#4 – Friendship Launch
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<Roi POV>

I was pretty surprised that Sakura was walking with me to science class right now. But I guess it kinda makes sense because we both have class together, but nothing wrong with the circumstances one could assume.

"You ready for science today?" I casually ask Sakura as we make our way to class. As we are walking I notice a lot of people giving us weird stares, but more specifically directed at me.

"Yea, I'm pretty excited because I heard from my friend Yuki that we have a new seating chart so that's always fun," Sakura tells me as she looks up at me.

"Hey, uhh, I know this is random but are you alright walking to class with me, because people might get the wrong idea," I say to her while scanning at the people who are giving me envious glares.  

"It's no problem at all, why? Are you ashamed of me Roi?" She says in a teasing manner. She then grabs one of my arms and whispers to me, "What if I like the stares from the others?" she then looks at me with a smirk. 

"Okay buddyyyyy, didn't think a girl like you to try and embarrass others," I chuckle while gently removing her arm from it being wrapped around mine. "You really did everyone's attention with that little move though," I say while everyone's face was beat red, this isn't too good on my part especially because we don't have feelings for each other. Also I never really talked to her until today so I don't need people getting the wrong idea.

"If I was any one of these guys and you pulled off, my heart would probably explode but I totally see that charm people see in you Sakura," I tell her without looking at her but she didn't respond she just had a small smile on her face. 

After a little bit more chit chat we finally reached our science class. We both made our way in and all eyes fell in on us, well more mainly on Sakura. Since we are getting new seats I assume everyone was looking at her in hopes that somehow the teacher would place them with Sakura. Don't know what the big deal is anyway, it's just a seat.

The science teacher then came into the classroom causing everyone to stand up and wait for our teacher to make his announcements. "Alright everyone, we are changing the seating chart for the class. Whoever is the person sitting next to you is your partner for the science presentation so once everyone gets their new seats I will explain the project." Our science teacher told us as he sat at his desk.

To summarize what happened everyone got their partner and I got seated next to and partners with Sakura Mori herself. Pretty funny how last year and a good chunk of this year I have said no more than ten words to her and now we are having mini conversations. But for the project itself, it's a physics project, so that's pretty lame but I have a good idea to propose to Sakura for our presentation. 

"So any ideas as for what we should do for our presentation?" Sakura ask me while resting her face on her hand

"I do actually but I don't know if you are gonna like it. I think it will be fun and pretty easy overall which could get us a good grade," I tell her while leaning back in my chair.

"Well what is it?" she responds.

"Why don't we make a potato bazooka. We can track the distance of how far our potato shoots, it's simple, funny, and something unique," I propose to her. Honestly, I think it would be very interesting like who wouldn't want to shoot potatoes from a fake bazooka.

Sakura just looked at me with a confused expression but then sighed, "You know what Roi, why not." she then gave me a soft smile.

This caused me to smile back and say, "See Sakura, I knew you would see the light for my genius idea."

"Well now we got the idea for the project, we need to meet up and work on the project and do trials right?" She asks me sitting up in her chair.

"Uhhhh, are you free this weekend? We could do it at my place because it's just me home anyway so we won't have to worry about bugging anyone's family," I propose to her.

"I don't know how I feel being alone with a boy I don't know too well," Sakura says with a really concerned voice. She's making it seem like I am a predator or something.

"Oh, I'm sorry didn't think about how you felt about tha-" I say but she cuts me off with a small giggle, "I'm just kidding Roi, you seem like a decent enough person to not doing anything perverted to a girl so going to your house is no big issue," 

I really didn't know how to react so all I could do was shake my head, "So when are you free to come over then?" I ask her.

"My friends want to hang out Friday and Saturday so does Sunday work for you?" She asks me.

"Oh yeah, for sure, Sunday is no problem," I simply tell her.

She then does a little clap and says, "Perfect, now give me your phone real quick so I can put my phone number in your contacts, you know just in case anything pops up or I have some questions," She then puts out one hand motioning me to giver her my phone.

"Okay sure," I say as I reach in my pocket and proceed to hand her my phone.

She makes it to my contact list and all of a sudden has a small blush on her face, then she started typing in my phone so I assume it was just her putting in her number that we can use for later conversations. She seems to be done with putting in her number and proceeds to hand me back my phone with a small blush still on her face.

"Is there something wrong Sakura?" I ask while putting my phone back in my pocket.

"I d-d-didn't think you would have so many girls' phone numbers in your contact list," she tells me avoiding eye contact still maintaining her little blush.

That caused me to blush slightly too. I am no big pimp or anything but let's just say I got some game with the ladies, especially during the summer break but that is a story for another time. 

"Oh, yea, haha, about that Sakur-" just as I was about to come up with something the bell rang signaling that the school day was officially over cutting me off. But before I could say anything else to her so many people began to swarm her asking if they could make plans with her this weekend. So I took this as my queue to leave the scene and start heading my way home. 

This was certainly an interesting day, that's for sure.