Chapter 128 – Someone else’s goodnight?
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The 5 of us, plus the mutt, sat around the cackling fire. 

Noble and Pinky are still chattin'. Simple pleasantries, probably. 'Course, for us, that amounts to little more than a string of insults hurled at each other with such little passion it'd get mistaken as a comedy routine from civilized people. 

The freak in the wood suit and the mutt are already asleep. Have been for a while, prolly. 

The new guy, I been callin' 'im 'Eskimo', is... Not sure, really. Can't see what he's up to for shit, under all that junk he's wearing. Ain't even sure if he's a he. Not sure if they've said a single word since they joined up with us. Always sittin' there, hand hoverin' round their wand, as if we were gonna kill 'im the second he turned his back. Wont lie, I've considered it. But the boss wouldn't like it. 

Night was dark. Lotta stars. Guess its prolly like that a lot, way out here, middle a frickin' nowhere. Can't remember the last time I looked up at a sky like this. Guess I ain't ever thought about it.

I been thinkin' 'bout a lotta things, lately. Ever since... 

It's been... How many days since then? A few, I guess. 

Since I met that... Monster. Gods, if I ever see anything like that thing again, it'll be too bloody soon...

Been an eventful few days, since then.

Still don't know how I ended up there. Not sure why that thing let me live, either. Maybe it don't eat humans... Gods, I don't wanna know what it does eat... 

I awoke, that day, where was I... Oh, yeah, 'twas in a forest. Lotta trees. Lost most of my knives. Even now, I've got barely a dozen. I was on the ground, lookin' up at some kid in a stupid toy mask. 'Least I think they were a kid, given the mask, and their size. Prolly mid teens. Quite the talkative little brat they were. And a damn good healer. 

Not sure why I talked to 'em for so long... Shock, prolly. They sure asked a lotta questions. Surprisingly, I answered most. Even told 'em about boss, 'bout where we were s'possed to meet up. I wonder if they ever at least considered meetin' up with us. Can't help but wonder if I'll ever see 'em again... Guess I won't know, since they had that mask on the whole time. Not what happened to 'em, to be honest. I blacked out again, when I awoke... Actually, pretty fuzzy 'round there... Know I met up with the boss again, at some point. 

I know I was happy... Damn happy. Maybe the happiest I'd ever been. Not sure how long it had been since I last felt safe... He didn't let me relish in it for long, though, got us back to work right quick.

Spent the next while meetin' up with everyone still with us after we defected. Which was to say, me and Pinkie. S'posse Noble was still on payroll, too. Then, boss insisted we go around, get some new guys, quick as we can. That's how we ended up with that wood freak and the Eskimo. That mutt too, I guess.

I couldn't help but think, the boss said it was mostly just luck, but... I dunno, somethin' 'bout it all seemed kinda intentional, like he wanted 'em in particular. But I'm not gonna second guess the boss. It ain't my place.

Speakin' of, the boss disappeared a lot durrin' that time. He'd always had a tendency to do that, but it was more than usual, I think. If I had to guess, he's schemin' somethin' big time. Prolly the same reason he had us defect. He still hasn't told us why. But I'm sure it'll come in due time. I trust 'im. Have to, really. 

Once we got our shabby little crew built up, well, after that it was a lotta hijacking dumbass caravans. The boss wanted to get down there, and fast. Don't know why.

Come to think about it, actually... Did I ever tell 'im bout that place? Guess, maybe I did during that fuzzy time... Yeah, that's prolly it. 

But why're we goin' down there? Wouldn't that make 'im wanna stay away? Not like there's anythin' worth grabbin' down there, s'pecially since it's so outa the way. 

. . .

Yeah, I just can't think of it. 

S'posse I'll ask. Gotta get up and say goodnight to 'im, anyways. 

Let's see... Where is he... He was actin' mighty distraught earlier. Actually made us set up camp a lil early. Didn't say what had him in such a twist, just to set up and not disturb 'im, then he disappeared off somewhere. Think he's back by now, though. 

Ah, there he is. Sittin' in the darkness over there, lookin' off somewhere, like usual. Looks like whatever had him all screwed up's all done.

I got up, walked over to him. 

I kept my eyes on the ground as I walked. Truth be told, I haven't been able to look him in the eyes since... Since that thing... I don't have the right to, after letting it continue to roam free. 

"Hey, boss. I gotta question, if ya don't mind." I said, once I was close enough to talk without wakin' anyone.

I think I saw the bosses head turn to me, just a little. "Shoot."


Just like that?

Guess he's in a good mood tonight. Looks like whatever was ailin' 'im turned out well. That's good to hear.

"Why're we-" I began, but I got distracted. I couldn't help but notice, somethin' was missin'... "Where's your ax?"

"Hmm?" The boss said. "Oh. That. Lost 'em. It's no matter. I've no need for 'em anymore." 

"But you've always used those axes, said you didn't like other-"

"I said, I've no need for 'em anymore."

A shiver ran down my spine. "O-of course, boss." Yep, that's our boss! Ever adaptable, never stuck in the past. "S-sorry, that's uhm..."

I took a deep breath. I didn't want to waste his time. It was valuable. "What I wanted to know is, why're we goin' down there so fast? I-Is there-"

"You'll find out. Wait." 

"Right. Of course, boss, sorry." 

We stood still, in the darkness, for a bit. I debated whether or not to ask... I might not get another shot like this...

"H-hey, boss, did I tell you... Down there, about the monster, I-"

"I said, wait."

The bosses head turned to me. I couldn't see them, but I could feel his eyes on me. Staring at me. Into me. Through me. My heart ran faster than the horses. My breathing became rough, heavy. My thoughts stopped. Instinctively, I went to my knees, and glued my eyes to the floor.

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

"You may go." The boss said. "Get some rest. We'll be busy tomorrow." 

Thought returned to me. I stood up as soon as I could. 

"O-of course, boss. S-sorr-"

"Don't apologize. Rest."

I opened my mouth to speak, but I instead nodded, and began making my way back to my spot near the fire.

"G'night." Boss said.


Did... Did I hear that right?

No. Surely not.

. . .

Well, just in case...

"G'night, boss." I said before I returned to the fire. 

We're about a day away, now. 

Basenholm... I don't know what you've got, why we're goin', but it ain't gonna just be me this time... Oh, no it ain't. 

We're coming. Boss is coming.

Monster or not... It's over. 

You'll all be sent to that same place that thing came from... Soon, soon enough... 

With a newfound passion and excitement, I gleefully sharpened my blades for a while before I fell asleep, blanketed by the stars high above.