door.

Exiting it into the hallway, I walk to the windows, and as of before. I can’t see beyond the unclear glass.

As if something was sticking to it from the outside, and so the light can enter, but the vision isn’t clear.

Ignoring it, I turn to look around, though the after effect of my last battle here is still there, I don’t see the rats.

Adding to that the dust covering the place, I can say that a while has paced since my time here.

“hmm, the time difference.”

Even though to me, it was just yesterday, it is clearly more on this side.

Though even this doesn’t explain the whereabouts of the rats’ corpses.

As I don’t see any proof that they were taken from here, I can only conclude that they have somehow vanished.

Choosing to think of it at another time, I move cautiously toward the door.

“so you are still here, huh?”

On the other side of the entrance door, are some rats.

Considering their previous numbers, I won’t be surprised even if there are hundreds of them.

Looking at them, I remember something.

“I totally forgot, but I could check them with Analyse, right?

Having thought so, I try and...

-rat lv3-

Is all that appears.

Are you serious now? really, just this much?

-Conditions have been met

Skill: Analyse Lv1 has become Lv2.-

Oh, Maybe it will be better this time.

Well, trying again won’t hurt.

Thinking so, I try again, and...

-giant rat lv3: a level 3 rat monster.-

“WHAT ? are you serious? a RAT monster? as if I can’t see that.”

Oops, was my voice a little too loud?

‘cause It seems they have heard me.

Looking ahead, I can see three rats turning my way, locking their eyes on me, and charging in this direction.

“well, some work-out is not bad for a patient’s health.”

Squeak. Squeak.

And you just had to make even more loud voices, huh?

Are you inviting your family to prepare a welcoming party for me, or what?

Smiling at the funny image of a group of rats celebrating a party inside my head, I attack the first rat charging toward me.


“Well, did that heel drop hurt? good, because there is more from where that one has come.”

-Conditions have been met.

You have acquired Skill: Basic Physical Mastery Lv1.-

Hoh, and this is even better.

“Now that I have an understanding of your abilities, things like careful fights are unneeded.”

Putting more pressure on my foot, stepping on the rat’s head, I jump to the one behind it.



It tries to bite me, just for it to get a roundhouse kick from me.

“Ah, how refreshing. Now with our stats about the same, I can finally have my revenge.”

-Conditions have been met

Skill: Basic Physical mastery Lv1 has become Lv2-

of course, it will, after all, I depend on my kick and punch, with the same amount I depend on weapons, or maybe even more.

But even then I can’t keep this going, because of the difference in number.

These rats are simply stupid, and can’t really think, or even fight right, and so killing them instantly isn’t that hard, now that we are on the same level.

But still...

“haa, they are really endless.”

Looking at the corridor’s sides that are being filled in real-time with rats, I sigh.

Then back-kicking the rat that is attacking from behind me, I assess the situation.

I am surrounded by both sides and can be sure that there are a lot of rats inside this building.

So my choices are, either up to the roof or down to the entrance.

Well, that is easy.

“of course it’s up.”

As I don’t know the state of the entrance, I can’t guarantee it.

But at least the roof will be open, with more options for escape.

Having figured out my path, I take the spear from my back.

“OKAY, so playtime is over.”

Jumping on a rat’s head, I slash its neck with my spear and then move to the next.

Jumping from one rat to another, killing and defending at the same time, I find my target.

“the stairs.”

Speeding my advance, I move to the stairs, and...


I start running upward, meeting more rats on my path, I just slash them and clear my path.

In this way, I started moving to the next floor, and ...

“really, just more rats ?”

Should I have just jumped from a window? but it is dangerous, as I don’t know what is outside.

So I guess my only option is to keep this attack.


Wah, that was close.

I should focus on this fight more it seems.

Not giving up, I pierce the eyes of the rat that have jumped from above, trying to surprise-attack me.

Taking my spear out from his forehead, I cut my way through the walls of rats again.

Reaching the second floor, the number of rats is less, but they are still too much.

On the other hand, the rats below are trying to walk past their comrade’s corpse, but can’t because of the narrow path.

Though some have done so, the others are simply glaring at me.

But ignoring that I advance.

And with the same style of killing, I kept moving and moving, for the next floor, and surprisingly there are no new rats.

Taking this as my chance, I start running faster above, and I pass the next floor with the rats left in the previous one, and again to the next floor, but this time, I reach.

“the roof door.”

Quickly opening it, I move and close the door behind me tightly, while leaning my back to it.


When I can feel the rats, trying to push it from behind, as I use the spear as a close up for the door.

Boom. Boom.




Feeling the pressure on the door finally disappearing, I make some distance between us and breathe.

“Fuuh. that was hard.”

Taking a breath to relax my tired body, I raise my eyes to look around.

“shit, this is bright.”

But I squint from the light.