2_ ch 34: A. Flower vs. Vampire, and Extra Stuff
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34. A: Flower vs. Vampire, and Extra Stuff

Vampire... Sometimes, I was called so, you know? I mean, considering my physical and mental abilities higher than the norm, my skin’s extreme sensitivity to sunlight, my love for high places, and my loner tendencies? Yeah, I can see where that comes from, even if it’s a little different from the truth, but anyway...

Vampire.... through my life I was called so many times, BUT even so, I have NEVER in my life been called a Zombie. Never, okay?

And so, I am really confused, right now...

Hmm? You are asking, why am I confused?

Oh well, that’s ‘cause for some mysterious reason, a certain plant is...

“a certain plant is locking its eyes on me, ready to shoot me down....”

Saying so, I take a step to the side while observing the pink flower, and...



And for some reason, it keeps following me with its eyes.... without doing anything, it just keeps following me with its eyes, and so...

I take another step.... and another, moving from its range of vision, but...

“kyuu?... ??... kyuu?...”

Look around.

“kyuuu!!.... kyuuu!!....”

But for some reason, the flower just keeps looking around it, until it finds me.... how weird...

Thinking so, I keep moving around the rock lizard, ignoring its twitching body, as it futilely attempts to move, and through the whole time..... that pink flower keeps staring at me...

Honestly? It’s a cute scene... if not for the disgusting, sticky feeling its gaze gives me...

It really feels disgusting.... even more so than the lizard’s previous real form, and so...

I am really not comfortable with this flower and its sticky gaze...

-Pinkflower lv4: A suspicious cute flower, with a weird Aura around it. Feel weird, feel dangerous, and feel disgusting. Though on the other hand, it’s cute. Suspiciously cute. As if intentionally cute. And so, it’s probably not edible. Instead, kill it, yeah, we should kill it. Right now, kill it. And get rid of its disgusting gaze.-


atk : 15--20

def : 9

agi : 42 -- 31 -

I mean, see? Even Observer shares my opinion.... and so, it’s really weird...

“this flower....”

Though the other weird thing is the fact that a single flower can actually have a defence of 9... I mean, seriously? 9? a whole 9? even I had only 10 at level 1, you know?

“so how can a flower, with nothing but a cute appearance have whole 9 points of defence....”

“that’s just weird....”

Though speaking of defence...

-Rock Dinosaur lv4: it’s an ugly, eyeless dinosaur covered in rocks. Pretty plain, actually. Nothing notable, except for it being ugly. We hate it.-


atk : 23 -- 30

def : 290 -- 256

agi : 98 -- 56 -

Though speaking of defence...

“here is the specialist...”

Sarcastically saying so, I smile while looking at the dying lizard lying down, as it finally...

Succeed in flipping back on its feet...

“But.... you don’t seem fine, buddy...”

Smiling and saying so, I can’t help but glance at the lizard’s shoulder, and its wound barely closing.... after all, it seems what I thought was right...

Hmmm? Oh? You are curious about what I mean, ha?

Well, it’s nothing great, actually. I mean, it was just random speculation of mine concerning defence that I come up with when trashing this guy around...

And as you see, this guy here, has a relatively high stat of defence, right?

So high, that even when I managed to redirect its obvious attack, sending it in a crashing course through trees.... it still didn’t get hurt. No, forget getting hurt, the guy just flipped in place ignoring everything that just happened, and repeated the same pattern of attack, you know?

Though again, with a skin of rocks, high stat of defence, and surprising agility stat? Yeah, even I would have done the same...

And because I thought so, I really felt curious you see...

“about the weakness of such fighting style, and so....”

“here we are....”

And so, here we are with my discoveries.

First, high defence seems to negate shocks, and so even when the rock-dino crashed, it didn’t feel shit.

Second, defence is a skill, and so as long as this rock-dino is taken by surprise, like for example, suddenly slamming it to ground instead of throwing it to trees, then my attack will have more chances to pass. Though the result will probably be better if the target was distracted or unconscious, I guess.

Third, as I learned from my painful dance with the heavy walker before, defence is a skill and so, enhancing some part of the body, say the arms for example, instead of the whole body is possible, but even then it’s limited, so don’t think your cheekbones will survive many punches from a 20-something meter monster.

And finally, fourth, defence, as previously mentioned in the manual, is not a constant value nor is it uniform through the whole body, and so, if you were for example to attack the eyes instead of the arms then your attack will probably have a better result. Though in this case here, the rock-dino don’t have eyes and so, I had to look for a better weak point and guess what?

I found it.... a different weak point for the defence skill and probably even for most armor and armored creatures...

Hm? Oh, you got it too? What? You didn’t?


What am I expecting here..... Really.

So anyway, the weak point of armor, I mentioned is...


And even if the defence stat is high, even so, that weak point will still exist, if not become more deadly, because as I said before.....

“Defence seems to negate shocks...”

But defence is not uniformal, and so what do you think happens, when instead of the whole body getting affected by shock only the weak joints are affected?


Weakly growl.

Well, the answer is obvious, No? It’s joint dislocation.... that’s what will happen.

Especially when each additional level of defence acquired only widens that gap between body parts more. And so, do you see it now?

The best and simplest method for hunting down all those of giant size or high defence, be it Titans, Kaijus, or even Mechas, hmm? Do you see it?

‘Cause, it’s obvious...

That method is...

“to attack the joint in one sudden but powerful move....”

And instead of aiming for breaking the bones or cutting the flesh, to only aim for dislocating the joint.

Because the moment you do so, not only will you temporarily disable a limb, but you will also be able to create a strong distraction in the form of extreme pain...

And so, that’s it.


“instead of aiming to kill a creature with unbreakable defence, all you have to do....”

Is to torture it, torment it, and to...

“Make it wish for death”

“right, cutie?”

Smiling and saying so, I smile glancing at the flower atop the lizard’s head, but...


But contrary to the sudden moment of attention I felt from it a moment ago, it seems to be back to normal now.

How weird.


But weird or not, I guess I will think about that later after I am done with my current priorities...

Thinking so, I lower my vision and look at the giant lizard in front of me, as it stands unsteadily, probably preparing to attack again.

Only this time, I don’t waste time, and so...


And so, with the smile on my face disappearing, I suddenly take a step ahead, as I...


Disappear from my place.

Only to then...


Lightning spark.

Reappear holding my halberd atop the lizard’s shoulder, as I...





As I mercilessly decapitate it.