1_ ch 18: K. Lost Solace Syndrome
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18. K: Lost Solace Syndrome

“Hey, wake up.”

Nah, I don’t feel like doing so.

“onii-chan, wake up.”

No, thanks to you. I will sleep a little more.

“if you don’t....”

“ I.will.KISS.you.”

“NO, you won’t.”

Hearing a threat, I jumped from the bed and protected my face from my attacker. Looking again, I can see a black-haired 16-year-old girl looking down at me, and I am sure that she is the one.

“waa. It's not like I will really kiss you, you know? no need to panic, I was joking.”

That joke is a bad one, a really bad one, or did you forget?

“bullshit, did you forget when mom found us like that last time? I had to convince her that you were joking and that I was not a lolicon, and that took three weeks. THREE damn weeks.”

It was one of the most embarrassing moments in my life so far.

“well, is not it fine? forget it already. Look, your cute little sister is here to wake you up.”

Cute little sister ? are you sure it is not the devil of humiliation.

“Oi. Himari. Do that once again, and I will kick you out. I have a reputation to keep here. I don’t want that sis-con misunderstanding to happen again here, and you know it.”

I can’t go back to those hellish days. I escaped here just to forget them. If they are coming back, what is the meaning behind all of my efforts?

“but, Onii-chan ...”

That word. It’s that one word that caused the girls before to look disdainfully at me. Dammit, it still hurt when I remember my female classmate hearing it.

“and would you stop that tone? If you want something from me just ask normally. That tone is disgusting.”

I don’t know when or how, but she has acquired that way of asking for a favor. I don’t know if she is trying to act cute in front of me, or if she’s trying to kill me with shame.

“tsk. Well, I understand nii-san. But was that reaction necessary? it hurt my feelings, you know? I have confidence in my looks after all. Shouldn’t you show some reaction ?”

“Yeah. Nice looks. Is it the same one that caused you to follow me here, miss little sister?

“Ahk. W-well. You know ?”

You know? my ass. I don’t know and don’t want to know.

“so anyway, why did you wake me? it’s still morning, right ? and today is a holiday. I hope it’s not only to take you to another sweet shop, okay ?”

I will be angry if she woke me like that just to take her out again. Even I get angry, you know.

“Cough. Of course not. It's just that your package is here.”


“Ah. The SR drive and LSO.”

So it’s here already, I thought it would be until later today.


“not your business, and to begin with, shouldn’t you get off MY bed right this instant.”

“g-got it. Ah, breakfast is ready just in case.”

Looking at himari, my little sister getting out of my room, I sigh.

Standing then, I move to the bathroom. Washing my face, and wiping it with a towel, and stop to stare at my face in the mirror.

Though I am the one who is saying it, but just like my sister, I too have a good face.

And with my medium build, I am sure, my looks are not bad.

“But even like this, I am not that narcissist, so just where did she get that personality of hers from.”

Getting out of the bathroom, I move to change into my clothes and then move to have my breakfast.

“so nii-san, what was that drive something and LSO? I thought your VR gear is still working.”

Taking a seat, the first thing I hear is himari’s questions.

“Are you still on that topic? it’s not something big, just a new type of VR gear that I got through a random lottery as a person that had volunteered to participate in the test.”

“test ? is it something dangerous? I know that you are an idiot, nii-san, but really. sigh.”

This girl ... is she doing it on purpose?

“it’s not dangerous, but just new, so they need data. As such Utima gaming and Utima tech are working together on a new game. It’s called Lost Solace Online.”

“so LSO, is it ?”

Well, that’s all.

“ yeah.”

“but for the name, Lost solace as in that lost solace? the VR syndrome ?”

Well, true but I am not sure.

“you know about it? I thought you were not interested in anything but sweet, and anime.”

“that is true but even I heard about that. You know, in anime and stuff.”

sigh. It seems I was the idiot for expecting something from this idiot. Just who is the one who called her Himari? Ah, yeah, it’s that guy. The same idiotic father that called me Kaito. Though at least, I did get her a better name than mine, it sometimes just doesn’t suit her. But surely it’s still better than mine.

Like really, of all things, choosing Kaito, Sora Kaito, not like I hate my name, but what’s wrong with his naming sense.

But back to the subject.

“Lost Solace syndrome, an internet term, based on a spreading concept nowadays, that is originating from the VR effect on people.”

“yes, it’s that. Right, I knew it, it was just that I forgot. It boring after all.”

This girl ...

“then why ask ?”

“mmm, curiosity ?”

sigh, why am I stuck with this idiot, just tell me why did she follow me here?

“but still what’s the meaning behind the name. I don’t get it.”

“are you serious? can’t you just use your phone for such a search? it's easy you know? even idiots like can do it, so why not give it a try ?”

“Are you insulting my IQ now? just so you know, I was in the above-average group in my class before coming here.”

“then why did you come ?”

“Cough, of course, cause I missed my onii-chan. Teehee.”

Oh God in heaven, why am I stuck with this sugar addict here? could I not get a nice little brother instead?

“hey, did you think something rude just now?”

Sharp as always I see.

“of course not. Anyway, Lost Solace, is about your own personal world, where you can feel at rest and be comfortable. There was that thing about the real world being only a platform to get to your own world, or more like a necessary station that you need to stop by in your journey for your solace.”

“I don’t understand.”

sigh, just how many times did I sigh today already?

“simply put. This book, that game, or even that place, is my real world, and real-life is just a tool to reach them. My real me is just another account that I need if I want to use the platform called entertainment, hobbies, or even just normal daily life, and for that, I would do anything. It’s something like that.”

“so simply put, people that have some kind of thing they like, and would do anything for it? is not that just what protagonists do in anime? stuff like protecting his peaceful daily life even if that is done by changing the world ?”

Close but ...

“with VR it is possible to change it. So LS syndrome guys are people that live only for their love of something. A book, a game, a tale, a food or a hobby, et cetera. Their main focus is not real life, but it’s simply an access platform. So to keep that access they will act however they need, just to find their solace where their own peace exists.”

It has actually started a big wave on the internet at the time of the VR release. People that don’t value the real world they live in as number one, and instead, live for their own peace isolated from the outside world.

“but is not that extreme ?”

“well, as long as nothing big happens, a person with the LS syndrome simply strive to live an average life, as an extra character in life so that nothing major will eat on his time, so they are simply people with a high level of conviction but no different from others. Living life like an account simply means not losing one’s own control and looking at yourself from a third point of view to not lose vision of the solace you are seeking and to do your best to selfishly enjoy your life. Nothing grand or complex. Just like all other internet terms.”

“is that so ?”