Chapter 86 – Dog bowls.
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Fishing, huh... Can't say I've ever been. Seems interesting, though. I mean, fish kinda creep me out, and the whole thing seems incredibly tedious, but, from what I've heard, fishing is really more about being in nature and inner peace and crap. All that said, I'm not quite sure I'd have the patience for it. I guess I could probably watch a show or bring a book or something (or, at least, could have, before, y'know.) so that I could kill time until something interesting happens, but, I'd wager that it'd only be a matter of time before I just end up reading near water and weird slimy, scaly creatures whose eyes are simultaneously uncomfortably big and uncomfortably small. 

Eh. Gross. Don't like fish. 

I guess they taste okay, though. 

Wait a sec, now that I'm thinking about it, 15 coin just for fishing seems kinda...

"Elaborate." I said, a little suspicious. 

"Well, uh..." She pulled out the sheet, and flipped it around a bit. "Okay, so, looks like we gotta go to this weird lake in the middle of nowhere, catch some weird fish, and harvest a bunch of incredibly specific parts from it, taking care not to damage anything of them in the process, also making sure to not accidentally catch a similar looking fish, because they tend to explode when opened." She spoke quickly, seemingly eager to get moving. Her transition from vague apathy to childlike excitement is giving me whiplash. Wait, is it right to say childlike? 'Cus-  

Wait, what? "E-explode?" I've had enough of exploding animals! Well, I guess I've only directly encountered 1, but that's 1 too many, frankly.

"Oh, it's not anything to worry about. It's not super dangerous, it'll just get you all dirty and make you smell bad for a while. The only real damage they could do is giving you tinnitus, but you'd need, like, a dozen at once." They explained. 

"Does 'getting dirty' mean being covered in fish guts, in this case?" I asked, even though I think I know the answer. 

"I guess." 


They continued, "But fret not, I should be able to differentiate between the two. Most of this sheet is just instructions on how to do to do that. Not that I wouldn't be able to figure it out myself, mind you."

"Uhuh... Wait, will we even be able to do this? I don't know how to fish." 

"Don't worry about that, I can take care of it." 

Wait, does she actually fish? I guess I should have assumed that, given how this conversation. And her clothes, I guess, but, honestly, I just assumed she took after her father, and wore weird crap for no reason. "Oh, okay. Do you have all the... Fishing stuff?"

"Yeah, I got everything." They said, alluding to the many pouches and pockets scattered about her clothes.

"Alright. Where should I drop us?" I said, putting my hands together. 

"Uh, lemme check..." She flipped the sheet around, revealing a crudely drawn and mostly faded map. And by 'map', I mean two circles, a line, and some words pasted seemingly randomly here and there. She flipped the sheet around again, and began scanning the text on that side. I guess there's more detailed instructions on the front, or something. "A little ways down the main road. Left of the gate."

"Ok." I created a small hole way above the road, and poked my head through, to make sure nobody was watching. There was some dudes on horseback trotting down the way, and a few other people further down the road, as well. I waited a moment, for the horse guys to pass, and moved the hole down behind a convenient bush a little ways from the road. That ought to be good enough, I wager. We stepped through, and the immortal began scanning the area around. 

"Kay, looks like we gotta..." She squinted as she inspected the sheet for a moment. "Okay, so the towns there... So that's gonna be... Ah, over there." She pointed over at a seemingly seldom used dirt road, just a little down the way. I'm pretty sure I've passed this place a couple times, but I don't think I've ever noticed this path. It's more than a little overgrown.

Regardless, the two of us began making our way down the path. 


Another nice day today.

My head naturally drifted towards the mountains. I couldn't see them from here, but...

I wonder what S is doing right now... 

I hope he's safe...


The immortal was still holding the sheet as we walked, kinda like how someone in a car would hold a map. That feels like a tripping hazard, but, honestly, I think that a scraped knee probably doesn't mean all that much to an immortal.

Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, since my anatomy's all weird, what would happen if I skinned my knee? Do my wounds heal as normal? Actually, how does my body's natural healing process work, anyways? 'Cus, since I'm missing most of my organs, that probably affects something, somewhere, right? Does my body still heal naturally? Ever since I came to this world, I've always just got fixed by healing magic, so I don't really know. How would that even work, anyways? 

Well, good thing I don't know enough about anatomy to be seriously concerned about that. Dying mid education has its advantages. 


As we made our way down the dirt road, the immortal began to periodically scan the area every so often, in between staring at the sheet. 

Y'know, immortal or otherwise, I kinda feel bad about making someone younger than me navigate for the both of us. 

"Whatcha lookin' for?" I asked. I figure that keeping an eye out for whatever she's looking for is the least I can do.  

"Oh, uh, the entrance to the place. I guess I should probably explain. The place we're going is part of a dungeon." She said. 

