Chapter 131 – An “Interdimensional Unicorn”, huh.
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"Well, it's about midday now. Guild hall should be done processing the thing, or whatever." I said as Sis and I walked through town. I talked quieter than I normally would, 'cus we were getting more weird looks from people than usual today. Though, come to think of it, maybe vague whispering only exacerbated the problem. 

"Yeah. Probably." Sis said, he gaze still fixed on my now fully covered leg. 

"Guess we should... Head there, then. Yeah." 

. . .

"Uh, what was up with that thing, anyways?" I asked, partially to make conversation, in attempt to distract her from whatever she was currently doing, and partly because I was genuinely curious. "The horse thingy, I mean." 

"Interdimensional unicorn." She said, as if that explained anything.

"Uh, wait, s-sorry, I know I asked, but is this something you should be discussing in public?"

"I don't really care."


. . .

"Wait, unicorn? But I thought it had several horns?" Also, it was actually a unicorn? Unicorns exist, here? That's pretty cool. 

"All fakes, little more than paper mache. Except one." 

"Is that the one-"


"Huh. What happened to it? The horse- er, 'unicorn,' I mean." 


I stopped dead in my tracks, for a moment.

"D-dead?" I know we've killed animals before, but... That thing was mostly sapient, right? Though, I guess I'm hardly one to-

"Kinda. They're dead, but they'll not be dead." 

"Oh." Whew. That's reassuring. I'd feel kinda weird about selling the body parts of a dead creature like that. It'd be kinda like selling a dude's eyes, or something. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, it feels weird whether they're dead or not... Maybe it's weirder if they're not dead, actually... Ah well, what's done is done. "So, they, like, immortal, or..."

"Nah. They ain't like me." Sis said, plainly, for anyone in earshot to hear. It was at this point that I noticed the looks we were getting from the crowd grew from confused to mildly concerned and afraid. "But they can't fully die outside their native reality, at least."

"I see." I said. I didn't really get it, but I didn't want to attract too much more attention. Though, there was still one thing that I thought was curious about. "Think we'll ever meet 'em again?"

Sis shrugged, though her head didn't move at all. "It's possible. Probably not, though." 

"Think they'll want revenge?"

Sis didn't say anything, for a moment. Probably thinking about something, I wager. 

"No. I doubt it." She said, with a sort of tone to her voice I couldn't quite place. 

"That's good." I said. I felt like I should have maybe said more, but that's all I came up with, at the time. 

It didn't take long after our little conversation for us to once again arrive at the guild hall. As we went in, to my surprise, not only was the usual guild lady there, but so was Pat. She even looked marginally more sober than usual. Not, like, a normal, functioning person level of sober, but... Well, more sober, anyways. 

Given their irritated, mostly incoherent mumbling, and the fact that they're holding their hip flask upside down, empty, I imagine the bartender cut her off. Probably a good call. 

Initially, she didn't seem to notice us come in, and was just kinda staring at the the ground, all blankly and stuff. 

Though, that didn't last long, as after a brief moment, her head shot up at me, almost like she'd been uppercut, or something. 

"Aye, you! Eye boy! I was just thinkin' about you!" She said, though I seriously doubt she was thinking about anything.

"Huhuhduhwuh?" I muttered out in response. 

"I was thinkin', how the hell didja get 'ere last night? Not even gunna mention the storm, but you'da thunk that at least someone woulda seen you at sssome point, rrright? I mean, your entire leg was-"

Somehow, it took her until what I imagine was the very end of her thought before she noticed that Sis was also here. Regardless, she shut up as soon as she did, and a dreadful look grew on her face. You could almost see the gears in her greatly intoxicated head turning. 

"Huh. Just remembered, not technically legally allowed to ask too many questions, so, uh... Yeah." Pat said.

. . .

"I'm gonna... Go stock up on medical supplies." Pat said, and then left behind us without another word. 

I sort of instinctually looked over at Sis, who... Didn't seem phased at all, actually. I don't know why, but that surprised me. 

"Was... Was that the one that healed you, yesterday?" Sis asked. I suppose the lab coat esque robes gave it away. 

"Uh, y-yeah." I said. 

"I see." She said. "They did good."

Whew... I was concerned Sis would be uneasy after seeing them like that, but I'm glad that she's able to separate her skill from her... Demeanor, I guess. "Yeah, they're good."

Despite her declaration that Pat did a good job, Sis continued to stare at my leg. Which, strangely, instead of just thinking of that as weird or concerning, I'm beginning to just be used to it, which is... Something, I guess. I dunno what to think about that. 

. . . 

Anyways, we went up to the desk where the guild lady was. She was still friendly with us, but I could tell she was... Well, I can't imagine it's easy to look at someone like a normal person after you've seen them walk away from logic defying injuries like the ones my body seems to produce. Heck, considering that last one, if it weren't for all that 'spooky stuff' in me, I'd be, like, super dead right now. Mega dead. 

Honestly, thinking about it, now that all the adrenaline and the shock as subsided... That whole ordeal was pretty freaky. 

. . .

Better not to think about it, then. Yeah. Yeah...

Anyways again, after a brief interaction, the guild lady reached under the counter and plopped a very fine and very large bag of coins onto the desk. It made quite the thud. 

"Uh..." I said in disbelief as I stared at the sack. Eh, phrasing. Whatever. "Is... That the correct amount?"

"Yep. I-I'm sure that's pocket change for you, but 750's the going rate."

. . .

? ? ?


"7... 50?" I asked.


"7... Hundred 50?"

"Uh... Yeah, that one."

"As in... Coins? The golden ones?"

"Uh... Yes, sir."

For what felt like an eternity, I simply stood there, mouth agape, at the sack of coins before me.

That's... Wow. 

I mean, I don't really know what that means, in practice, but, 750 of anything is kinda...



. . .


Wait, what did she mean by 'pocket change?'