2_ ch 30: K. Bystander, Confusion, and a Sword
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30. K: Bystander, Confusion, and a sword

It was dread that I felt, as I choked on my own blood.

Cough. Cough. Cough.

It was pain that I felt, as my wounds bled.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

And it was fear that I felt, as the cracks spread through the barrier.

CraCk. cRacK. CraCk.

Nevertheless, all of those feelings were nothing.... when compared to my wrath...

             ‘Hahahaha.....’       ‘Hahahaha.....’

‘Hahahaha.....’          ‘Hahahaha.....’


Hahahaha.....’          ‘Hahahaha.....’


All those feelings were nothing compared to the twisted feeling of wrath, rising inside my chest, as I listened to the echoes of mad laughter repeated in my ears.

  ‘Hahahaha.....’       ‘Hahahaha.....’

‘Hahahaha.....’          ‘Hahahaha.....’


Hahahaha.....’          ‘Hahahaha.....’



Why? Along with wrath that was the only question ringing in my mind.

Why did I wake up in Lost Solace Online? Why did I have to participate in an unknown trial? Why did I have to escape and be chased by that Stagnating Black? And why did I have to drown in this nightmarish hell?

All of those questions.....

             ‘Hahahaha.....’       ‘Hahahaha.....’

‘Hahahaha.....’          ‘Hahahaha.....’


Hahahaha.....’          ‘Hahahaha.....’


Were not the one... No, the only question ringing in my mind along with my wrath, was Why... Why is this bitch laughing? Why is this bitch judging? And Why is this bitch....


Even though I didn’t ask for help.... even though, I did my best trying to stand.... and even though, I have chosen to face this ahead..... Why.... why is it that even with everything I did, this unrelated bitch is interfering?

             ‘Hahahaha.....’       ‘Hahahaha.....’

‘Hahahaha.....’          ‘Hahahaha.....’


Hahahaha.....’          ‘Hahahaha.....’


Why? I didn’t ask for help, so why are you here? Why? I didn’t give up, so who are you to judge me? Why? I didn’t close my eyes, so what right do you have to look down on me?

             ‘Hahahaha.....’       ‘Hahahaha.....’

‘Hahahaha.....’          ‘Hahahaha.....’


Hahahaha.....’          ‘Hahahaha.....’


So, why?....

“Y-you DAMN BITCH.... why are you, an unrelated bystander, JUDGING ME?...”

Grit teeth.

“W-why are you... an OUTSIDER, looking down ON ME?....”

Clenching fist.

“W-why, Haa?... just...”


Screaming as I say so, I ignore everything happening around me, and then with my utmost focus spent on hearing the voice’s answer, I listen, when suddenly...

The echoing laughter stopped.


And as if finally deciding to answer me, she, the unknown bystander, has...

‘why, you said?’



“Because I can.”


She has suddenly spoken to me.


“Because I can.”


Suddenly, hearing her whispering in my ear... I jump surprised, but...

Looking around.

But there is no one here, in this small she-... well, sphere, yes, there is no one but me inside this small sphere, so how?

No, is How even the right question, or should it be Where? maybe Who?

Look around confused.


Saying so, I grit my teeth, while vigilantly looking around me, but.....

There is nothing...

CraCk. cRacK. CrAcK.

Well, ignoring the barrier that’s cracking with each passing second, the weird black wraiths clawing on it from outside, and this weird sense of exhaustion.... then, yeah... there is nothing...

And knowing that, I once again look around me.... just in case.... but, there is nothing, and so...


And so, I sigh, giving up on thinking before again...

Inhale. Exhale.

Taking a deep breath and calming myself.

Still, this is weird... I mean, there is no air in here, I am sure of it... so, how? Just how am I breathing?


Well, whatever. Thinking so and feeling my wrath and nervousness calming down a little, I raise my head glancing toward nothing in particular, before then glancing at my sword in the middle of this sphere, and...

“so, what do you want?”

Glancing at my sword in the middle of this sphere, and asking the now-silent voice for what’s been bothering me for a while.


‘Me? From you?’

‘well, nothing, of course.’

‘.... or at least, for now.’

Nothing... for now? Well, that’s giving me a bad feeling, but leaving that aside... if she has nothing for now, then why...

“then why are you sudde-...”

‘For the sake of privacy, of course.’

"p-privacy? What do you mean b-...”

‘that’s not important for now.’

Saying so, the voice cut me mid-sentence, and then without giving me a chance to respond, she...

‘Instead, you should focus on your current situation.’

She resumes.

‘and escape this Oblivion first...’

Oblivion? Is this the name of this place?

Thinking so, and feeling some of my confusion clearing, I calm down listening to the bystander’s next words, when suddenly...


“your flimsy barrier will break.”


When suddenly, her gentle whisper, once again ring in my ear, startling me, as I...

Jump in place.



Suddenly hearing her whispering in my ear, I am again startled, as I once again jump in the middle of this sphere looking around me, but...

There is nothing.... again, dammit.

‘so that was it with my greeting’

“.... Ha?

Wait, greeting?

“What do y-”

‘so see you later, and if YOU need me...’

‘then be sure to call me’

Saying so, the bystander’s voice abruptly grew silent, but...

“how am I supposed to call you?.....”

“Hey... you there?”

“Heeeeyyy.... anybody home?”

Oh, shit. Thinking so, I glance at the barrier around me, breaking and fixing itself silently, while also feeling utter confusion at what’s happening, and at how the voice has just one-sidedly spoken and disappeared, leaving me confused AND alone......



“so.... what now?....”

Saying so, I am still utterly confused, but... I guess it’s time to move on..... maybe?


“I am completely confused, dammit.”

Saying so, I raise my eyes, once again looking silently at my sword in the middle of this sphere as it silently floats...

And, I guess it’s time to see what this is about...

Thinking so, I calm down my mind, and then focusing on the weird nagging feeling in my mind, I stretch my hand, when......


Suddenly, the sword float.... to my hand?

“so, I was right.....”

Saying so, I confusedly stare at my sword, feeling my mind getting a little clearer...

After all, for a while now it was bothering me.... the sword floating there, the exhaustion I am feeling, and her words as she called it my barrier, but...

“Guess, it really was.... mine?”

Confusedly saying so, I once again look at my sword.... or to be specific, I look at the weird purple light diffusing from it, and into my surrounding, as I...


Grip its handle.