"That's unnerving." 

"Don't worry, I've seen the place from Up There. They're mostly disconnected from each other, and, according to this, crap rarely leaks out of the dungeon." She said, before quietly adding "Hehe. Crap leaking." 

'I'll just forget that I heard that.' I told myself, pretending that I didn't have to hold back a chuckle.

She continued. "Anyways, there's a bit apparently a puzzle we'd have to solve to get in, but, fortunately, the solution's on this sheet. Only thing we have to do is find the stone that marks the correct entrance." 

"Oh. Is there, like, a set of doors or something?"

"No. See those hills up ahead?"

This path rather abruptly ends at the foot of a bunch of weirdly steep and tall hills. It looks rather odd, the ground just sort of abruptly shoots up and down and back up again over and over. Kinda like a bunch of big, grassy, lowercase m's. 

I nodded. They're pretty hard to miss.

"Well, one of them's got a secret entrance or something. Lets you get in the ring of hills, which is where we're headed, if you have the code. From above, the place kinda looks like one of those weird dog bowls. Ya know, the ones that are, like, 2 bowls, but connected."

"Wha? Wait, hold on." I put my hands together, and created the holes, and threw one way up above the weird hill structure. I peeked my head through the hole next to me.

Huh. It does kinda look like one of those weird dog bowls. The hills all kinda converge to make two rings, one's got this massive lake, which itself is surrounded by sand, or something. All I can see in the other ring is a big slab of stone, which I presume is where the dungeon is. 

"Oh, neat." I said, taking my head out and getting rid of the holes. 



We continued walking for a while, both of us keeping an eye out for that rock. 

"Does the sheet say where the rock is?" I asked.

"No, not really, only that it's 'near the entrance.' I don't really know what they mean by 'near', though. There's a spot on the map, but it's not very helpful." She said. 

"Ah." I said. Yeah, that doesn't feel like nearly enough information. "Wait, why didn't they just say which hill is the correct one? Like, 'Two humps to the left' or something."

"No idea. Maybe it changes? But then, you'd think the combination would change, too." 




"Hey, maybe we should check those comically large bushes we're about to pass." I suggested, as we came upon some comically large bushes. They looked rather suspicious, not only because of their size, (comically large), but because they were directly across from each other, on either side of the path, and entirely identical. It looked like they had been placed there intentionally.  That'd be a good place to hide the directions to a dungeon entrance, I wager. 

"Oh, uh, yeah." She replied. She seemed suspicious of the bushes as well. 

Thus, we went to investigate the comically large bushes. I took the one on the right, because I was walking on the right, and she took the one to the left, because she was walking to the left of me. 

As I got close to the bush, I took great care in making sure that I wasn't about to step in, like, a bunch of thorns or whatever. Well, by 'great care', I mean that I pushed some leaves aside and scanned the bush for, like, a second. Anyways, once I was relatively certain that the bush was safe, I walked in (because the bush was large enough to allow that), and began looking around. It was kinda hard to see in there, with all the leaves and such. Regardless, I kept my gaze trained on the ground, searching for any weird looking stone.

Unfortunately, as I was pretty distracted by this, I accidentally walked into someone. Seems like I bumped into some older dude's arm.

"Oh, uh, sorry." I said. 

"Uh, yeah, don't worry about it." A gruff voice said.

I swiftly exited the bush, feeling a little embarrassed. 


Hold on, that's pretty suspicious, isn't it?

I poked my head back into the bush.

"Wait, why are you just standing here, in a bush, in the middle of nowhere?" I asked.

"Uhhh... Bush... inspector- ah hell, you know what, let's skip this part." They mumbled, angrily, as their arm reached across their body as if to grasp a sword at their side. 

Ah! That can't be good! I pulled my head out of the bush, and backed away, quickly using the holes to grab my sickles. In my haste, I grabbed 2, even though it probably would've been wiser to just grab 1. 

As I was backing away, a figure emerged from the bush. He was tall, and quite tough looking. Clad head to toe in some equally tough looking leathers. He even had leather gloves and shoes. The only part of his body that wasn't covered in leather was his face, which bore a killer mustache. 

"Look, kid, I ain't wanna hurt ya." He said, surprisingly calmly, despite holding that sword in his left hand. Oh, hey, he's left handed. Neat. Anyways, his sword looked pretty small, compared to the rest of him. "But-"

He was interrupted by some freaky, raspy laughter coming from the other bush.

"Wh- Oh, that idiot!" The man angrily shouted, his attention momentarily diverted over to the other bush. He looked back over at me, and with a stern look on his face, opened his mouth to say something-

But was interrupted by more laughter. This time, it was the laughter of a young girl, as if they were getting tickled. 

Eh? What?